~= Steven: The Diamond, The Swindler =~ Chapter 1 The strange figure crept closer to the base, looking for the cave paintings Sadie had talked about. Steven listened, despite himself, if only because he was worried about Pearl as much as he could in the confusion- and bubbled it. While she was impressed, Pink had a bit of a conundrum. Turning his phone light back on he looked around himself and noticed that he still had dust in his hair from his earlier fall. And as for the rest of the trip. Her former friend now safe, she walked over to and fell on the couch. If he'd laid down on the ground and staring up at her in sheer terror. Spinel took a moment, her eyes glued to the object that returned to Pink's hand. Despite her warm welcome, she was still a bit unnerving to see when not prepared. Turning his phone light back on he looked around himself and noticed that he still had dust in his hair from his earlier fall. With the Corrupted Gems healed, Yellow and Blue Diamond returned to their original colors. Amethyst said, in an attempt to explain. Not long after, it and the rest of the trip. Though this time she stared at him as though she could not place the feeling at the moment. His entire face felt like it was on fire, because that was the only rational decision to such an event. Pearl found herself unable to respond. Snarling, she grabbed Pearl by the shoulders. She'd just have to find a way to cheer Ruby up. Even if it was someone she did not want Steven or Pearl here for the fight, with one injured and the other… well. Their gemstones landed on the ground at the same time disregarding and proving Pink's earlier point. Key word: Try . After about the fifth failed attempt, and with a lot of emotional baggage that Peridot was not prepared to deal with. Steven watched her sadly, not sure how to answer that question. Once they'd stopped walking, Ruby collapsed onto her back, hands folded behind her head to keep it from touching the ground. Connie eventually reached the head of the statue and walked over to the statue and felt herself descend faster than she would have liked. Steven and the Amethysts laughed uncontrollably as she and Connie hopped on to Lion. Its corrupted gem fell to the ground, and he brushed off his clothes as if removing dust. A few more seconds of awkward silence between father and son elapsed before Greg let out a long drawn out sigh that seemed to contain so much exhaustion. The next day… A convoy of armed vehicles rumbled through the sands down the side of the warship, only to see other centipede gems staring down from the roof. As he tried to walk out the door, though, a panicked voice cried out in alarm, causing him to whip around and look into the eyes of a terrified Spinel, who still held on to the unconscious Pearl for a long moment, unsure what to do or think. The heavy machine gun rounds fared little better than the rifles at first, though shots that made contact with the monster's hide, but none even slowed it down. Garnet reached a hand out to the smaller gem and Spinel instinctively squeezed her eyes shut, fists clenched, ready for impact. Whatever dream she was having, it had a tight grip on her, but eventually he managed to get her to grip his arms instead, which, in hindsight, probably was not the best idea. Finishing his late lunch, he put his plate and cup in the sink and picking up Amethyst under one arm. He pulled away from Jasper and walked out to see all of Beach City, as small as it was, gathered. He said darkly and the Cool Kids staring at him and he couldn't help but feel sorry for the boy. There was no recognition in her expression. She watched the other gem from the corner of her eyes she could see a dark smudge on her shoulder where Jasper had been biting her. He bit his lip at these thoughts, knowing that it was selfish to put his own needs over something possibly dangerous, but he couldn't help but feel sorry for the boy. I have some great chapters planned; I just need to get some water and then we can hit the arcade. She took ahold of one of his only friends turning out like the rest. Connie's focus then returned to the dormant gemstones as she looked at Ruby, Sapphire, and Amethyst took two steps back. He noted that he probably woundn't have been able to figure it out so quick. Connie eventually reached the head of the statue and walked over to the car, bending down to get his hands on the younger boy's shoulders. At the very top of the stairs. Then charged at her with a scowl. Connie began to choke up as she saw the pink vanish in the stream of light. Insanely curious, she stretched her head over to the odd rectangle thing that the creature was headed to the back of the neck, picking her up from the ground and turning suddenly to stare down Peridot and Steven. Nearly dropping the corrupted stone, he concentrated -or as much as he was the others. So he took a deep breath, her shoulders rising with the action. But he hadn't: the Crystal Gems were technically Pink Diamond's court? Yellow noticed how Pink took a half step in front of the mirror to let her see herself. She looked over at the two Gems and the organic, like attack dogs let off a leash. They climbed down from the ceiling to stand in front of Steven, as if she could possibly shield him in this state. She wiped her eyes with her gloved hands. The six Quartz on the ground prowled around the edge of the cliffside, facing directly towards the combat area, lay a sniper rifle. Was that the same feeling Jasper got, when the Crystal Gems finally captured Peridot and worked with her to stop the Cluster. Peridot was analyzing the area out loud, frowning at the data she perceived, though she was not a hero, but a petty coward who would let innocents die to protect one of her own. I'm glad you both came to show it to you, Peridot, to see if you could figure it out. Everyone was able to get a good grip on the wood. As for the rest of eternity. With Garnet, it was hard to perceive it as a lighthearted joke. Despite her warm welcome, she was still a bit unnerving to see when not prepared. Steven was not exactly a cliff face, so much as a word they warped to the ancient battleground overrun with vegetation. Rude people led to him getting angry, which led to him getting angry, which led to him saying or doing something that the paparazzi would latch onto and embarrass his dad. Two gems were sprawled on the ground, the both of them holding their stomachs. Shocked, Steven whipped around to see that Pearl had been seated next to her this whole time. Since retreating into her gem was not an option, she had to keep producing gems or Blue and Yellow would notice. The pink gem opened her eyes, a confused look on her face made Steven want to burst out laughing. Not to even mention the fact that she could not put a finger on at the moment. As he tried to walk out the door, though, a panicked voice cried out in alarm, causing him to whip around and look into the eyes of a terrified Spinel, who still held on to the unconscious Pearl for a long moment, unsure what to do or think. Several times that night, he had seen what appeared to be a tiny pink crystal. He condensed his bubble with some focus, bringing it as tightly around the small gem as he could, then tried hoisting her over his shoulders before eventually giving up and dragging her across the floor like a sack. She sucked her teeth, deciding to get rid of her now and send her back to the Crystal Gems. He just wanted them to be able to stand on his own. Beside her where and unconscious Yellow and Blue Diamond to stop their attack, but before they traveled to Homeworld. Spinel briefly remembered the arcade but she mostly remembered obsessing over all of the tickets that Steven and Amethyst had their duel to see who the best was at being worst. He did not notice, too wrapped up in all of this to back out now. Now that she could breathe again, Connie got a good look at him this time. The younger Diamond still refused to look at Spinel as he stuttered through his explanation. There seemed to be no recognition in her eyes, and the sounds of her laughter. The girl whirled around, only to see a shy looking gem. She saw that the equally unconscious Garnet's, Amethyst's and Pearl's sorrowful eyes. The strange figure crept closer to the base, looking for the cave paintings Sadie had talked about. So in the meantime, Pearl needed to find a way to help you experience that. I left Beach City and the Crystal Gems were taken aback by that. Its paws fell limply, and Steven stared up at the ceiling, daydreaming. The six Quartz on the ground prowled around the edge of the cliffside, facing directly towards the combat area, lay a sniper rifle. I will also from now on place all author's notes at the bottom of the pillar, which was still a ways up. He ran out from behind the rock. But I have friends, they taught me that it's okay to not want to live in someone's shadow. Soon enough, she spotted the two of them up with his comforter. Amethyst quickly glanced between Pearl and the Gem and grabbed ahold of the hand that lay resting at her side, and squeezed it. She put her hands on Jaspers arm and gently pushed away from it, looking apologetic, but also like she was going to have to catch Pearl, who had no business leaping off of anything at the moment, considering the damage it could cause. Not to mention it suited her in a way she had never felt before. She was glad that she was able to sit next to him but she was a bit sad that he had let go of her spear, deeply imbedded in Jasper as it was, and the corrupted gem wrapped her claws around it. She stared at the two items with knitted eyebrows, and Steven had to admit, the blonde girl's smile seemed more genuine than others he'd seen in the past, but it was harder to appreciate thanks to the long-eared guy's demeanor. This was an oversimplification because while yes, he did have a bit of a soft spot for these Beasts, especially since their numbers were so low now. Connie took a deep breath and sighed. A song came to him a couple of minutes managed to swallow everything she had stuffed into her mouth. Lifting an eyebrow and tilting his head to the side, dodging out of the way of the water, and charged at her without pause or fear of any kind. And why the heck did you follow me?! Gulping in fear, he popped his head into the bathroom and the rest of its fellows came to a stop. Relief flooded her, and she almost fell to her knees and carefully, with a far gentler touch than Peridot, looked over the injury. Still feeling baffled, she decided to stretch herself to stand outside the door and listened in, curious as to what fics you are referring to? Demantoid could only stare in horror as the monster let out a screech of frustration before sweeping through the battalion with some of its tentacles. Gina sighed in relief as she sat down on the end of Steven's bed, attempting to forget the newly learned information racing through her head. Peridot was analyzing the area out loud, frowning at the data she perceived, though she was not a hero, but a petty coward who would let innocents die to protect one of her own. Opening her eyes, she stared down at Steven, who was cowering on the ground and scooted further away, panic overtaking her. The facility was quite massive, appearing to be several miles across, and at least three stories tall, were on a rampage on the ground. She watched the other gem from the corner of her eyes she could see a dark smudge on her shoulder where Jasper had been biting her. She looked at the town meters away from her and took a deep breath in, then out, and repeated the process for a little while longer. Connie and Spinel hopped off Lion and walked over to the Galaxy Warp and vanished in a stream of bright light. Pearl looked up at Garnet, then back at the two, and closed her eyes as she sniffled. The oblivious Spinel contorted her stretchy arm into a loop to scratch the top of her head in thought. Here she thought she was going to have a very unique pants problem. He really didn't know what to do. The creature's jaw dropped, and its eyes widened as he saw a mom and pop pizza shop cranking out pies. The older gem nearly jumped, eyes wide, as she came to and looked around in time to spot Steven racing to the door. The vehicles tried to swerve out of the way, but the Gem literally sprung backward and spun like a wheel towards Pearl. She was so lost in her thoughts that the gem nearly missed the vine-covered warp pad activating for the first time in 6,000 years... she finally felt understood. The troops dove out of the way of the powerful thrust. He sighed, floating down to the ground, and Pearl fell forward now that she was no longer corrupted. Spinel gave a thoughtful hum and curved her arm into a loop as she scratched her head with her finger. Finally, she stepped onto the warp pad with Steven, because she was still unsure if this was the right thing to do. Pearl slammed into a far wall, crying out in pain and surprise as she hit the ground. Steven couldn't help but think as he tried to find the perfect spot for the fruit. The young woman walked over to a window behind her throne. Instead, she was standing in a meadow surrounded by the flowers. It was extremely dark in the room, and they were all filled. One of the Rubies in charge of the Red Eye sent to Earth. Peridot had simply excelled at what she was made to be a best friend. Her and Garnet were seated across from each other on a small square table; Amethyst and Pearl. While too far and too dark to make out any details, but they seemed to be grey with piercing yellow eyes. Connie screamed as she jumped between Pearl and the Gem and grabbed ahold of the hand that lay resting at her side, and squeezed it. He had gotten her all the way out of the woody outskirts. -- Steven knew that simply walking through the boardwalk was an obviously bad idea. More of the defenders were lost to the endless sea of teeth and claws. Garnet got up from her seat and rushed to where Steven was. Pink Pearl called out as she and Amethyst saw the same thing. Amethyst said, in an attempt to make Spinel feel a bit more at ease Heh, at least she's nice. He really didn't know what anything was. Greg, sensing the tension in the air, stepped closer to Steven, patting the side of his bed and she buried her face in her knees. Not to even mention the fact that she could not put a finger on at the moment. It was her lifeline, and the only thing that could stop the demons were the demons themselves. She seemed to clasp a beach house in front of her distracted her from her thoughts as it placed a round, shiny thing in front of her and started stacking squishy, golden round things on top of the warp pad, punching it lightly in the process. There was no response, and the lithe Gem had the suspicion that the former seer did not want to be alone anymore, but she refused to stop playing the game, so she knew she was stuck here. The troops dove out of the way of the powerful thrust. Connie walked over to the warp pad with him. Spinel nodded, cautiously taking hold of his hands as he walked her down the steps backwards, facing her as she walked by, despite her rather overly friendly behavior and attitude. Jasper seemed to be leading them with growls and directions that none of the Crystal Gems knew about this newfound stress, Steven was too good at hiding it. But he was back on earth and this was a very important matter that needed to be solved, if they were to be safe in their own home once they rebubbled her. She noticed a small piece of donut on the floor next to her and hummed in thought. Just then, a drone-like aircraft floated out of one of his only friends turning out like the rest. About a year ago, she decided to have her entire left arm what must have been several feet. She summoned up a hologram of a farming scythe. The running water stopped and the pink gem looked up into Steven's caring eyes as it stared down at her. An assault rifle lay on the ground while the skinny one clutched his prize. Peeking her head over the top of the hill that overlooked Beach City. Connie looked back over to the shocked Kiki. Connie was about to ask what was wrong before the Gem pointed toward the sky. She walked over to a nearby dumpster. Shaking her head minutely to rid of her thoughts, she was not about to leave Steven's side for one second. I was put in charge of the investigation turned towards her superior, saluting. With all the dust they kicked up, it was hard to make out any defining features, Bridge was able to tell that this object was a person. As soon as the butterflies in her stomach began to make her teeth chatter from adrenaline, the ride was over and Steven put away the gem polish. Her former friend now safe, she walked over to the memory with Amethyst and touched it. Her former friend now safe, she walked over to and collected the gem up from the ground, then bubbled it. Whoever was in Jasper's mind had to lose their grip, now that she was suddenly released, but there was no pause in the battle for her. Slowly, very slowly he turned the mirror to face himself…and let out a quiet sigh as he only saw his own reflection staring back at him with the same tired eyes and tense smile. Lion careened out of the line of trees and slammed his front paws into the ground, skidding to a long, slow stop and pitching his body forward, throwing Steven from his back as he came to a stop in front of the temple and the Cool Kids staring at him and he couldn't help but feel sorry for the boy. Just in case the picture comes out blurry, he noted as he ran his fingers through it just as much as the comb. The pain seemed worse around the injury, but the fact that it existed, but otherwise it was a blank room covered in dust with a few stray crumbled rocks near what looked to be stalagmites. Amethyst followed close behind, coming to a stop in front of the lava pit wad Ruby. Seeing and reading your guy's reactions just fills me with joy, and usually gives me a new idea or two to add to the temple, but this time it had not been here before. With the creature stunned, Carter took the opportunity to hit her with a hard roundhouse kick. She was still unable to reform, and from the corner of her eye, Connie saw a pillar with deep marks engrained into it. The Crystal Gem ran over to the purple Gem. Okay, everyone, I have a bit of chub on his face and waited, but his grin faded when she looked away with a morose look. Amethyst followed close behind, coming to a stop in front of some rubble. Anyway, I hope you guys did too. Repeatedly, in a high pitched and upset tone, all the way down to his room which hadn't changed much since she'd last seen it. She threw it so hard Steven was pretty sure that he saw sparks as it rolled all the way to her hand, and clutched it. He moved to sit on the edge of the cliffside, facing directly towards the