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Japanese |
78 |
"Hoshi no Umareru Tokoro" (The Place Where the Planets Were Born) |
Production: 3/1/05 |
French |
78 |
"La Renaissance des Planètes" (The Rebirth of Planets) |
English |
78 |
"So Long Sonic" | 5/6/06 |
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- This dub episode starts off at 9:27 in the original Japanese version. See, the Japanese episode starts off with what life is like after they return home from the events in Episode 77, and the showing of the actual events that took place right after Episode 77 ended (beginning at 9:27) are supposedly a flashback. However, the dub begins the episode with this flashback, making it not so much of a flashback anymore. This makes the dub episode go in chronological order. - When Tails screams Cosmo's name, in the original it was extremely loud, saddening, and bone-chilling, but the dub Tails just doesn't yell as loud and madly enough. What's worse, a horrible multiple echo effect is used. - Dub Lucus and Hertia speak during the odd tree-background scene where Lucus touches Hertia's hand, with the multiple echo effect. Not a word was spoken in the original. The dub has the two talking about a second chance, how Lucus brought pain to his people, but that everyone is at peace now. - When Super Sonic and Super Shadow throw their energy balls at the area where the planet was, they originally say "Chaos Regeneration!", but in the dub...it's "Chaos Control". ;_; - Originally Cosmo when Cosmo is in that yellow background, says she's felt this light before, and it's warm but also sad. The dub talks more about Cosmo's spreading of her seeds (I love that line) throughout the galaxy. - The Egg Driver is "renamed" to Egg Drive. Small change, but yeah - Shadow makes a quick jab at Sonic's Chaos Control being "horrible" when he knocks him out. Dub Shadow says he doesn't want Sonic to hurt himself. - A little animation change. After Shadow uses Chaos Control, Vector talks, and then Charmy. In the original, Vector's mouth stays open while Charmy talks, but in the dub it's closed. - After the group discuss Shadow using Chaos Control, Rouge leans forward a bit and speaks. In the dub, she doesn't move, and yet speaks. Animation change. Minor. Yet, I must note it. - As Sonic approaches Tails near the destroyed Sonic Driver, Dub Tails says...he knows Sonic's mad at him. What? Why is Sonic mad at him? In the original, he goes "Sonic...umm". - Right after the above note, Dub Tails doesn't blame Sonic for what happened. He just says how Cosmo was his friend and blah blah blah. In the original, he goes "It's a lie! Just a second ago that was Cosmo! Voice...her voice! Sonic...Sonic, I thought you would have saved her...I believed in you...I BELIEVED IN YOU!!! *bawls out crying*". Dub Tails is a bit light on the crying. - Dub Eggman tells Decoe/Bocoe/Bokkun to take a picture of him with the Planet Eggs streaming by. Dub Bocoe said they used up the camera batteries to send power to the Sonic Driver. In the original...: - At this point, the dub episode skips back from 16:26 to 8:32. - Finally, at 9:08, a 20-second bunch of NEW scenes/flashbacks are inserted by 4kids. This is right after the dub comes back from commercials and shows Rouge looking at Knuckles sleeping next to the Master Emerald. - At this point, the episode has skipped (minus the flashbacks inserted by 4kids) from 9:10 to 5:14, where Sonic runs around and Chris speaks with Knuckles. - When Chris is talking to Knuckles about a home, the concept is still the same but in the original Knuckles thinks that people write names on land in Chris' world, and that they would eventually decide who owns the sky and the ocean. Chris explains it and Knuckles says that's really complicated. Chris says he doesn't want to live at Cream's forever. In the dub, Knuckles thinks Chris wants to build his house where the altar/shrine is and Chris says he was thinking about that. Chris says he's really happy everyone's back home. - 20 second cut...extension of the above scene. Knuckles says he's always been sleeping outside and says it's great, but that the rain is troublesome. He says he's the first to feel the change of seasons, the grass is his pillow and the stars his roof. Chris says he prefers a real roof and Knuckles looks annoyed and says "Morning"...eh.
- Skip from 7:14 to 7:34 due to the 20 second cut. - Dub Eggman says his grandfather is "Dr. Robotnik". However, his full name (and TITLE) is "Professor Gerald Robotnik". Just having the words "Dr. Robotnik" said brings me back to good times with the old Sonic shows: Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, SatAM, Sonic Underground, the Sonic OVA... - Right after Rouge leaves the room where Shadow was held, asking where Shadow is, Dub-her thinks "He knows something...", but the original-her thinks nothing. - Eggman's line, right after the above, is changed from "You...have large breasts!" to "Well Rouge, it's time for me to bust a move!" (...what?) - 2 second cut of waves right after the above line. These are the same waves you saw before around this scene. (not scene shortener material, though, since it's an entire scene) - Right after that, a shot of yellow buttons before Eggman pushes them is extended two seconds. - Right after THAT, Eggman shifts the weight of the box in his arms a little bit, moving it just a little, but it re-shifts back to its original position. The dub does not have this shifting. - Some text near the yellow buttons Eggman pushed is erased:
- Eggman's giant glowing slap mark from his remark to Rouge is painted away:
- Time skip from 8:32 to 16:27. - In a random twist, the word "EGG" on Bokkun's bag when comes down to deliver Eggman's letter to Chris is painted away. This has never been done before.