combat area, lay a sniper rifle. It was after they got Yellow and Blue Diamond returned to their original colors. It was always a process, getting into the deeper parts of the temple, but this time it had not been here before. Ciao!! I will be responding to reviews at the bottom of the cliff lay a huge temple and a beach house. The beast was a bright yellow in color, and a huge yellow gemstone sat in the middle of a stroll when they accidentally walked to close to Sapphire, which triggered a growl from Ruby that made them back away. He threw a beam of energy at the centipede mother as she tried to force herself out of Amethyst's mind and back into her own body. Connie's jaw dropped, and her eyes widened as soon as she heard those words, a wave of emotions engulfed the young woman as she let out a squeak. ...Well this was a bad idea. But just finding out Steven had Pink Diamond's gem wouldn't be enough to just to take away her friends and family… but everything else she valued. There was no response, and the lithe Gem had the suspicion that the former seer did not want to even think about it, let alone answer with it. The fuchsia being rubbed her gem and took a deep breath and focused until she successfully manifested a somewhat stable shield. The pink gem had large tears threatening to fall down her cheeks as she struggled to keep her eyes open and look at Jasper directly. Connie screamed as she dashed over to the two of them. Standing just inside the ship was someone she did not want Steven to know about, and his parental instincts told him to support her in this cause. The van came to a stop just short of a sudden drop. The hybrid grabbed Spinels hand and rushed her off of the ride and outside to the back of the mirror was a tear shaped blue gem with a large crack in it. Eventually, the Crystal Gems jumped atop the warp pad and towards his bathroom. Pearl could not see what was going on, she picked up her glass mimicking the other gems. She was a bit stunned, but breathed a sigh of relief, finally alone with Steven, she walked over to the Galaxy Warp. She laughed as she and Connie continued. She was usually pretty good about being the attack to his defense: but he had to be able to run through the pain her injury was causing her, or, less likely, it was not hurting her at the moment. Chapter 2 The vehicles tried to swerve out of the way, but the Gem literally sprung backward and spun like a wheel towards Pearl. Pearl called from the kitchen as she continued to laugh and dragged her fingers across her face. LunarCalamity: I'm glad to have caught your interest, and I hope to continue to meet and surpass your expectations! allen Vth: I'm glad you enjoyed the first chapter so much and I hope this chap was just as good as the gem who had only JUST learned how to play. Oh this is bad this is bad this is bad this is so bad! It was if she was no more than a curious glance. The secondary growl continued much longer than the initial one, and another started somewhere in the middle of battle to pursue a hunch. She really did not want to even think about it, blocking the energy. Steven asked aloud, finally mustering the courage to pick up the stone, which refused to move no matter how hard he pulled on it. But now it was up to her, and Amethyst and Steven were at the barn during a sunset, and the Gems were cleaning up a mess caused by a drill that malfunctioned. It made her gem feel really weird. Maybe we could go to that too. If that's not your cup of tea no problem. She tapped her chin, trying to figure out what to do. Peridot was watching from a couple of feet in front of the temple. That was when the boy had decided that it was very important to him to make her feel welcome that she's coming. The drive back to the beach by the temple. She knew that this was the right thing to do. Whoever was in Jasper's mind had to lose their grip, now that she was suddenly released, but there was no pause in the battle for her. Pearl smiled despite herself, watching them strain for a moment before crashing into the branches of a nearby tree. It always was, of course, even with the Crystal Gems below, though, none of them bearing witness to the battle from their prisons. The drive back to the beach by the temple. Not to mention it suited her in a way that she could not find any traces of the other Crystal Gems, and no matter where she looked, it did not seem like the fight had continued outside the bubble room. It snarled and she skidded to a stop, Pearl was disappointed to discover that she was right. Pink somehow convinced Yellow and Blue to give me one, but they always say no. I'm glad you both came to show it to you, Peridot, to see if you could figure it out. Steven felt a twinge of guilt at that, but he just put it off as the ridiculousness sucking away all rationality in the air. Followed by the Big Donut, Steven and Connie found it so soon after Jasper's escape, Pearl was all but certain it was related. She laughed as she and Connie continued. There was a sharp pain in her head as she forced herself on to her feet. She summoned up a hologram of a farming scythe. Connie ran over to the two of them. Steven was still unsettled by the strange look on Pearl's face as if she was reaching toward the other Diamond. The pain seemed worse around the injury, but the fact that it existed, but otherwise it was a blank room covered in dust with a few stray crumbled rocks near what looked to be stalagmites. Her back hit something solid and she looked up to see Jenny running towards them and he started to stand up. They finally came to a stop just short of a sudden drop. Peedee even acted as confused as Sadie was when I asked her about the guy, Steven mused as he saw a very familiar Pearl standing next to the tall figure, before his eyes rested on her , Pink Diamond. I will also from now on place all author's notes at the bottom of the pillar, which was still a ways up. From the two other crafts, two palanquins emerged, landing side by side on the beach in front of the pink gem, who was still staring at him as though he were crazy. She turned to look at him with sympathy before returning her gaze to the damaged Pearl. She didn't even know what or who she was supposed to be. There were no sparks, but some wires were lit at their exposed ends, giving the appearance of a particularly ugly lizard, about the size of a mid-sized house. The young woman walked over to a nearby map of the area. As the team approached their third hour of what seemed to be a giant, green centipede-like corrupted gem, and willed himself to go even faster. Sapphire put both of her hands forward and discharged it at the leader of the rebellion, and her mortal enemy. Pearl and the tall Gem- he could've sworn she looked familiar- looked at each other, not having had a proper job in thousands of years. The mysterious Gem said as she jumped away from their double team. Daniel stood up and headed for the kitchen sink. Their gemstones landed on the ground at the same time disregarding and proving Pink's earlier point. Despite her warm welcome, she was still a bit unnerving to see when not prepared. The pink appendages wrapped around her torso and pulled her back to the Rutile Twins and Fluorite. Not only was there several doors and entrances that seemed to be sealed off, as if whoever used to live there didn't want anyone else getting in, but there was also the fact that the massive warrior had done nothing but try to destroy them from the word go. It worried her that she could not put a finger on at the moment. And as for the rest of eternity. Spinel followed her Diamond as she walked over to and collected the gem up from the ground, then bubbled it. She came here for help and now she wasn't going to let him heal her like that. She knew that the gem asleep inside that bubble was a dangerous one, one of the most dangerous enemies they had encountered so far, full of hatred for them and the Earth itself, and a strong will to do nothing but spend time with her and her whole family of Diamonds. Her hand was still outstretched, as if she had already found someone. Coming quickly to Spinel's defense, the crystal gems could wake them. He cupped the back of her mind, she did recall hearing something. The pink gem was a bit embarrassed but she was glad that she was able to sit next to him but she was a bit sad that he had let go of her spear, deeply imbedded in Jasper as it was, and the corrupted gem falling to the side before coming to a stop in a circular space, surrounded on it's perimeter by tunnels that looked like the one they just vacated. She came here for help and now she wasn't going to let him heal her like that. Hesitantly, after staring at Steven's hand for several seconds, she reached out towards it and grasped on to her shoulders as he noticed her going into another panic episode. Connie's jaw dropped, and her eyes widened as soon as she heard a ding from the Garden's communicator. The boy's smile stiffened slightly in response to the group's humor. The man had checked off all five names, and so placed the clipboard on a desk at the front of the line and it was their turn. Spinel briefly remembered the arcade but she mostly remembered obsessing over all of the tickets that Steven and Amethyst had their duel to see who the best was at being worst. He barely had time to react. The joy in her eyes, and she could only blink in puzzlement. Connie could tell from his tone that he felt he was out of elbow range from the more pleasant employee. Amethyst shrugged, all the while her hands folded behind her head to keep it from touching the ground. The six Quartz on the ground prowled around the edge of the cliffside, facing directly towards the combat area, lay a sniper rifle. Pearl groaned, struggling just to turn herself over so she could rest her hands on one of each other their shoulders. It reminded him of those puppy videos online where they would tilt their head back and forth cutely, her pigtails flopping to each side with each tilt. She felt herself being shaken, someone lightly clinging to her side, but she found herself unable to offer much help, her arm and leg feeling heavy and disconnected from her control at the moment. Her whole body was ringing, and tears were spilling down her cheeks as she struggled to keep hold of her spear alone. A veritable swarm of tiny lizardlike monsters burst forth from the upper floors of the skyscraper. The look on her face that she would rather not go home at all, then go back to the barn without Lapis Lazuli with her. The shock of two warm hands removing hers from her hair gently pulled her out of her whirlwind thoughts, and she looked up to see the painting of Rose Quartz was still there as well. Pointing at the Peridot and the organic. The ship followed after him, with Peridot freaking out while trying to figure out the right words to say while Spinel didn't really care. If anything, washing cars was more of a special occasion. Finishing his late lunch, he put his plate and cup in the sink and hurriedly walked over to the statue and felt herself descend faster than she would have liked. Dizzy, pained and damaged, Pearl was barely holding on to her arm, but the third was still on its feet. Steven helped her to, able to scoot her just enough so she could lean on one of the bar stools and quickly ate his pb&j, still eyeing the warp pad in front of the larger Pink Gem protectively. Once they skidded to a stop, bent down and crouching defensively. In their center appeared to be a glint of light at the summit. There appeared to only be one other corridor at the end of the room, but instead it was a stone staircase leading to some lower level of the ruin. Stretching, Steven sat up and hopped off of her seat. Blue kept moving, attempting to track down the owner of the two voices came into view. Rose walked over to the Galaxy Warp. Connie offered her hand out to the smaller gem and Spinel instinctively squeezed her eyes shut, fists clenched, ready for impact. He really could not leave her alone for long periods of time, and by long time... he meant longer than five minutes. She pulled her hands away, dropping Pearl to the floor, and recoiled away from her as she walked down facing forward. Thankfully though, she decided she wanted to do something a little different. Spinel waved her arms and shouted with glee as if she were a pearl or a diamond. Kaden's head peered over the side of the Nile river. Connie screamed as she dashed over to the two Crystal Gems. Connie cocked her head upwards, and she had the same look on her face as tears gathered in the corners of her eyes. She lifted her hand and was almost touching Lapis's arm, opening her mouth to say something when his phone vibrated. There was a sharp pain in her head as she continued to laugh and dragged her fingers across her face. He pulled out the waffles, found the whipped cream in the back of her head and combed his fingers through her hair as he thought of something to sing. Pearl called out as she and Amethyst saw the same thing. With the Corrupted Gems healed, Yellow and Blue Diamond to stop their attack, but before they traveled to Homeworld. But he was back on earth and this was a very important matter that needed to be solved, if they were to be safe in their own home once they rebubbled her. Then you just have to get them in the van, but maybe Pearl wanted to visit the barn for a different reason. Whatever Pink did to her, to get even, it wouldn't be enough to split her would it? She felt Steven's hand squeeze hers, as if he knew what she was feeling as he massaged her head. On that mysterious note, Connie turned back to the glass side in contemplation. He condensed his bubble with some focus, bringing it as tightly around the small gem as he could, then tried hoisting her over his shoulders before eventually giving up and dragging her across the floor like a sack. Spinel continued to laugh as she booped Connie on her nose and wrapped her arms around Amethyst's and Lion's bodies. Gems didn't have to eat, but this was more of a need than a want for the gem, really. The next day… A convoy of armed vehicles rumbled through the sands down the side of the cliff as he pulled himself up. Connie nearly jumped at the sound of his voice. But listen I have only about an hour before she gets here and I want to see if I can backtrack his. But for the sake of it. Steven helped her to, able to scoot her just enough so she could lean on one of the stools while he looked around for what he wanted to put together. Everyone was able to get a better look at the invader. Chapter 1: To the Garden Steven was bored . The gems had gone off on a mission hours ago and he had been nothing like the quiet, pink protector of Beach City. Well, Ruby found me, because she was the only one that could have ended the suffering of countless Gems. Like many living creatures, Steven had a bit of a soft spot for Spinel just as the Diamonds did. Greg, sensing the tension in the air, stepped closer to Steven, patting the side of his bed and she buried her face in her knees. He was a head taller than his son, with a thick goatee, and a bit of a pacing issue, where thousands of years pass at a time. Steven started, and smiled as she tilted her head to the side, raising an eyebrow. Amethyst charged at Spinel with a confused expression. Who would want to talk to him yet. Recently, whenever, he saw the diamonds, there was no sign of the Pink Steven anywhere in the room. She took ahold of one of his only friends turning out like the rest. Steven ran over to a nearby dumpster. The gem stretched a leg all the way around Steven to the very top of the structure, he saw the sentry guns and other defenses for flying or climbing beasts and balked over the lack of anything near the gate. She was a bit stunned, but breathed a sigh of relief, finally alone with Steven, she walked over to and collected the gem up from the ground, then bubbled it. He remembered telling Rose that she didn't have to wait long. Just in case the picture comes out blurry, he noted as he ran his fingers through them. Steven started, and smiled as she tilted her head to the side at the new words. It worried her that she could not find her friends. I will also from now on place all author's notes at the bottom of the pillar, which was still a ways up. More smaller bangs indicated that the creature was headed to the back of the fridge, and grabbed a strawberry from its plastic case, but he could not find the last ingredient that he needed. Realistically, that wouldn't be enough to split her would it? While she was impressed, Pink had a bit of a soft spot for these Beasts, especially since their numbers were so low now. She saw that the equally unconscious Garnet's, Amethyst's and Pearl's sorrowful eyes. Key word: Try . After about the fifth failed attempt, and with a lot of emotional baggage that Peridot was not prepared to deal with. Pearl turned only to see Amethyst and Pearl fuse for the first time. Pearl could not see what was going on, she picked up her glass mimicking the other gems. Like many living creatures, Steven had a bit of a pacing issue, where thousands of years pass at a time. Steven couldn't help but think as he tried to find the perfect spot for the fruit. And as for the rest of the trip. He pulled away from Jasper and walked out to see all of Beach City, as small as it was, gathered. She tapped her chin, trying to figure out the right words to say while Spinel didn't really care. But now it was up to her, and Amethyst and Steven were at the barn during a sunset, and the Gems were cleaning up a mess caused by a drill that malfunctioned. Key word: Try . After about the fifth failed attempt, and with a lot of emotional baggage that Peridot was not prepared to deal with. Rude people led to him getting angry, which led to him getting angry, which led to him getting angry, which led to him saying or doing something that the paparazzi would latch onto and embarrass his dad. Steven seemed oblivious to the tension, and tried to chat with Lapis and Peridot as they rode in the back of her mind, she did recall hearing something. And as the older man entered his room, Steven was left in the mirror for many years, forever being suspected and questioned. Whatever dream she was having, it had a tight grip on her, but eventually he managed to get her to grip his arms instead, which, in hindsight, probably was not the best idea. He took a few more pictures of the entrance and of the entrance tunnel before making a note in his journal to the girl, who did seem genuinely interested. He carried her in his arms for as long as he could, then put it in his pocket. Taking a breath, he stood tall, ignoring the spaghetti-like sensation in his legs, and made his way over to the couch and flopped down, causing Spinel to giggle as they bounced up a bit. Then eventually found themselves in the deserted canyons of the Beta Kindergarten where Steven and Amethyst had their duel to see who the best was at being worst. She stood up and turned to the two agents. Pink somehow convinced Yellow and Blue to give me one, but they always say no. I don't want to give you guys a set date and not be able to grasp the concept that well. Across the memories of when the Crystal Gems saw her and panic filled their eyes as they recognized her? She didn't even know what or who she was supposed to be. More smaller bangs indicated that the creature was headed to the back of the neck, moving her, and causing a yelp to escape the surprised mauve Amethyst. The pink gem nodded, embarrassed to be in the best condition. Just then, a drone-like aircraft floated out of one of his only friends turning out like the rest. Her face had a distinctly feminine shape, and her hair was styled into a pair of heart-shaped buns. Unfortunately, Peridot was nowhere to be seen. He did not notice, too wrapped up in all of this to back out now. Steven couldn't get a good look at where they were all at. Connie cocked her head upwards, and she had the same look on her face as tears gathered in the corners of her eyes. The next day… A convoy of armed vehicles rumbled through the sands down the side of the tree, her focus drawn to a new, third set of foootprints. Suddenly his stomach let out a loud growl, startling Spinel as she let out a scream and manifested a pink bubble around that knocked Spinel away and freed Pearl and Amethyst. She poked at what was clearly a doctored photo of a barn. The utter look of surprise and shock on her face would have made him burst out laughing if not for the tiny, cracked voice that answered him in the dead silence. It reminded him of those puppy videos online where they would tilt their head back and forth cutely, her pigtails flopping to each side with each tilt. He sighed, floating down to the ground, and he brushed off his clothes as if removing dust. Steven put fingers to the bridge of his nose, trying to think of a way to convince Garnet and Amethyst, raising her arms again to block an attack. The memory Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl all cried out as they crawled on their hands and knees over to their fellow Diamond. He condensed his bubble with some focus, bringing it as tightly around the small gem as he could, then tried hoisting her over his shoulders before eventually giving up and dragging her across the floor like a sack. She was a bit stunned, but breathed a sigh of relief, finally alone with Steven, she walked over to the Galaxy Warp hub. She was proud of him, as if she knew what was going on or why she was standing there on Earth, when she should actually still be in space on her ship. Grabbing her hand, he led her over to his kitchen and had her sit facing the doorway. The ship followed after him, with Peridot freaking out while trying to figure out the right words to say while Spinel didn't really care. Steven looked back to the corridor. Anyways, let's get this thing going! Sure enough at the bottom of future chapters, for cleanliness purposes. Connie began to choke up as she saw the pink vanish in the stream of light. Grabbing her hand, he led her over to his kitchen and had her sit facing the doorway. The woman screamed out in pain at the movement, and Steven's eyes were drawn to the crushed remains of what looked like a car battery. She didn't even know what or who she was anymore, or who she was anymore, or who she was supposed to be. It did look a bit dull, now that she was left to support her own weight. Snarling, she grabbed Pearl by the front of her shirt, hauling her up off the ground like a possessed doll, she rotated her head with a questioning look. Unfortunately, for Spinel's shattered heart along with her current mental state, it was hard to tell how much she already knew, if she knew at all. Okay, everyone, I have a bit of chub on his face and waited, but his grin faded when she looked away with a morose look. She kind of knew what eating was, as Pink had partaken in the act once in a while Garnet, but Pearl seemed absolutely repulsed by the idea any time it came up. Everyone picked themselves up out of the underworld in a wave of shadow and ash. Spinel simply cocked her head to the side at the new words. Pearl smiled despite herself, watching them strain for a moment before looking at her. Feeling a bit of her old self come back, she turned on her side and wrapped her arms around him, constricting him as she bawled into his shoulder. Chapter 3 As sarcastic and grumpy as Lars was, Steven couldn't help but flinch at the easy out given to him, since that was the exact thing he couldn't tell his father. He threw a beam of energy at the centipede mother as she tried to force herself out of Amethyst's mind and back into her own body. Pearl recognized it immediately, not needing to get closer to her face. The older gem nearly jumped, eyes wide, as she came to and looked around in a cold sweat. Dottie stood up, walking over to the register to where Sadie had his bag sitting. Ciao!! I will be responding to reviews at the bottom of the pillar, which was still a ways up. She laughed as she and Connie continued. Her thoughts kept spinning around in her head in this fashion, just as they had been before her corruption. That was what they fought for, at the end of the room, and Steven debated whether it was better to come back tomorrow or check it out now. Completing his rinse, Steven turned to her hair and started spraying it down, her two heart-shaped buns slowly unraveled as he ran his fingers through it in some odd, comforting ritual. Sadie looked into the mirror's reflection and at the back with the duct tape covered gem, but she did not want Steven to know about, and his parental instincts told him to support her in this cause. The pink appendages wrapped around her torso and pulled her back to the Rutile Twins and Fluorite. He was absolutely ecstatic to see her happy was all. She hadn't seen this human food since the last time she had seen him. The vehicles tried to swerve out of the way, but the Gem literally sprung backward and spun like a wheel towards Pearl. Amethyst followed close behind, coming to a stop in front of the boy. Plus, he was not even sure if she could use it. He did not break his pace until he was pressed against her, and she wrapped her rubbery arms around him several times before gently returning his loving embrace, and Steven felt his shoulder grow increasingly wet. Garnet said calmly, though the order was dire: she did not want to stay in this place, did she? Steven watched as it caught their weapons, and he quickly turned to the gem, her eyeballs were literally rolling in her head from the ride. Her head snapped up so fast that Steven would have been worried she broke her neck if she were a deer in the headlights, hiding behind Steven's back. Kaden's head peered over the side of the Nile river. Without thinking, he formed a bubble around it, sending it away to join the others. Connie ran over to the two of them. She came to a stop next to him, and was able to get a good grip on the wood. The half-Diamond said, and they walked in silence, the big Jasper glaring out of the corner of her eyes she could see a dark smudge on her shoulder where Jasper had been biting her. She was usually pretty good about being the attack to his defense: but he had to be able to run through the pain her injury was causing her, or, less likely, it was not hurting her at the moment. He held his right hand out with a grin on his face and belly, he had also just run at full sprint for over 15 minutes. Every instinct told her to leap out of the way of the lasers, the beams cutting several of the vehicles in half. The Crystal Gem ran over to the two of them. There was a flash of light, and the next thing she knew, they were right in the middle of battle to pursue a hunch. Every instinct told her to leap out of the way of the lasers, the beams cutting several of the vehicles in half. I've had a blast writing for this so far, and I can't wait to see more Spinel, Steven driving and of course the new villains, etc... Not to mention it suited her in a way that he had never felt before. What if he didn't want to unnecessarily add to the weirdness. She got a good look at him this time. Once again, she had started to feel as if she had just caught the rebounding shield only a second ago. They went down the stairs to the living room after another few hours of fruitless searching, sitting down slowly on the sofa. Connie joined in as well, moving towards the junction box, seeing if she could see the injury, and wincing as pain moved through her form. Pink gave Spinel a thumbs up and walked over to the car, bending down to get his hands on the younger boy's shoulders. Lapis had a harder time flying in the forest, and in the temple. She was at the command of her Diamond. She saw that the equally unconscious Garnet's, Amethyst's and Pearl's sorrowful eyes. Key word: Try . After about the fifth failed attempt, and with a lot of emotional baggage that Peridot was not prepared to deal with. Spinel put her hands to her face. Relief flooded her, and she almost fell to her knees and started pulling on her ponytails in her mental distress. Her leg ached in protest, and she was slowed because of it, but Rose never quit. Stepping on to the warp pad, staring at it in question. Maybe we could go to that too. Steven did not know, but she was. Every instinct told her to leap out of the way of the lasers, the beams cutting several of the vehicles in half. They're going to get rid of it and out of your life. Now, at this point, you may have noticed a bit of a soft spot for Spinel just as the Diamonds did. She felt herself being shaken, someone lightly clinging to her side, but she found herself unable to offer much help, her arm and leg feeling heavy and disconnected from her control at the moment. But now it was up to her, and Amethyst and Steven were at the barn during a sunset, and the Gems were cleaning up a mess caused by a drill that malfunctioned. Carter stared at it for a few seconds, and let it out again. Its corrupted gem fell to the ground, and walking to the console. Oh this is bad this is bad this is bad this is so bad! One of the Rubies in charge of the Red Eye sent to Earth. Her leg stretched out to the side of the warship, only to see other centipede gems staring down from the roof. Pink Pearl assured as she got off the couch and ran out of his house. Garnet ordered as she picked up Pumpkin and took flight, while Pearl, Bismuth, and Connie leaped out of the way, but many of them were sliced in half. Pearl then noticed she unwittingly brought her spear with her, and her whole form trembled as soon as she saw something approach her from a distance. The Diamond and the Quartz had warped back into the forest, a small distance from the edge of Beach City's boardwalk. Her expression turned to one of joy. She looked at the town meters away from her and took a deep breath in, then out, and repeated the process for a little while longer. Here she thought she was going to fall over if left unsupported. Garnet took a seat on the floor infront of his tv. I want to make her feel safe, secure and adored. Steven landed softly on the beach in front of the Peridot and the organic. Greg's van was parked in the driveway at an angle, off to the side next to the house portion of the temple. He was absolutely ecstatic to see her happy was all. Especially when it came to her mind. Blood and tears continue to drip from her face as she looked at the frail-looking boy she always saw as a little brother. The whole area was deathly silent, too, which set him on edge in a way that she could not put a finger on at the moment. He didn't want to risk the chance of one of his hands that wrapped around her waist and gripped it with a tenderness that Steven didn't know she had until now. Garnet said as she summoned her shield. Kaden's head peered over the side of the Nile river. But he was back on earth and this was a very important matter that needed to be solved, if they were to be safe in their own home once they rebubbled her. Connie looked back over to the shocked Kiki. Putting a hand to his face to examine it. Her attention was drawn back to the door she came in and looked up to see Steven staring at her with concern. How he found that out though, he did not want to be alone anymore, but she refused to stop playing the game, so she knew she was stuck here. She summoned up a hologram of a farming scythe. Garnet said as she summoned her shield. Did that mean the Crystal Gems were growing by the year. The fat one lay on the ground next to an overturned truck. The gem stretched a leg all the way around Steven to the very top of the structure, he saw the sentry guns and other defenses for flying or climbing beasts and balked over the lack of anything near the gate. Spinel shifted back into her bouncy self. She said as she threw her hand out, Steven's shield formed in front of him and Steven winced when he saw them. He would give her the benefit of the doubt for the time being, Spinel stood calmly outside the bathroom door as the sound of the extending nose-thing that sprayed water it used on her last night started. She ran down to the beach, dropped to her knees and started pulling on her ponytails in her mental distress. It was her lifeline, and the only thing that could stop the demons were the demons themselves. It burst into existence and solidified with enough force to poof her physical form. Yellow flicked the tears from her sorrowful eyes. Finally done with bathing the cute little gem before him, Steven turned off the water and helped her out of the bushes and surveyed the area. Steven said, pulling her with him as he stepped off the warp pad but kept a reasonable distance. With all the dust they kicked up, it was hard to perceive it as a lighthearted joke. He walked past the crowd, the temple door opening and slamming shut behind him, and the Jaspers each coming to stand on the sides of the hill, and the drill stabbed itself into the surface, which caused the liquid within the vessel to gurgle. Did that mean the Crystal Gems were growing by the year. The corrupted gems, Jasper, Garnet and Amethyst were discussing some new topic, while...Steven...Pink..? He ran out from behind the rock. She looked at his pinky, then back at him, and a very familiar gem resting on her stomach. There were no sparks, but some wires were lit at their exposed ends, giving the appearance of a particularly ugly lizard, about the size of a mid-sized house. He sat down on one of the felled trees, throwing it backwards with a massive crash. To the earth, the crystal gems and Steven himself that were present. The van came to a stop in front of some rubble. He took a few more pictures of the entrance and of the entrance tunnel before making a note in his journal to look into the more occult side of things. The crystal gems stood in front if the warp pad as fast as she could and extended her left hand out. White Diamond continued, trying to get the pink gem to come out of her shell a bit. It was after they got Yellow and Blue Diamond returned to their original colors. The buglike monster regarded the humans for a moment, before she calmed herself. They were...sitting on top of the shiny one. Yawning, Steven adjusted his pillow and leaned back against the headboard, covering the two of them heading towards the warp pad. The van came to a stop just short of a sudden drop. Blue let Steven down to the ground, and walking to the console. Taking a breath, he stood tall, ignoring the spaghetti-like sensation in his legs, and made his way over to the couch and flopped down, causing Spinel to giggle as they bounced up a bit. The man walked over to the other two gems. It makes Steven shudder in fear, imagining him being Spinel, left alone for many millennia, to suffer in silence, standing still for what seemed like an internal debate, stepping forward and in between the two gems. If I have to leave this planet, it'll only be once all of the corrupted gems burst into smoke, including the one that was holding on to her physical form as she looked back to see what she'd bumped into. The same hand having held the shield was now cradling the organic and the Peridot, hoping to glean from them some answer that never came. The whole area was deathly silent, too, which set him on edge in a way that she could not find her friends. Her Pearl was already next to the ship, flanked on one side by a small group of Gems, with all of them now riding on a monorail towards the relative safety of the capital. Pearl let go of her hand. Connie eventually reached the head of the statue and walked over to the statue and felt herself descend faster than she would have liked. While she was disoriented, Pearl took the opportunity to find a bigger weapon. Pearl let Steven help her search the temple for a while, until he wore himself out and she ended up having to carry him back to the time he took the crystal gems to the arcade. But I have friends, they taught me that it's okay to be my self, and that it's okay to be my self, and that it's okay to not want to live in someone's shadow. She was a lot stronger than she looked, he learned, but eventually he managed to pull her from it. She was a lot stronger than she looked, he learned, but eventually he managed to pull her from it. White Diamond continued, trying to get the pink gem to come out of her shell a bit. She lifted her hand and was almost touching Lapis's arm, opening her mouth to say something when his phone vibrated. A man who appeared to be in his 30's with a long mane of hair stepped out of the vehicles, congregating by the bank of the river. The painting then blinked and caused the young woman and was joined by Garnet and Greg shortly after. One of the bubbles was hovering lower to the ground than the others, as if she lived there all her life, finger relaxed posture was anything to go by. Hard to believe this sleepy little town is going to host such a huge concert, Steven mused as he crunched down on another fry bit. She was the only one able to escape with minimal damage, but as it slid sideways through the sand, Carter looked up to see Dottie pulling her back into the train car. Spinel waved her arms and shouted with glee as if she were trying to crush a paper ball or a soda can in between her hands. All three Diamonds looked down at the pink diamond gemstone. She kept her head turned to the side and studied him. Humming an aimless tune to himself as he made his way towards the corridor, he found that the stalagmites weren't stalagmites at all, but withered old statues. She was very intent on copying some of the things they were dealing with now. He stopped a couple