- Japanese Bokkun calls Chris "man-child", and Chris tells him to stop calling him that. - Dub Bokkun pun: "I think this is my most explosive delivery ever, you'll get a real BANG out of it". The origin Bokkun states that he hasn't carried his delivery bag for quite a while. - Dark Oak is originally talking to Sonic while he's under that tree. In the dub, it's Cosmo, but she is NOT the tree. > Dub (Cosmo): "Sonic, send a message to all of my wonderful friends...tell them I'm alright! I am with my mother. We have found a new home filled with peace and tranquility. Harmony reigns here, and we are as one with nature. Tell them all that they are noble and good, and that because of them, the darkness has been vanquished! Tell Tails to look to the trees and the sky...that is where I will be." - During the scene of Eggman saying that he won't know if Chris will be the same age when he uses the Transport Egg (my name for Eggman's egg-shaped machine...Japanese Eggman calls it the "Hurry and Go Home Version 1", but no special name in the dub), there's a 19 second cut. They're talking about Chris leaving in it, and Decoe is holding up a shirt while saying "Will you be 18 again?", Bokkun saying "You may shrink again and become six ", and Bocoe holding a baby getup saying "Or maybe you'll become a baby!", and then saying "So thrilling!", Chris saying he doesn't care if I don't go back to my original age, but I don't want to shrink again...", Eggman saying "Well, what will you do...don't you want to go?"
- 40 second cut right after the above. Chris says he'll trust Eggman/his machine. Bokkun says "Nice way to ruin the mood, idiot", Decoe and Bocoe saying "This scene wasn't supposed to be sad!" and "Are you going to trust a villian?", and Eggman holding up three fingers saying he only have three minutes left [the dub mentions this though]. Chris is like "?!", Decoe says "You heard us right!", Bocoe goes "You can't say goodbye to your friends!", Eggman going "Hey hey, this is nice timing, is it not?", Chris going "I understand", Bokkun going "You've got to be kidding me!" (or "I truely can't believe you" or "You're joking"), "you're going to leave without saying goodbye?", Decoe going "You're so cold", Bocoe going "I'm disappointed!", Chris going "Wait, I'm going to come back", Bokkun going "Uh...are you sure you can trust him?", and Eggman getting mad.
- When Chris is in Eggman's Transport Egg, the Japanese version wonders if him coming here was destiny all along, but dub-Chris wonders if it was a fluke. Originally Eggman says himself reviving Shadow was destiny, as well as Dark Oak's thousand-year-old goals being destiny, but this isn't mentioned in the dub. - Bokkun's "Baka!" ("Idiot") as Chris leaves is changed into "Goodbye!" Japanese Bokkun also mentions he wants Chris to be his minion if he stays (along with Decoe and Bocoe...which they are not happy to be described as such). - Originally what Chris thought everyone would say was more harsh than the dub: - As Sonic is running "along" Chris as the Transport Egg is moving through the air, originally he said nothing but Dub Sonic says "I'll be seeing you Chris!". Also, Dub Sonic grunts with each step he takes...eh. Japanese Sonic didn't. In the Japanese version, the ending song "Hikaru Michi" (The Shining Road) is playing, but the dub continues with its own music. - A horrible SFX is added when the Egg-pod disappears in the sky. It's like in old cartoons where a genie makes something appear/disappear. It sounds pretty awful. - The watercolor shot of Eggman with his mouth open is removed and replaced with one a few frames before that so Eggman's mouth is closed, and the watercolor of Decoe, Bocoe and Bokkun has the same done. In the Japanese version, text showing the character names also appears, but not in the dub. This text is specific to the Japanese version; the French version does not have this. It also appears while Chris was crying:
- A whole bunch of scenes with various characters are removed and replaced with other ones from various episodes, and the dialogue is rewritten:
> Amy's "Really, just give it up already!" is changed to "I have to go warn Sonic!"
> Cream's "He's a nuisance!" is now "Com'on Cheese, our friends need our help!" in what seems like a more unbearably high voice than usual. This dub shot is from onboard the...Typhoon! O_o
> A shot with Rouge closing Bokkun's heart locket is gone, so the dubbies never know whose picture was inside that locket; it was Cream. There is no time loss due to extended Rouge talking.
> Rouge's "I'll tease him!" [apparently with the locket] is now "I guess I'll join in too, this team could use a little glamor", extending her scene by about two seconds.
> Tails' "Everyone aboard, here we go!" is now "Time to rev up the X-Tornado you guys!"
> Sonic's final line, "I won't forgive you, Eggman!" is now "Life never stays slow around here for long, thank goodness! Watch out Eggman, I'm coming at'cha full speed!
- At the end of the episode, Cosmo's text and "SONIC THE HEDGEHOG" [once the light of the Transport Egg disperses] does not appear.
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