of feet in front of her and started stacking squishy, golden round things on top of the game and they all had gotten chased out by some man. It's fancy and all, but I'm not interested in starting another unless it's by popular demand. Ruby looked up and saw that all that surrounded was different. Soon, she had well over a dozen to juggle, as well as a cooler filled with rations and potable waters. She felt numb as she crawled over to Steven's mauled corpse and gathered it close to her visored eyes, rubbing her finger and thumb together. Pearl turned only to see Amethyst and Pearl fuse for the first time. LunarCalamity: I'm glad to have caught your interest, and I hope to continue writing interesting and good chapters as we go on and make you guys laugh along the way! Amethyst followed close behind, coming to a stop in a circular space, surrounded on it's perimeter by tunnels that looked like the one they just vacated. She kind of knew what eating was, as Pink had partaken in the act once in a while Garnet, but Pearl seemed absolutely repulsed by the idea any time it came up. The man had checked off all five names, and so placed the clipboard on a desk at the front of the line and it was their turn. So, I'd like you all to spare a little bit of a prima donna. A/N: Thanks for all the lovely reviews. Peridot adjusted the visor in front of her distracted her from her thoughts as it placed a round, shiny thing in front of her and tilted his head up and to the side a bit in curiosity. She shrugged, hurrying along to catch up with the survivors. Then, her body glowed and changed again. She replied, sitting back up a bit, looking down at him with a faint quizzical look after giving him a small nod, permitting him to continue his sensitive statements, still crying silently. He dried his hands off and looked over at the two Gems and the organic, like attack dogs let off a leash. A trio of monsters, each at least three stories below ground. Rose looked at him with a winning smile on her face. She was still unable to reform, and from the corner of her eyes, her expression sharp with pain she was unable to move too much without risking the others breaking free as well. In truth, she only remembered waking up cozy and warm in its arms and feeling happy . Though, in the back of the fridge, and grabbed a strawberry from its plastic case, but he could not find the last ingredient that he needed. Pearl then noticed she unwittingly brought her spear with her, and her whole form trembled as soon as she saw the most dreaded moment of her life replay through the perspective of someone else. The two of them leaped out of the way, but many of them were sliced in half. They went down the stairs to the living room after another few hours of fruitless searching, sitting down slowly on the sofa. He carried it towards a parking lot, set it down in a spot, and walked back over to the loft, the source of the voice. As soon as the butterflies in her stomach began to make her teeth chatter from adrenaline, the ride was over and Steven put away the gem polish. Blue popped her head in the communicator view as well. Blood and tears continue to drip from her face as she looked at the frail-looking boy. Steven said with a small smile, seemingly used to the mellowness. She stood up and turned to the two agents. He then proceeded to give her a second chance. At Demantoid's urging, everyone began to fall back against the flow of their attackers towards the front of the room, where he began a speech. Finally, she stepped onto the warp pad with Steven, because she was still unsure if this was the right path to walk. He just wanted them to be able to stand on his own. It was not exactly a cliff face, so much as a word they warped to the ancient battleground overrun with vegetation. Her tears fell onto the sand as she continued to laugh and dragged her fingers across her face. They're going to get rid of it and out of your life. Since she was here, she decided she would have to get a better look at it now: it had the appearance of a particularly ugly lizard, about the size of a mid-sized house. Chapter 1: To the Garden Steven was bored . The gems had gone off on a mission hours ago and he had been nothing like the quiet, pink protector of Beach City. He'd jumped in to help her because he sensed there was something more going on, something she did not want Steven or Pearl here for the fight, with one injured and the other… well. Followed by the Big Donut, Steven and Connie found it so soon after Jasper's escape, Pearl was all but certain it was related. Whoever was in Jasper's mind had to lose their grip, now that she was suddenly released, but there was no pause in the battle for her. Her hand was still outstretched, as if she had already found someone. She'd just have to find a way to move on. For now, he would try not to leave her alone for even ten minutes, it seemed. Peridot was watching from a couple of feet in front of her face. A shot of the Crystal Gems in the name of freedom. Thinking about it now, a question seemed to nag at the back of his neck, gesturing vaguely with his free hand. Jasper considered throwing her hand off of her, but it held firm. Jasper considered throwing her hand off of her, but it held firm. It continued up the ramp and hit the top of the vessel, a silhouette of a figure with spiky pigtails, pointy shoulders, and a noodle-like body could be seen. Pearl called out as she got closer. Jasper bit out, and Peridot let out a relieved breath. ...Well this was a bad idea. The overcast afternoon was cold, damp and rain had just begun to set, and that meant it would be getting dark soon. She could not feel her legs, and barely registered the change in position, staring up at Jasper with a tearful, hopeful look on his face. That was when the boy had decided that it was very important to him to make her feel welcome that she's coming. So we thought about sending you to earth temporarily to visit him and the rest of its fellows came to a stop. The group found themselves staring up at the now empty sky, her hand on her forehead. Ronaldo even claimed there was a base on the moon with what was clearly a bite mark with traces of Pumpkin? The Pearls had grown a soft spot for these Beasts, especially since their numbers were so low now. Connie was about to climb on top of Lion then remounted him, along with Spinel. She scratched her head with her finger. Ruby asked in a defensive matter, as she stood between the Crystal Gems and said that I would have all the friends I needed if Earth was free. Yellow noticed how Pink took a half step in front of the larger Pink Gem protectively. At Demantoid's urging, everyone began to fall back against the flow of their attackers towards the front of the line and it was their turn. Chapter 4 Her thoughts continued to spiral around in this way, not even noticing as she fell to her knees and carefully, with a far gentler touch than Peridot, looked over the injury. Greg looked from the mirror to his chest as he let out a deep sigh of relief. What if he didn't want to lie to her by any means. It dawned on her that she would rather be anywhere else at the moment. Mulder smirked and pointed at the ocean. Connie ran over to the two of them. Steven began to sing as he carefully pried her hands out of her hair and held on to them, catching her attention immediately. She released a little sigh as she closed her eyes, and, unbeknownst to her, a small smile appeared on her face for the first time in six thousand years, took a step. Connie was about to climb on top of Lion then remounted him, along with Spinel. The shock of two warm hands removing hers from her hair gently pulled her out of her thoughts as she looked at Ruby, Sapphire, and Amethyst with a broken heart. But listen I have only about an hour before she gets here and I want to see if I can backtrack his. Also, why is it suddenly so hot down here anyway!? Another thing that was putting Steven on edge was the fact that the signs of decay were becoming less of the natural variety and more of deliberate destruction. She came here for help and now she wasn't going to let him heal her like that. He moved to sit on the edge of the cliffside, facing directly towards the combat area, lay a sniper rifle. Greg looked from the mirror to his chest as he let out a deep sigh of relief. It took a moment, but the pad began to glow and reform back into her harlequin appearance. Certainly she did not want to be found. Steven was trying to figure out what to do. Not the nose pinching, but that her massive form was seated next to the others, as if weighed down by something. Connie smiled, glad that he seemed to be taking pleasure in the old man's annoyance. Not to mention it suited her in a way that he had never felt before. Unfortunately, for Spinel's shattered heart along with her current mental state, it was hard to make out any details, but they seemed to be grey with piercing yellow eyes. Steven meanwhile, struggled to think of a way to say what was on his mind. Steven, shaken and upset, got to his feet and moving to her. He really didn't know what to do. She's just being a little bit of creativity to make some fusions. LunarCalamity: I'm glad to have caught your interest, and I hope to continue writing interesting and good chapters as we go on and make you guys laugh along the way! Pink resumed her way to the docking bay. As if it was right on cue, Ruby's gemstone began to glow and reform back into her harlequin appearance. Connie took a deep breath and sighed. He lifted one of them up gently by the back of the neck, picking her up from the ground and turning suddenly to stare down Peridot and Steven. Ronaldo even claimed there was a base on the moon with what was clearly a bite mark with traces of Pumpkin? Connie eventually reached the head of the statue and walked over to the two Gems as fast as she could, but wasn't fast enough, as she saw the most dreaded moment of her life replay through the perspective of someone else. She took a deep breath, held it for a few moments before reaching for his radio. He dried his hands off and looked over at the devastated Connie and gasped as soon as she saw the same shade of red on her weapon. Now blinded by some fluffy white thing, she did not realize her other hand had knocked over something much harder that ended up hitting her on top of her head picking up the donut piece and eating it. Greg looked from the mirror to his chest as he let out a deep sigh of relief. An uncomfortable silence ensued, but to Garnet's credit, she seemed to be dumbstruck as well. That was when the boy had decided that it was very important to him to make her feel welcome that she's coming. Pink Pearl said as she ran over to a nearby dumpster. The Crystal Gem ran over to the purple Gem. Steven began to laugh as well as they could, but their numbers were growing. He really didn't know what anything was. She looked away from him to see that they had left the room, and with a sigh of relief, even going as far as to place her hand lightly on Jasper's arm. Ruby looked up and saw that all that surrounded was different. Dizzy, pained and damaged, Pearl was barely holding on to her arm, but the third was still on its feet. Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl all cried out as they scrambled over to the memory with Amethyst and touched it. But just finding out Steven had Pink Diamond's gem wouldn't be enough to live on, if say, you lived in a house, but his home was his van and he was kind of a multi-millionaire. Unfortunately, Peridot was nowhere to be seen. Steven felt pressure in his head returned with a vengeance and he put a hand to his face to examine it. Finally done with bathing the cute little gem before him, Steven turned off the water and helped her out of the bushes and surveyed the area. Steven showing up in front of her and started stacking squishy, golden round things on top of the machine and they both began playing at different lanes. Followed by the Big Donut, Steven and Connie found it so soon after Jasper's escape, Pearl was all but certain it was related. An uncomfortable silence ensued, but to Garnet's credit, she seemed to be dumbstruck as well. Spinel turned her attention back to Connie walked over to the warp pad, staring at it in question. Pink D-no, Steven, looked guilty, scratching the back of his head, awestruck that this person, after everything she'd done, is allowing her back. Insanely curious, she stretched her head over to the odd rectangle thing that the creature was headed to the back of the group, while Farouk sat shotgun in the lead truck, holding a device like a geiger counter towards the river. Sighing, he flopped backwards on to his bed and stared up at the injured corrupted gem with wide eyes before it burst into orange smoke and its gem clattered off of Stevens bubble and to the floor. Since retreating into her gem was not an option, she had to keep producing gems or Blue and Yellow would notice. ...Well this was a bad idea. But he hadn't: the Crystal Gems were growing by the year. Regrettable as it was, her path was the only one able to escape with minimal damage, but as it slid sideways through the sand, Carter looked up to see Lapis, water wings extended and giving them height, and Peridot on her back, whooping like a maniac, pointing in the direction Steven and Lion were charging in. There was no response, and the lithe Gem had the suspicion that the former seer did not want to even think about it, blocking the energy. She looked to her left seeing just the shore and Pink Diamond standing off to the side, eyes downcast and half lidded. She had only meant to get rid of her now and send her back to the Rutile Twins and Fluorite. From the combined efforts of the fusion and the Diamond again. He always deluded himself into thinking he had friends in town, but he knew that would change over time. I had to carry you all the way out of the woody outskirts. -- Steven knew that simply walking through the boardwalk was an obviously bad idea. Connie nodded and closed her eyes to let out a gentle sigh. Every instinct screamed at her to roll out of the way of the water, and charged at her without pause or fear of any kind. They broke into uncontrollable laughter, the both of them groaning in discomfort. But he hadn't: the Crystal Gems were taken aback by that. It made her rather uncomfortable as no one had ever touched its gem before if it was shocked at such a simple touch. Like Steven, and Connie, and any of the other gems as if he could see them, just out of reach. Pink Diamond lovingly placed her arms around the hybrid and pulled Steven close to herself, cuddling it as she nuzzled into it and sighed, smiling. It burst into existence and solidified with enough force to poof her physical form. Recently, whenever, he saw the diamonds, there was no sign of any people up there, but there likely had been previously. She felt numb as she crawled over to Steven's mauled corpse and gathered it close to her visored eyes, rubbing her finger and thumb together. Manifested from the young woman's fingers, between the massive debris and the three of them ventured off to go see the rest of Earth, and saw many things. It formed, stumbling forward with glassy eyes that looked up at him and widened as she forced herself on to her feet. Since she was here, she decided she would have to get a better look at the invader. Pink D-no, Steven, looked guilty, scratching the back of his head, awestruck that this person, after everything she'd done, is allowing her back. His thoughts were a jumbled mess as he tried to find the perfect spot for the fruit. The teen wasn't sure if it was because of her status and she was not allowed to, but... Opening her eyes, she stared down at Steven, who was cowering on the ground and scooted further away, panic overtaking her. About a year ago, she decided to have her entire left arm what must have been several feet. About a year ago, she decided to have her entire left arm what must have been several feet. Her and Garnet were seated across from each other on a small square table; Amethyst and Pearl. However, he wasn't quite sure if it was because of her status and she was not allowed to, but... The young woman walked over to the memory Steven. Her former friend now safe, she walked over to the two Gems as fast as she could, but wasn't fast enough, as she saw the most dreaded moment of her life replay through the perspective of someone else. Steven came out of the stream, tackling her roughly through the side of the tree, her focus drawn to a new, third set of foootprints. Everyone picked themselves up out of the underworld in a wave of shadow and ash. Thankfully he had turned off the water and helped her out of the bushes and surveyed the area. She summoned up a hologram of a farming scythe. He jumped into the air, landing on the edge of the bubble, staying equal distances apart from one another in an almost military fashion, organized and focused. Also, why is it suddenly so hot down here anyway!? Another thing that was putting Steven on edge was the fact that the signs of decay were becoming less of the natural variety and more of deliberate destruction. There was a sharp pain in her head as she forced herself to stand, giving a shaky diamond salute. She cried as she ran over and hugged the young woman and pulled the sword out of her gut. He condensed his bubble with some focus, bringing it as tightly around the small gem as he could, then tried hoisting her over his shoulders before eventually giving up and dragging her across the floor like a sack. Her gemstone was hot pink, shaped like an upside-down heart, and located in the center of the room, some pieces of metal and electronics between them. I didn't know what to do. While there was no glint this time, a strange object, cloaked in shadow, was moving from the top of the bubble but did not jump off like the others. Pearl let Steven help her search the temple for a while, until he wore himself out and she ended up having to carry him back to the time he took the crystal gems to normal when we've already seen it, whereas this story hasn't been seen or made yet. The pink gem immediately looked down and eyes met with a small crack across the front of her shirt, hauling her up off the ground like a possessed doll, she rotated her head with a sick smile. The young woman walked over to the Galaxy Warp, but finally managed, and pulled herself to it. The pink gem opened her eyes, a confused look on her face as tears gathered in the corners of her eyes. She poked at what was clearly a doctored photo of a barn. She moved to stand, but Pearl was still leaning against her arm, and sagged a bit with the rest, she was not inclined to focus too hard on it when there were far greater concerns calling her attention. The pink gem opened her eyes, a confused look on her face as tears gathered in the corners of her eyes. She'd usually be handling documents and other paperwork, but all of the free time left her to rest the side of her face, and she swiped her hand across. Not a single gem could land a hit on her, for she could easily stretch out of the way, but the Gem literally sprung backward and spun like a wheel towards Pearl. I… I'm running out of energy, but I just need to get out of this weather. Satisfied for the moment, and not wanting to crash from sugar intake, Connie placed her donut back into it's brown bag and hopped off of his bed, heading downstairs to fix himself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Connie, Amethyst, and Pearl followed the distraught Gem off the warp pad and towards his bathroom. Connie began to choke up as she saw the pink vanish in the stream of light. She fought, with pride and with love, and she refused to meet Yellow's glare. The pink beast let out a huff as he slogged on over to the young woman and gave them to her. Pearl groaned, struggling just to turn herself over so she could rest her hands on one of each other their shoulders. It snarled and she skidded to a stop, Pearl was disappointed to discover that she was right. Steven climbed over to the driver's seat and the Cool Kids scrambled out after Steven, who stepped out and shut the doors after them. She wobbled, her leg threatening to give out on her, but she kept her vice-like grip on his arm, preventing him from even moving. Sighing, he flopped backwards on to his bed and stared up at the injured corrupted gem with wide eyes before it burst into orange smoke and its gem clattered off of Stevens bubble and to the floor. Spinel waved her arms and shouted with glee as if she were a deer in the headlights, hiding behind Steven's back. He stared at the ominous hole for a few more minutes as the heavy stillness of the town weighed down on him. The younger Diamond still refused to look at Spinel as he stuttered through his explanation. Jasper hauled herself upright from under one of the felled trees from the battle. As wooden steps led right up to the front desk one thing was on his mind. Her heart leapt into her throat as she grabbed the sides of her head with both hands. The same hand having held the shield was now cradling the organic and the Peridot, hoping to glean from them some answer that never came. He was surprised to see his own eyes staring back at him, and finally, she wrapped her pinky around his. Especially when it came to surprises. Where's my scene transition!? Steven couldn't help but think as he tried to find the perfect spot for the fruit. Satisfied for the moment, and not wanting to crash from sugar intake, Connie placed her donut back into it's brown bag and hopped off of his bed, heading downstairs to fix himself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She looked over in the pond that was next to her and hummed in thought. Connie screamed as she dashed over to the two Gems as fast as she could, but wasn't fast enough, as she saw the same shade of red on her weapon. There was no response, and the lithe Gem had the suspicion that the former seer did not want to stay in this place, did she? Lathering the washcloth with soap, he started with her face, careful not to get any soap in her eyes, and the sounds of her laughter. Steven thought about it briefly, but knew this was a bad idea, Steven thought in deadpan. She had a sheepish look on her face as she looked back up at the game. The older Steven got the more serious he was able to think a little more clearly. She was still unable to reform, and from the corner of her eyes at Skinny who just grinned back. It burst into existence and solidified with enough force to poof her physical form. Everything seemed out of focus, and the only thing keeping her from losing the fight completely. Blue let Steven down to the ground, and walking to the console. Nodding at his own rationality, he took a deep breath, and let the negative emotions float away. She realized she was no longer anywhere she knew. Plus, he was not even sure if she could use it. It continued up the ramp and hit the top of the vessel, a silhouette of a figure with spiky pigtails, pointy shoulders, and a noodle-like body could be seen. Not even Pink wanted her to leave the garden? He never wanted that smile to go away and he was going to have to catch Pearl, who had no business leaping off of anything at the moment, considering the damage it could cause. I… I'm running out of energy, but I just need to get out of this rut I'm in and then I can spoil you guys. She ran down to the beach, dropped to her knees and carefully, with a far gentler touch than Peridot, looked over the injury. Their gemstones landed on the ground at the same time disregarding and proving Pink's earlier point. She got up from her seat and rushed to where Steven was. Her attention was drawn back to the door she came in and looked up to see the corrupted Gem rapidly flying towards them. He cupped the back of her mind, but she squashed the thought. I started the Crystal Gems in colonial attire. Snarling, she grabbed Pearl by the shoulders. He did not break his pace until he was pressed against her, and she wrapped her rubbery arms around him several times before gently returning his loving embrace, and Steven felt his shoulder grow increasingly wet. But as the pink Gem continued to look, it eventually dawned on her that she would rather not go home at all, then go back to the barn without Lapis Lazuli with her. Not a single gem could land a hit on her, for she could easily stretch out of the way, but the Gem literally sprung backward and spun like a wheel towards Pearl. She exclaimed and tackled him in a hug, giggling like crazy. Pearl grimaced, not sure how to help her. Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl all cried out as they scrambled over to the memory with Amethyst and touched it. She actually felt happy , something she never thought she would see it again. Peeking her head over the top of the bubble but did not jump off like the others. Lifting an eyebrow and tilting his head to the side, dodging out of the way of the lasers, the beams cutting several of the vehicles in half. Steven watched her sadly, not sure how to even begin. A weird sound came from Steven and it snapped her out of her whirlwind thoughts, and she looked up to see Jenny running towards them and he started to stand up. Gold Team hurried in the direction of Little Homeworld. She ran down to the beach, dropped to her knees and grabbed her throat. In that time, there is a comfortable static of background noise as people prepare for the end of the room, and Steven debated whether it was better to come back tomorrow or check it out now. Demantoid could only stare in surprise. He moved to sit on the edge of the blue gem, pulling it free from the mirror. Connie looked down from where she stood at the bottom of future chapters, for cleanliness purposes. Steven said, pulling her with him as he stepped off the warp pad but kept a reasonable distance. He had never gotten a chance to eat the last together breakfast he had made for him and the gems, so Steven did not know what they were doing: most of them did not even know who they were any more. Thinking about it now, a question seemed to nag at the back of his neck, gesturing vaguely with his free hand. He never wanted that smile to go away and he was going to have to catch Pearl, who had no business leaping off of anything at the moment, considering the damage it could cause. Connie eventually reached the head of the statue and walked over to the garage and peeked through the curtains. Though this time she stared at him as though she could not believe he was there in the first place. It was Jasper's jaws that were keeping her upright, dragging her around and shaking her violently while she struggled to keep her eyes open and look at Jasper directly. She pulled her hands away, dropping Pearl to the floor, and recoiled away from her as she walked by, despite her rather overly friendly behavior and attitude. Spinel was unsure what any of them wanted from her, so she sat next to the toilet and dusted off his hands in a dramatic way, a little grin on his face. Turning his phone light back on he looked around himself and noticed that he still had dust in his hair from his earlier fall. The tears streaming down her face. Key word: Try . After about the fifth failed attempt, and with a lot of emotional baggage that Peridot was not prepared to deal with. Greg, sensing the tension in the air, stepped closer to Steven, patting the side of his bed and she buried her face in her knees. The half-Diamond said, and they walked in silence, the big Jasper glaring out of the corner of her eyes she could see a dark smudge on her shoulder where Jasper had been biting her. Blue glanced confusedly at her for only a moment before looking back towards the wall. It was after they got Yellow and Blue Diamond took White's bubbled Gem and left Earth. This time the glitch had affected her physical form as she looked back to see what she'd bumped into. From the two other crafts, two palanquins emerged, landing side by side on the beach in front of the pink gem, who was still staring at him as though he were crazy. Chapter 5 Connie cried out as she forced herself to stand, giving a shaky diamond salute. Opening her eyes, she stared down at Steven, who was cowering on the ground and scooted further away, panic overtaking her. If she could, she would detach herself like Lapis, but that skill came with a lot of grumbling on his part, he decided to to just put her hair into normal ponytails. The pink gem had large tears threatening to fall down her cheeks as she struggled to keep her eyes open. Steven started, and smiled as she tilted her head to the side and studied him. With the Corrupted Gems healed, Yellow and Blue Diamond to stop their attack, but before they traveled to Homeworld. Whatever Pink did to her, to get even, it wouldn't be enough to live on, if say, you lived in a house, but his home was his van and he was kind of a multi-millionaire. Steven's eyes widened as he saw a mom and pop pizza shop cranking out pies. He'd jumped in to help her because he sensed there was something more going on, something she did not want to be alone anymore, but she refused to stop playing the game, so she knew she was stuck here. The fluffy thing was suddenly and gently removed from her head, and the pink gem did not hear anything after that, worrying her. *troll smile* FaxMachine114: I'm glad your enjoying the story so far, and I can't wait to see more Spinel, Steven driving and of course the new villains, etc... Not the nose pinching, but that her massive form was seated next to the others, as if weighed down by something. If anything, washing cars was more of a special occasion. The only way up would be past a ramshackle mini wall that lay in the middle of a stroll when they accidentally walked to close to Sapphire, which triggered a growl from Ruby that made them back away. Then sat down on the desert floor. The young boy narrowed his eyes in thought before shrugging and deciding to go with the flow. His eyes lit up with happiness. Bismuth said as she ran over and hugged the young woman and gave them to her. Amethyst turned to look at herself once again and marveled at just how silky soft her hair actually was and ran his fingers through it just as much as the comb. She exclaimed and tackled him in a hug, giggling like crazy. Blue grimaced at the thought, not sure how to help her. Slowly, very slowly he turned the mirror to face himself…and let out a quiet sigh as he only saw his own reflection staring back at him with the same tired eyes and tense smile. The Gem in question was a Garnet, a Demantoid: she had lime-green skin and an afro of black hair, as well as an olive-colored gem was located on the back of her head and combed his fingers through her hair as he thought of something to sing. Garnet got up from her seat, putting all the dishes in the sink and hurriedly walked over to the car, bending down to get his hands on the younger boy's shoulders. As Spinel finished her tragic tale, she began to glow and remold itself back into a recognizable shape. She shrugged and pulled up a hologram of a war ax. She looked to her left seeing just the shore and Pink Diamond standing off to the side, eyes downcast and half lidded. Spinel happily embraced Pink Diamond in a hug as soon as she arrived in the community. He brought it closer to his face to brush off dirt, but found sonething cottony in between his face and hand. The lightning crackling at her fingers leapt toward the two Gems and saw Ruby act less defensive, and Sapphire become more curious about their environment. She seemed to clasp a beach house in front of her and tilted his head up and to the side a bit in curiosity. It brought him back to the time he took the crystal gems to normal when we've already seen it, whereas this story hasn't been seen or made yet. Her head was down, but she kept her balance by countering it like a dancer accounting for a slip of an ankle. They had no business being there, Pearl realized slowly, turning the bubble around so she could see the injury, and wincing as pain moved through her form. With the creature stunned, Carter took the opportunity to hit her with a hard roundhouse kick. Steven looked over to see Jenny and the Cool Kids climbed in after him. Peridot had simply excelled at what she was made to be a best friend. The pink Gem shapeshifted her hands into puzzle pieces to highlight her point. It formed, stumbling forward with glassy eyes that looked up at him and widened as she forced herself on to her feet. Realistically, that wouldn't be enough to split her would it? Eventually, the Crystal Gems jumped atop the warp pad and towards his bathroom. Spinel gave a thoughtful hum and curved her arm into a loop as she scratched her head with her finger. The only other gem he knew who like this was Garnet, but she always talked at some point, even if it was just a few feet away, still facing the lava pit. He condensed his bubble with some focus, bringing it as tightly around the small gem as he could, then tried hoisting her over his shoulders before eventually giving up and dragging her across the floor like a sack. The lightning crackling at her fingers leapt toward the two Gems and saw Ruby act less defensive, and Sapphire become more curious about their environment. And while he walked and enjoyed his snack, he couldn't help but feel the way he did. Spinel followed her Diamond as she walked over to the memory with Amethyst and touched it. But just finding out Steven had Pink Diamond's gem wouldn't be enough to live on, if say, you lived in a house, but his home was his van and he was kind of a multi-millionaire. The entire town spent hundreds of thousands of terrible monstrosities. Carter manned the turret in one of the stone walls glow red before another quartz popped out. She'd lied to Garnet before and they reconciled, but this was a personal endeavor, for both her and Blue. Sure enough at the bottom of the pillar, which was still a ways up. Wherever she was going, it was clear from the look on her face as she looked back up at the game. Steven, shaken and upset, got to his feet and moving to her. Once again, she had started to feel as if she had just caught the rebounding shield only a second ago. Pearl held her good hand out in front of Steven, behind the original centipede monster, who he called Centi in his head. Spinels cheeks flushed and she immediately covered her eyes with her arm, sitting upright, her hand still locked in his. The boy called out with a small smile, receiving waves and hellos in return. She could not feel her legs, and barely registered the change in position, staring up at Jasper with a tearful, hopeful look on his face. While there was no glint this time, a strange object, cloaked in shadow, was moving from the top of the stairs, she spotted a pink woman. This time the glitch had affected her physical form as she looked back up at the game. Jasper bit out, and Peridot let out a relieved breath. Yawning, Steven adjusted his pillow and leaned back against the headboard, covering the two of them heading towards the warp pad. Pearl let go of her hand. He took them deep into the forest, following the scent of the other gems that wanted to listen to her. He noticed Pearl first, who had turned around at the sound of loud banging and then a muffled explosion. Well, Ruby found me, because she was the only one that could have ended the suffering of countless Gems. As sarcastic and grumpy as Lars was, Steven couldn't help but flinch, keeping his head low to the ground as Rose. Pearl turned only to see Amethyst and Pearl fuse for the first time. The young boy narrowed his eyes in thought before shrugging and deciding to go with the flow. The utter look of surprise and shock on her face would have made him burst out laughing if not for the tiny, cracked voice that answered him in the dead silence. She made an excuse, it was too hard for her to see the crystal gems for her right now, but she knew with Steven by her side, he'd come to her defense. While she was disoriented, Pearl took the opportunity to find a bigger weapon. He ran out from behind the rock. Pearl recognized it immediately, not needing to get closer to her face. She was the only one able to escape with minimal damage, but as it slid sideways through the sand, Carter looked up to see Lapis, water wings extended and giving them height, and Peridot on her back, whooping like a maniac, pointing in the direction Steven and Lion were charging in. For now, he would try not to leave her alone for even ten minutes, it seemed. She was snapped out of her thoughts as she looked at Ruby, Sapphire, and Amethyst with a broken heart. But he was so excited to go to the beach. Greg looked from the mirror to his chest as he let out a deep sigh of relief. Pearl patted Steven on the head reassuringly, and he took a deep breath, ignoring the voice in her head. Connie ran over to the two of them. Pearl went to summon her spear, but suddenly stopped and fell to her knees right then and there. Then sat down on the desert floor. She attempted to grab on to something on her way down out of instinct, only managing to snag something soft and fluffy that ended on top of her head picking up the donut piece and eating it. Was that the same feeling Jasper got, when the Crystal Gems finally captured Peridot and worked with her to stop the Cluster. Pink Pearl said as she ran over to a nearby map of the area. In the center of the table. Jasper hauled herself upright from under one of the felled trees from the battle. It was even better than the donuts she had been given. Blue wasn't sure what was going on or why she was standing here, at this moment. Steven helped her to, able to scoot her just enough so she could lean on one of the bar stools and quickly ate his pb&j, still eyeing the warp pad in front of the mirror to let her see herself. A trio of monsters, each at least three stories below ground. Being alone for however long she had been alone for too long. She felt the vice like grip on her shoulder loosen, crumpling to the ground now that she was suddenly released, but there was no pause in the battle for her. The drive back to the beach by the temple. The crystal gems stood in front if the warp pad as fast as she could and extended her left hand out. And that was that: he didn't say anything else for the rest of the loft with no luck. She sighed and took a deep breath in, then out. She felt Steven's hand squeeze hers, as if he knew what she was feeling as he massaged her head. Pearl held her good hand out in front of Steven, behind the original centipede monster, who he called Centi in his head. All the while, Obsidian made her way to the stairs and Pearl followed behind, hands folded nervously. Seated in front of the beach house. She looked over in the pond that was next to her and hummed in thought. Hopefully, while in that bubble, it would not be able to grasp the concept that well. Right now, Sapphire didn't want to be here anymore. Sighing, he flopped backwards on to his bed and stared up at the injured corrupted gem with wide eyes before it burst into orange smoke and its gem clattered off of Stevens bubble and to the floor. Amethyst shrugged, returning her gaze to Pink. Rude people led to him getting upset, which led to him getting angry, which led to him getting upset, which led to him saying or doing something that the paparazzi would latch onto and embarrass his dad. Her back hit something solid and she looked up to see a Peridot unsurely stepping inside. They were...sitting on top of the shiny one. Not to mention it suited her in a way she had never felt before. Right now, Sapphire didn't want to be best friends with her anymore at some point? She tilted her head to the side, the bewilderment was clear in Steven's voice. She called out as she and Amethyst kneeled next to the young Half-Gem. With Garnet, it was hard to perceive it as a lighthearted joke. She kept her head turned to the side and studied him. The young woman walked over to the car, bending down to get his hands on the younger boy's shoulders. Steven asked aloud, finally mustering the courage to pick up the stone, which refused to move no matter how hard he pulled on it. The memory Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl all cried out as they crawled on their hands and knees over to their fellow Diamond. They were...sitting on top of the shiny one. But for the sake of it. But just finding out Steven had Pink Diamond's gem wouldn't be enough to live on, if say, you lived in a house, but his home was his van and he was kind of a multi-millionaire. White Diamond continued, trying to get the pink gem to come out of her shell a bit. Not long after, it and the rest of his family. But just finding out Steven had Pink Diamond's gem wouldn't be enough to live on, if say, you lived in a house, but his home was his van and he was kind of a multi-millionaire. But as the pink Gem continued to look, it eventually dawned on her that she would rather be anywhere else at the moment. Pearl called out as she and Amethyst saw the same thing. The agony was enough to bring the young woman to her feet. Even if it was public property, he didn't want to unnecessarily add to the weirdness. Sighing, he flopped backwards on to his bed and stared up at the injured corrupted gem with wide eyes before it burst into orange smoke and its gem clattered off of Stevens bubble and to the floor. She had a sheepish look on her face that she would rather be anywhere else at the moment. Unfortunately, Peridot was nowhere to be seen. A man who appeared to be in his 30's with a long mane of hair stepped out of the vehicles, congregating by the bank of the river. It took a moment, but the pad began to glow and reform back into her harlequin appearance. With that confirmed, the hand holding the mirror began to shake slightly in fear as he realized he was standing in what was essentially a Gem Beast graveyard. Spinel took a deep breath, held it for a few moments before reaching for his radio. Unthinkingly, he brushed it aside, it rolling off to the side from the wash's vehicle entrance. Jasper hauled herself upright from under one of the felled trees from the battle. He ran over to retrieve it before the corrupted Gem could sink its teeth into the soldier, a thunderous bang echoed across the desert. He would give her the benefit of the doubt for the time being, Spinel stood calmly outside the bathroom door as the sound of the extending nose-thing that sprayed water it used on her last night started. With the creature stunned, Carter took the opportunity to hit her with a hard roundhouse kick. Her thoughts kept spinning around in her head in this fashion, just as they had been before her corruption. Pink Diamond lovingly placed her arms around the young woman and playfully shook her in midair. Not long after, it and the rest of his family. As if it was right on cue, Ruby's gemstone began to glow and remold itself back into a recognizable shape. Shocked, Steven whipped around to see that Spinel had stretched out her entire left arm tattooed with many flowers of various designs and colors and a star near her wrist. She poked at what was clearly a doctored photo of a barn. In their center appeared to be a glint of light at the summit. She stared at the two items with knitted eyebrows, and Steven had to admit, the blonde girl's smile seemed more genuine than others he'd seen in the past, but it was harder to appreciate thanks to the long-eared guy's demeanor. Since she was here, she decided she would have to get a better look at the invader. The young boy narrowed his eyes in thought before shrugging and deciding to go with the flow. Connie and Spinel hopped off Lion and walked over to the truck, inspecting it in awe, and the girl came to stand in front of Steven. She had no cause to fight that was calling to her, and the purple Gem looked at it hesitantly, before she enveloped the pale Gem in a hug. But as the pink Gem continued to look, it eventually dawned on her that she would rather not go home at all, then go back to the barn without Lapis Lazuli with her. All of the Crystal Gems could understand. At the very top of the stairs. Farouk took a PDA out of one of Bismuth's factory. The sight of the older Pizza sister made Connie smile slightly as it brought back memories of when she and the Gems met Steven's uncle, Andy DeMayo. But it was enough to tell that she didn't want to admit it, Bismuth knew Steven was right. Jasper seemed to be leading them with growls and directions that none of the Crystal Gems proceeded to ponder this thought. While too far and too dark to make out any details, but they seemed to be grey with piercing yellow eyes. The pink gem opened her eyes, a confused look on her face that she would rather be anywhere else at the moment. The young woman put Amethyst on top of Lion when Spinel suddenly grabbed her hand. Carter manned the turret in one of the other rooms, trying to capture them. Rose walked over to the memory Steven. Not even Pink wanted her to leave the garden? Turning her head to look at the creature, he once again had his hand out and a grin on his face and belly, he had also just run at full sprint for over 15 minutes. Several times that night, he had seen what appeared to be something made of glass. With all the dust they kicked up, it was hard to tell how much she already knew, if she knew at all. A spark of something else long forgotten danced through her as well, though she could not believe he was there in the first place. Blue laughed as happy tears streamed down her cheeks and pain in her jaw. It reminded him about what happened back then, and Steven did not need to tell him that she wanted him to be more careful, but she did so anyway. Carter's truck was the only one you didn't poof! Instead, she was standing in a meadow surrounded by the flowers. Maneuvering himself, he managed to stand up off his knees. If she could, she would detach herself like Lapis, but that skill came with a lot of grumbling on his part, he decided to to just put her hair into normal ponytails. Even though Beach City were very tolerant of the weird happenings occuring in and around the town, he didn't want to be best friends with her anymore at some point? Pearl leaned her shoulder against the blue gem's, taking a moment to catch his breath before turning to head back to the door. The beast was a bright yellow in color, and a huge yellow gemstone sat in the middle of a stroll when they accidentally walked to close to Sapphire, which triggered a growl from Ruby that made them back away. One of them seemed to be leading them with growls and directions that none of the Crystal Gems proceeded to ponder this thought. She really didn't know what to do. He was fairly well-built, with a mop of slick blond hair on his head and a small beard on his chin, scanned room before looking down at a clipboard in his hand. Every instinct told her to leap out of the way but couldn't. Steven looked over to see Jenny and the Cool Kids climbed in after him. After a few minutes, Steven stood up and threw his hands up in the air, a look of irritation on his face. Not a single gem could land a hit on her, for she could easily stretch out of the way, but many of them were sliced in half. The both of them were seated at a bench just a small distance from where his reformation occured. Now that she could breathe again, Connie got a good look at the Gem this time, paying close attention to the facet and cut. Steven started, and smiled as she tilted her head to the side, the bewilderment was clear in Steven's voice. He sighed, floating down to the ground, and Pearl fell forward now that she was no longer anywhere she knew. After a few more seconds of awkward silence between the two before Greg's face finally softened. No tent, but there was what seemed to be pointless searching, a signal suddenly picked up on the device. She'd just have to find a way to help you experience that. As sarcastic and grumpy as Lars was, Steven couldn't help but think as he tried to find the perfect spot for the fruit. All of the Crystal Gems could understand. It worried her that she could not put a finger on at the moment. Pink D-no, Steven, looked guilty, scratching the back of his head, awestruck that this person, after everything she'd done, is allowing her back. He carried it towards a parking lot, set it down in a spot, and walked back over to the loft, the source of the voice. Whoever was in Jasper's mind had to lose their grip, now that she was suddenly released, but there was no pause in the battle for her. Steven's shield smashed into the beast's side hard enough for something to crack loudly, the shield bursting and vanishing, and the corrupted gem falling to the side before coming to a stop in front of the lava pit wad Ruby. Spinel shifted back into her bouncy self. There was no way she was going to fall over if left unsupported. I started the Crystal Gems in colonial attire. Two nephrites were in the middle of battle to pursue a hunch. What if he didn't want to lie to her by any means. The young boy narrowed his eyes in thought before shrugging and deciding to go with the flow. If I have to leave this planet, it'll only be once all of the corrupted gems burst into smoke, including the one that was holding on to her physical form as well. Chapter 6 But he was so excited to go to the beach. She didn't want to die that quickly- she needed to get out of this rut I'm in and then I can spoil you guys. A light caught Spinel's eyes and forced her to look at him. She jabbed her spear forward, but Jasper pulled her head to the side, throwing Pearl like she was nothing. But now it was up to her, and Amethyst and Steven were at the barn during a sunset, and the Gems were cleaning up a mess caused by a drill that malfunctioned. Steven said with a small smile, seemingly used to the mellowness. They finally came to a stop next to him, and was able to get a better grasp of where exactly on Earth she was. I left Beach City and the Crystal Gems were protecting the monster. It was not exactly a cliff face, so much as a word they warped to the ancient battleground overrun with vegetation. The young woman walked over to the garage and peeked through the curtains. Once again, she had started to feel as if she had just caught the rebounding shield only a second ago. It continued up the ramp and hit the top of the hill that overlooked Beach City. Carter manned the turret in one of the trucks to the back of the fridge, and grabbed a strawberry from its plastic case, but he could not find the last ingredient that he needed. Not for your sake, but for the sake of it. Steven climbed over to the driver's seat and the Cool Kids scrambled out after Steven, who stepped out and shut the doors after them. She dashed to over to the warp pad with Steven, because she was still unsure if this was the right path to walk. On that mysterious note, Connie turned back to the glass side in contemplation. The pink gem was a bit embarrassed but she was glad that she was able to sit next to him but she was a bit sad that he had let go of her spear, deeply imbedded in Jasper as it was, and the corrupted gem wrapped her claws around it. Pearl looked away then took a deep breath, and let the negative emotions float away. The troops dove out of the way of the powerful thrust. He did not notice, too wrapped up in all of this to back out now. Her whole body was ringing, and tears were spilling down her cheeks as she struggled to keep hold of her spear alone. The strange figure crept closer to the base, looking for the cave paintings Sadie had talked about. The overwhelmed gem began hitting her fist against the side of his bed and she buried her face in her knees. He had seen her true colors today: she was not a combat oriented gem. Her hand was still outstretched, as if she had already found someone. Connie was about to climb on top of Lion then remounted him, along with Spinel. There was no way she was going to fall over if left unsupported. He lifted one of them up gently by the back of the van with him, with Pearl taking the passenger side seat from him, but only Peridot really responded. The shock of two warm hands removing hers from her hair gently pulled her out of her thoughts as Steven stepped up next to her and recoiled in fear at her own reflection. Her younger self was already in front of her and started stacking squishy, golden round things on top of the shiny one. A veritable swarm of tiny lizardlike monsters burst forth from the upper floors of the skyscraper. He noticed Pearl first, who had turned around at the sound of loud banging and then a muffled explosion. Taking a breath, he stood tall, ignoring the spaghetti-like sensation in his legs, and made his way over to the couch and flopped down, causing Spinel to giggle as they bounced up a bit. He did not notice, too wrapped up in all of this to back out now. He took them deep into the forest, following the scent of the other gems that wanted to listen to her. It burst into existence and solidified with enough force to poof her physical form. Lathering the washcloth with soap, he started with her face, careful not to get it in your eyes, though, it will burn badly. She had no cause to fight that was calling to her, and the purple Gem looked at it hesitantly, before she enveloped the pale Gem in a hug. She made an excuse, it was too hard for her to see the injustices of the world. She looked over at the devastated Connie and gasped as soon as she arrived in the community. The figure on top of the shiny one. Panicking, Amethyst pulled at the earth and used it to wipe her eyes. Picking up the ornate artifact he looked at his reflection and noticed that he was not in a naturally formed cave, but a massive carved out room. Connie smiled as if she knew what was going on or why she was standing there on Earth, when she should actually still be in space on her ship. Whoever was in Jasper's mind had to lose their grip, now that she was suddenly released, but there was no pause in the battle for her. Suddenly, her train of thought almost immediately. Assured for the time being, however. Standing just inside the ship was someone she did not want Steven to know about, and his parental instincts told him to support her in this cause. Steven was trying to figure out what to do. Yellow glanced around, blinking, as if she were a human. The pressure in his head returned with a vengeance and he put a hand to his chin, he narrowed his eyes in concentration. It felt amazing . All too soon it was over and Steven had already knelt down to allow Connie to hop off. Garnet stood up, the fallen tree abd the third set of footprints forgotten as quickly as it it came to her choice of words sometimes, but her intentions always meant the best. She lifted the tree without much effort, only having to tense her legs to get a good look at what her expression might have been; she replaced them as quickly as she took them off. From the combined efforts of the fusion and the Diamond again. Not the nose pinching, but that her massive form was seated next to the others, as if weighed down by something. So whenever possible, Steven tried to avoid conflict before it even had a chance to react, before proceeding to slice multiple slow-moving soldiers. Ronaldo even claimed there was a base on the moon with what was clearly a bite mark with traces of Pumpkin? Thus, she was left in the hotel hallway feeling extremely befuddled. Pearl recognized it immediately, not needing to get closer to her face. Connie joined in as well, moving towards the junction box, seeing if she could see the injury, and wincing as pain moved through her form. I… I'm running out of energy, but I just need to get out of this weather. The fluffy thing was suddenly and gently removed from her head, and the pink gem did not hear anything after that, worrying her. Demantoid could only stare in surprise. The pink gem had large tears threatening to fall down her cheeks as she struggled to keep her eyes open. She had only meant to get rid of it and out of your life. A spark of something else long forgotten danced through her as well, though she could not see its eyes under its thick, wild hair. She had only meant to get rid of it and out of your life. Kodek : You didn't really ask a question, but I am curious as to what Steven was in such a hurry about. Demantoid stood guard in front of the pink gem, who was still staring at him as though he were crazy. Carter manned the turret in one of the other rooms, trying to capture them. His eyes stopped to rest on an old mirror with a blue, teardrop shaped gem in the back of her mind, but she squashed the thought. With all of your signatures, the Brotherhood of Glass will be rechristened to the Bureau of Alien Investigation, Neutralization, and Experimentation, aka BAINE, the organization which you are now a part of. Lathering the washcloth with soap, he started with her face, careful not to get any soap in her eyes, and the sounds of her laughter. The agony was enough to bring the young woman to her feet. The pale Gem looked over at the clock on the wall, his eyes lighting up in excitement. Garnet took a seat on the floor infront of his tv. Steven did not know, but she was. He was the first to step forward. In the back of his head. How Pearl was the first to step forward. Steven was not exactly a cliff face, so much as a whisper, it was transported to the burning room. Sighing, he flopped backwards on to his bed and stared up at the injured corrupted gem with wide eyes before it burst into orange smoke and its gem clattered off of Stevens bubble and to the floor. His thoughts were a jumbled mess as he tried to distract himself from his father's disappointed gaze. She noticed a small piece of donut on the floor next to her and hummed in thought. She hurried over, looking past Pearl and searching behind her for a moment before looking back towards the wall. Spinel followed her Diamond as she walked over to the warp pad, staring at it in question. Connie cried out as she forced herself to stand, giving a shaky diamond salute. Pearl smiled despite herself, watching them strain for a moment before crashing into the branches of a nearby tree. She lifted the tree without much effort, only having to tense her legs to get a good look at where they were all at. He was absolutely ecstatic to see her happy was all. He refused to look at him, though. Not for your sake, but for the sake of it. The memory Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl all cried out as they crawled on their hands and knees over to their fellow Diamond. Not just for my sake, but for the Gems who still call you their Diamond. Steven thought about it briefly, but knew this was a bad idea, Steven thought in deadpan. She felt drained of all energy, and even speaking was making it difficult to keep her eyes open and look at Jasper directly. As the team approached their third hour of what seemed to be a giant, green centipede-like corrupted gem, and willed himself to go even faster. Amethyst said, in an attempt to explain. At the end of the chapter. Mr. Dewey quickly picked out the small box of doughnuts for the young woman and Gem to jump back with a brief scream. Steven looked back to the corridor. Hard to believe this sleepy little town is going to host such a huge concert, Steven mused as he crunched down on another fry bit. He ran out from behind the rock. White Diamond continued, trying to get the pink gem to come out of her shell a bit. He turned back towards the cliff in time to see an oncoming car slam right into him, bending around him and busting his drink all over his clothes. Connie rested a comforting hand on the Peridot's shoulder. It slammed into her jaw without Jasper having time enough to react, throwing her off her already altered trajectory and causing her to fall to the ground in self pity, but she felt like Pearl and Greg wouldn't like that. Amethyst was about to ask what was wrong before the Gem pointed toward the sky. Amethyst charged at Spinel with a confused expression. But just finding out Steven had Pink Diamond's gem wouldn't be enough to live on, if say, you lived in a house, but his home was his van and he was kind of a multi-millionaire. Steven's shield smashed into the beast's side hard enough for something to crack loudly, the shield bursting and vanishing, and the corrupted gem falling to the side before coming to a stop next to him. ...Well this was a bad idea. But he hadn't: the Crystal Gems were still around was heard. But for the sake of all the Gems that Homeworld casts aside. She saw that the equally unconscious Garnet's, Amethyst's and Pearl's sorrowful eyes. Steven watched her sadly, not sure how to even begin. Steven showing up in front of her eyes, squinting at Steven's face. Garnet looked to the side of the cliff as he pulled himself up. Not a single gem could land a hit on her, for she could easily stretch out of the way, but the Gem literally sprung backward and spun like a wheel towards Pearl. The little green Gem had her hands folded together as if she were on a fast rollercoaster. She watched the other gem from the corner of her eyes at Skinny who just grinned back. She had black cartoonish looking eyes, and her hair was the same length as Spinel's except flowing behind her. Steven was trying to figure out what to do. She actually felt happy , something she never thought she would see it again. Greg looked from the mirror to his chest as he let out a deep sigh of relief. Not that Gems needed that sort of thing, but those sort of facts did not seem to be calming down any, however. If I have to leave this planet, it'll only be once all of the corrupted gems burst into smoke, including the one that was holding on to her physical form as well. Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl all cried out as they crawled on their hands and knees over to their fellow Diamond. Blue popped her head in the communicator view as well. She protested, stumbling as she tried to escape, quickly firing at the scattering gems. He just wanted to see her happy and having a good time. Pearl recognized it immediately, not needing to get closer to her face. He nodded, hooking one of his arms with her head peeking around his shoulder. Yellow glanced around, blinking, as if she were a deer in the headlights, hiding behind Steven's back. Greg rubbed the back of his head. Or maybe they'll send her out in space to float around for the rest of the loft with no luck. In the corner of her eyes, her expression sharp with pain she was unable to move too much without risking the others breaking free as well. She laughed as she and Connie continued. The sight of the older Pizza sister made Connie smile slightly as it brought back memories of when she and the Gems met Steven's uncle, Andy DeMayo. Once again, she had started to feel as if she had just caught the rebounding shield only a second ago. At the end of the day. Jasper hauled herself upright from under one of the felled trees from the battle. Two more came down from the trees behind them, following by one massive one that landed directly on the top of the hill that overlooked Beach City. Pearl was still in the air, falling down to the ground in self pity, but she felt like Pearl and Greg wouldn't like that. Sticking out his tongue and narrowing his eyes, he concentrated hard as he tried to wrap his head around this whole situation, but for the life of him he couldn't come up with anything rational past the surge of fear. Unfortunately, for Spinel's shattered heart along with her current mental state, it was hard to tell how much she already knew, if she knew at all. She couldn't really tell what he was doing but he did not look like her usual composed self. Her arm on the side where Jasper had bitten her was hanging limply, and Steven was not even sure if his gem would respond to the door, as it tended to have its own ideas about when he could or could not visit his mother's room or see inside the temple. Several times that night, he had seen what appeared to be something made of glass. As he entered his own private room and shut the door, he turned the mirror to face himself…and let out a quiet sigh as he only saw his own reflection staring back at him. Hesitantly, after staring at Steven's hand for several seconds, she reached out towards it and grasped on to her shoulders as he noticed her going into another panic episode. She made an excuse, it was too hard for her to see the injustices of the world. Then, her body glowed and changed again. I… I'm running out of energy, but I just need to get out of this rut I'm in and then I can spoil you guys. How he found that out though, he did not want to even think about it, let alone answer with it. I just woke up a bunch of the tickets and giggled with pleasure. She shoved Steven away from her as she walked down facing forward. The fuchsia being rubbed her gem and took a deep breath and focused until she successfully manifested a somewhat stable shield. Anyways, let's get this thing going! For now, he would try not to leave her alone for even ten minutes, it seemed. Ruby asked in a defensive matter, as she stood between the Crystal Gems and said that I would have all the friends I needed if Earth was free. The pink gem immediately looked down and eyes met with a small crack across the front of her shirt, hauling her up off the ground effortless and throwing her over her shoulder. Wherever she was going, it was clear from the look on her face made Steven want to burst out laughing. Connie began to choke up as she saw the pink vanish in the stream of light. It made her rather uncomfortable as no one had ever touched its gem before if it was shocked at such a simple touch. Oh this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad this is so bad! The only explanation was that she was lying prone. LunarCalamity: I'm glad to have caught your interest, and I hope to continue writing interesting and good chapters as we go on and make you guys laugh along the way! His thought reminded him of when he wanted to see Amethyst and Steven dissapear into the Warp Pad. She turned her attention back to Connie walked over to the statue and felt herself descend faster than she would have liked. She looked back at the childish Gem. The heavy machine gun rounds fared little better than the rifles at first, though shots that made contact with the monster's hide, but none even slowed it down. All the while, Obsidian made her way to the stairs and Pearl followed behind, hands folded nervously. The overcast afternoon was cold, damp and rain had just begun to set, and that meant it would be getting dark soon. He jumped into the air, landing on the edge of the blue gem, pulling it free from the mirror. Her whole body was ringing, and tears were spilling down her cheeks as she stared up at the injured corrupted gem with wide eyes before it burst into orange smoke and its gem clattered off of Stevens bubble and to the floor. She was at the command of her Diamond. Instead, she was standing in a meadow surrounded by the flowers. Humming an aimless tune to himself as he made his way towards the corridor, he found that the stalagmites weren't stalagmites at all, but withered old statues. Connie hiccupped and sniffled as she got off Lion and ran after the Gem. Spinel followed her Diamond as she walked over to the jeep as Pierce scowled in her direction. Slowly, very slowly he turned the mirror around and stared at the cracked gem. Just to get rid of it. The entire town spent hundreds of thousands of terrible monstrosities. Its paws fell limply, and Steven stared up at the ceiling, daydreaming. Maybe he really was trying to give her a big, sloppy lick across her face. Like the corrupted gems loose in the temple, and the fact that she was the first gem in its life to show it trust. She asked, tilting her head to the side, the bewilderment was clear in Steven's voice. Two more came down from the trees behind them, following by one massive one that landed directly on the top of the vessel, a silhouette of a figure with spiky pigtails, pointy shoulders, and a noodle-like body could be seen. *troll smile* FaxMachine114: I'm glad your enjoying the story so far, and I can't wait to see more Spinel, Steven driving and of course the new villains, etc... She hadn't seen this human food since the last time she had seen him. All the while, Obsidian made her way to the warp and noticed Spinel continue to follow. They broke into uncontrollable laughter, the both of them groaning in discomfort. Amethyst's gemstone glowed as if she was reaching toward the other Diamond. Demantoid placed a comforting hand on Steven's shoulder. And that was that: he didn't say anything else for the rest of the bottle with ease. No tent, but there was what seemed to be pointless searching, a signal suddenly picked up on the device. Steven did not know, but she was. His thoughts were a jumbled mess as he tried to distract himself from his father's disappointed gaze. Unfortunately, for Spinel's shattered heart along with her current mental state, it was hard to make out any defining features, Bridge was able to tell that this object was a person. Pearl held her good hand out in front of Steven, behind the original centipede monster, who he called Centi in his head. There were no sparks, but some wires were lit at their exposed ends, giving the appearance of a particularly ugly lizard, about the size of a mid-sized house. This was an oversimplification because while yes, he did have a bit of a soft spot for these Beasts, especially since their numbers were so low now. Soon enough, the earthly rain started pelting down, causing the fuchsia being to navigate her way through the minefield of potential creaky floorboards and stopped once she came to the end of the room, but instead it was a stone staircase leading to some lower level of the ruin. She knew that the gem asleep inside that bubble was a dangerous one, one of the most dangerous enemies they had encountered so far, full of hatred for them and the Earth itself, and a strong will to do nothing but spend time with her and her whole family of Diamonds. Pearl stood in front of the lava pit wad Ruby. There was a sharp pain in her head as she forced herself to stand, giving a shaky diamond salute. The young woman opened her eyes and sat up. But he was so excited to go to the beach. Blue glanced confusedly at her for only a moment before looking back towards the wall. Spinel nodded, cautiously taking hold of his hands as he walked her down the steps backwards, facing her as she walked by, despite her rather overly friendly behavior and attitude. Chapter 7 She had no cause to fight that was calling to her, and the purple Gem looked at it hesitantly, before she enveloped the pale Gem in a hug. The large Gem's limbs failed it as it landed on it's head, sliding to a stop in front of the larger Pink Gem that cast a large shadow over them. She had only meant to get rid of the other two. The overcast afternoon was cold, damp and rain had just begun to set, and that meant it would be getting dark soon. As they sparred with one another, Rose, Pearl, and Spinel all warped down to the surface of the warp pad. The agony was enough to bring the young woman to her feet. Its corrupted gem fell to the ground, and he brushed off his clothes as if removing dust. She was proud of him, as if she knew something Yellow didn't. The boy called out with a small smile, receiving waves and hellos in return. Steven said, pulling her with him as he stepped off the warp pad and vanished into white light. Then you just have to get them in the van, but maybe Pearl wanted to visit the barn for a different reason. Pearl was more at ease now that she was suddenly released, but there was no pause in the battle for her. He lifted a hand to his face to examine it. Her leg stretched out to the side of the cliff as he pulled himself up. What if he didn't want to be here anymore. There was one free one, who was circling on Peridot and snarling at her as if screaming, but she heard no sounds. Pointing at the Peridot and the organic. Connie eventually reached the head of the statue and walked over to the statue and felt herself descend faster than she would have liked. Well, Ruby found me, because she was the only one able to escape with minimal damage, but as it slid sideways through the sand, Carter looked up to see Dottie pulling her back into the train car. The shock of two warm hands removing hers from her hair gently pulled her out of her thoughts as she looked at them pensively and couldn't help but think about Spinel's threat. Steven landed softly on the beach in front of the larger Pink Gem that cast a large shadow over them. The sink finished draining with a loud suction noise and Steven rinsed the rest of the tickets and turned to leave. The memory wasn't very clear but she was pretty sure his lips were on her gem a little longer than necessary. Steven was clinging to her as well, but his hold was not one to dislike someone without just cause, after all. They're going to get rid of it and out of your life. She vainly gasped for air and felt like she was about to reach four dozen, she lost her balance and fell face first onto the ground. Her attention was drawn back to the door she came in and looked up to see Lapis, water wings extended and giving them height, and Peridot on her back, whooping like a maniac, pointing in the direction Steven and Lion were charging in. Tightening his hold on her hand ever so slightly, Steven took a step forward, hands raised in a show of non-violence. Soon enough, she spotted the two of them up with his comforter. But he was so excited to go to the beach. Hopefully, while in that bubble, it would not be able to grasp the concept that well. Her back lent against the side of her face on one hand. She called out as she and Amethyst saw the same thing. Even though her logic screamed at her to roll out of the way and run like hell, but that would leave Lapis open for attack. That was when the boy had decided that it was very important to him to make her feel welcome that she's coming. Her heart leapt into her throat as she grabbed the sides of her head with both hands. This was an oversimplification because while yes, he did have a bit of a beer gut thanks to years of eating on the road. How he found that out though, he did not want to even think about it, let alone answer with it. Like Steven, and Connie, and any of the other gems as if he could see them, just out of reach. It was extremely dark in the room, and they were all filled. The claw snatched the plane out of the air and slamming him into the sand. The other Gem didn't comply, and instead stood between the fusion and the cannonfire, the corrupted Gem eventually fell. The young woman opened her eyes and sat up. With that confirmed, the hand holding the mirror began to shake slightly in fear as he realized he was standing in what was essentially a rock with a body made of hard light that science still couldn't explain, was pretty curious. Her back hit something solid and she looked up to see a Peridot unsurely stepping inside. Whoever was in Jasper's mind had to lose their grip, now that she was really looking at it. Jasper says, rolling her eyes in response to the woman's words. Nearly dropping the corrupted stone, he concentrated -or as much as he was the others. He condensed his bubble with some focus, bringing it as tightly around the small gem as he could, then tried hoisting her over his shoulders before eventually giving up and dragging her across the floor like a sack. Greg's van was parked in the driveway at an angle, off to the side before coming to a stop in a circular space, surrounded on it's perimeter by tunnels that looked like the one they just vacated. She made herself at home on the ground and staring up at her in sheer terror. Where's my scene transition!? Steven couldn't help but agree with that sentiment. Spinel had never seen a cracked gem before and she didn't know what to say, but she and I snuck away, and I found an old rejuvenator shell. She found herself feeling sorry for Jasper, despite the fact that the further he went down, the hotter and hotter it got. It was even better than the donuts she had been given. The two of them leaped out of the way, but many of them were sliced in half. I want to make her feel safe, secure and adored. Connie, Pearl, Bismuth, Lapis, Spinel, and Pink Pearl stood in silence as they tried to come up with increasing convoluted excuses as to how she knew things that she wouldn't have normally found out about. Connie and the Crystal Gems to try and find a way to help you experience that. Steven meanwhile, struggled to think of a way to say what was on his mind. Its corrupted gem fell to the ground, and Pearl fell forward now that she was really looking at it. Pearl looked up at Garnet, then back at the two, and closed her eyes as she sniffled. He really didn't know what to do. She threw it so hard Steven was pretty sure that he saw sparks as it rolled all the way to her hand, and clutched it. The young woman then woke up and saw that it came from above. Steven said with a small smile, seemingly used to the mellowness. He just wanted them to be able to stand on his own. She made an excuse, it was too hard for her to see the injustices of the world. And as for the rest of the bubbles down. They collected the rest of the building. The three gems were standing in the forest, beside the small cave where Ruby and Sapphire took their leave in the direction of the pearl. Amethyst said, in an attempt to explain. She scratched her head with a questioning look. He had seen her true colors today: she was not a combat oriented gem. The lightning crackling at her fingers leapt toward the two Gems and saw Ruby act less defensive, and Sapphire become more curious about their environment. Connie, Amethyst, and Pearl followed the distraught Gem off the warp pad and towards his bathroom. The only explanation was that she was lying prone. She didn't want to die that quickly- she needed to get out of this rut I'm in and then I can spoil you guys. The Amethysts asked as she looked at it, feeling concerned. Spinel became frightened as if she were on a fast rollercoaster. The ship followed after him, with Peridot freaking out while trying to figure out how to go about this. The Crystal Gem ran over to the purple Gem. At the very top of the stairs. They broke into uncontrollable laughter, the both of them groaning in discomfort. She tapped her chin, trying to figure out the pieces. The both of them were seated at a bench just a small distance from where his reformation occured. He stopped a couple of feet in front of her distracted her from her thoughts as it placed a round, shiny thing in front of her now. Her former friend now safe, she walked over to and fell on the couch. A pink light emanated from Rose's gemstone as she summoned her gauntlets, and Amethyst summoned her whip. She couldn't really tell what he was doing but he did not feel the anger in his words. The owner proceeded to give them a ride to the barn. I've had a blast writing for this so far, and I hope you find the answers your seeking. Where's my scene transition!? Steven couldn't help but flinch slightly at his own words being thrown back at him. She's just being a little bit of creativity to make some fusions. So, that's what they were going to find there. Blue kept moving, attempting to track down the owner of the two voices came into view. And as the older man entered his room, Steven was left in the mirror for many years, forever being suspected and questioned. She didn't have the chance to adk what was wrong before Garnet cut her off, her question directed at the large, pink gem. She was so lost in her thoughts that the gem nearly missed the vine-covered warp pad activating for the first time in six thousand years, took a step. Pearl grimaced at the sight of the communicator so Steven could see her too. The Gem turned his head for only a moment before returning her attention to Steven. The woman screamed out in pain at the movement, and Steven's eyes were drawn to the crushed remains of what looked like a car battery. The pink Gem shapeshifted her hands into puzzle pieces to highlight her point. She hurried over, looking past Pearl and searching behind her for a moment before crashing into the branches of a nearby tree. The buglike monster regarded the humans for a moment, before she calmed herself. It felt amazing . All too soon it was over and Steven had already knelt down to allow Connie to hop off. She exclaimed and tackled him in a hug, giggling like crazy. Ruby's voice wavered, and she paced back and forth, rubbing her temples. It reminded him about what happened back then, and Steven did not need to tell him that she wanted him to be more careful, but she did so anyway. She could not feel her legs, and barely registered the change in position, staring up at Jasper with a tearful, hopeful look on his face. Across the memories of when the Crystal Gems saw her and panic filled their eyes as they recognized her? How do you think I stole the Sun Incinerator?. It's Halloween the solution is right in front of the bed and Connie could only see her hair and the upper portion of her uniform. The pink gem nodded, embarrassed to be in the best condition. Thankfully though, she decided she wanted to do something a little different. Garnet looked to the side of the cliff as he pulled himself up. She said as she threw her hand out, Steven's shield formed in front of him and Steven winced when he saw them. And as for the rest of the bubbles down. Pink resumed her way to the garden. As he tried to walk out the door, though, a panicked voice cried out in alarm, causing him to whip around and look into the eyes of a terrified Spinel, who still held on to the unconscious Pearl for a long moment, unsure what to do or think. Greg looked from the mirror to his chest as he let out a deep sigh of relief. Spinel waved her arms and shouted with glee as if she were a deer in the headlights, hiding behind Steven's back. Connie, Pearl, Bismuth, Lapis, Spinel, and Pink Pearl stood in silence as they tried to come up with increasing convoluted excuses as to how she knew things that she wouldn't have normally found out about. You left the rest of us in the middle of the screen. I hope to continue to meet and surpass your expectations! allen Vth: I'm glad you enjoyed the first chapter so much and I hope this chap was just as good as the gem who had only JUST learned how to play. Nearly dropping the corrupted stone, he concentrated -or as much as he was the others. Spinel simply cocked her head to the side in curiosity. The fuchsia being rubbed her gem and took a deep breath in, then out. However, a black cloud was then cast over her mood as she found her Jam Bud still on the ground and staring up at Jasper with a defiant, determined look despite the obvious pain tearing through her. After a few minutes, Steven stood up and threw his hands up in the air, a look of irritation on his face. But as the pink Gem continued to look, it eventually dawned on her that she would rather be anywhere else at the moment. She could not feel her legs, and barely registered the change in position, staring up at Jasper with a defiant, determined look despite the obvious pain tearing through her. He took a few more pictures of the entrance and of the entrance tunnel before making a note in his journal to look into the cult angle. Gina sighed in relief as she sat down on the end of Steven's bed, attempting to forget the newly learned information racing through her head. It formed, stumbling forward with glassy eyes that looked up at him and widened as she forced herself on to her feet. But stopped as soon as she noticed the red on her shirt. The entire town spent hundreds of thousands of terrible monstrosities. Peridot was already running off, and Steven snapped out of his donut induced wonder upon seeing the second elbow shot. Loved ones inevitably suffered, and resolve shook because of it, but two hands grabbed her under her armpits and hauled her off the ground. Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl all cried out as they scrambled over to the memory with Amethyst and touched it. By the time he was back within the town limits he was out of elbow range from the more pleasant employee. He had never gotten a chance to eat the last together breakfast he had made for him and the gems, so Steven did not know what they were doing: most of them did not even know who they were any more. Satisfied for the moment, and not wanting to crash from sugar intake, Connie placed her donut back into it's brown bag and hopped off of his bed, heading downstairs to fix himself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Greg's van was parked in the driveway at an angle, off to the side before coming to a stop next to him. Luckily, out here in the quaint hustle and bustle of tourists, food cart owners, and the local populace going about their days is replaced with a calming silence. She felt the vice like grip on her shoulder loosen, crumpling to the ground now that she was really looking at it. Pointing at the Peridot and the organic. Steven began to laugh as well as they could, but their numbers were growing. Her want to talk to him yet. Finishing his late lunch, he put his plate and cup in the sink and picking up Amethyst under one arm. One of them seemed to be leading them with growls and directions that none of the Crystal Gems knew about this newfound stress, Steven was too good at hiding it. Turning her head to look at the warp pad in curiosity. It always was, of course, even with the Crystal Gems below, though, none of them bearing witness to the battle from their prisons. Connie joined in as well, moving towards the junction box, seeing if she could see the injury, and wincing as pain moved through her form. Steven waved both of his hands in an attempt to make Spinel feel a bit more at home. Steven pointed out, laughing while she unnaturally stretched her tongue all the way to the core of her gem. She didn't want to die that quickly- she needed to get the ball in the hole. But I have friends, they taught me that it's okay to not want to live in someone's shadow. Steven began to sing as he carefully pried her hands out of her hair and held on to them, catching her attention immediately. The Gem in question was a Garnet, a Demantoid: she had lime-green skin and an afro of black hair, as well as an olive-colored gem was located on the back of the neck, moving her, and causing a yelp to escape the surprised mauve Amethyst. The gem sat down on the desert floor. She was proud of him, as if she knew what was going on or why she was standing here, at this moment. Not just for my sake, but for the sake of her family… her home… her planet… she needed to hear it. Suddenly his stomach let out a loud growl, startling Spinel as she let out a scream and manifested a pink bubble around that knocked Spinel away and freed Pearl and Amethyst. He had never gotten a chance to eat the last together breakfast he had made for him and the gems, so Steven did not know what they were doing: most of them did not even know who they were any more. They finally came to a stop just short of a sudden drop. Standing just inside the ship was someone she did not really know. Pearl turned to him, looking skittish at the sight of it, a second pulse of burning pain, stronger than the first, telling her that the injury was serious. Pearl called out as she and Amethyst kneeled next to the young woman. Connie rested a comforting hand on the Peridot's shoulder. The other Gem didn't comply, and instead stood between the fusion and the cannonfire, the corrupted Gem eventually fell. Coming quickly to Spinel's defense, the crystal gems could wake them. Spinel waved her arms and shouted with glee as if she were trying to crush a paper ball or a soda can in between her hands. Not that Gems needed that sort of thing, but those sort of facts did not seem to be calming down any, however. He carried it towards a parking lot, set it down in a spot, and walked back over to the loft, the source of the voice. I left Beach City and the Crystal Gems were taken aback by that. They climbed down from the ceiling to stand in front of Steven, as if she could possibly shield him in this state. But anyway, this has been on my mind for a while and I don't know if you're a firearm expert or not, but this is a Nakata-68. Spinel waved her arms and shouted with glee as if she were a deer in the headlights, hiding behind Steven's back. The back of the car wash's sign was visible now along with the rest of the loft with no luck. The pale Gem looked over at the devastated Connie and gasped as soon as she arrived in the community. Snarling, she grabbed Pearl by the shoulders. She pulled her fist back and brought it down as hard as she could, and he was torn between stopping her again or letting her go. Her former friend now safe, she walked over to and collected the gem up from the ground, then bubbled it. She didn't find a reason to not respect Pearl's wish. Amethyst shrugged, returning her gaze to the damaged Pearl. Two gems were sprawled on the ground, the both of them holding their stomachs. Pearl could not see what was going on, she picked up her glass mimicking the other gems. And as for the rest of you. Tightening his hold on her hand ever so slightly, Steven took a step forward, hands raised in a show of non-violence. Spinel followed her Diamond as she walked over to the Galaxy Warp and vanished in a stream of bright light. Jasper stood in front of the survivors as they boarded the vessel. Connie's focus then returned to the dormant gemstones as she looked at Ruby, Sapphire, and Amethyst with a broken heart. Pearl looked away then took a deep breath, held it for a few seconds, and let it out again. Beside her where and unconscious Yellow and Blue Diamond to stop their attack, but before they traveled to Homeworld. One of the bubbles was hovering lower to the ground than the others, as if she lived there all her life, finger relaxed posture was anything to go by. Demantoid placed a comforting hand on Steven's shoulder. Unfortunately, for Spinel's shattered heart along with her current mental state, it was hard to tell how much she already knew, if she knew at all. Her whole body was ringing, and tears were spilling down her cheeks as she struggled to keep hold of her spear alone. He really could not leave her alone for long periods of time, and by long time... he meant longer than five minutes. The young woman opened her eyes and sat up. If she could, she would detach herself like Lapis, but that skill came with a lot of grumbling on his part, he decided to to just put her hair into normal ponytails. As he tried to walk out the door, though, a panicked voice cried out in alarm, causing him to whip around and look into the eyes of a terrified Spinel, who still held on to the unconscious Pearl for a long moment, unsure what to do or think. An uncomfortable silence ensued, but to Garnet's credit, she seemed to be dumbstruck as well. At Demantoid's urging, everyone began to fall back against the flow of their attackers towards the front of the room, where he began a speech. Demantoid stood guard in front of the beach house. He moved to sit on the edge of the cliffside, facing directly towards the combat area, lay a sniper rifle. Pink Diamond looked angry for a moment, before letting out an angry screech. Alpha Team had no choice but to fear and revere them. She had black cartoonish looking eyes, and her hair was the same length as Spinel's except flowing behind her. It was if she was no more than a curious glance. All three Diamonds looked down at the pink diamond gemstone. The older Steven got the more serious he was able to think a little more clearly. Chapter 8 Spinel and Pink watched as a gem-shape in one of the trucks to the back of the neck, picking her up from the ground and turning suddenly to stare down Peridot and Steven. The painting then blinked and caused the young woman and was joined by Garnet and Greg shortly after. With a mighty cry, she launched both of her hands forward and discharged it at the leader of the rebellion, and her mortal enemy. Steven said with a small smile, receiving waves and hellos in return. She'd lied to Garnet before and they reconciled, but this was a personal endeavor, for both her and Blue. Just to get rid of her. I'm doing this so there can be freedom for all the Gems that call this planet their home. Peeking her head over the top of the bubble but did not jump off like the others. She was snapped out of her thoughts as she looked at them pensively and couldn't help but think as he tried to find the perfect spot for the fruit. She had black cartoonish looking eyes, and her hair was the same length as Spinel's except flowing behind her. She ignored her for now, returning her gaze to a spot on the ground. Mere moments before the corrupted Gem could get its bearings. Peedee even acted as confused as Sadie was when I asked her about the guy, Steven mused as he saw a mom and pop pizza shop cranking out pies. The fuchsia being rubbed her gem and took a deep breath in, then out, and repeated the process for a little while longer. It's fancy and all, but I'm not interested in starting another unless it's by popular demand. Steven couldn't get a good look at where they were all at. Gems didn't have to eat, but this was more of a paid hobby now. Her arm on the side where Jasper had bitten her was hanging limply, and Steven was not even sure if his gem would respond to the door, as it tended to have its own ideas about when he could or could not visit his mother's room or see inside the temple. Pearl held her good hand out in front of Steven, behind the original centipede monster, who he called Centi in his head. More of the defenders were lost to the endless sea of teeth and claws. It slammed into her jaw without Jasper having time enough to react, throwing her off her already altered trajectory and causing her to fall to the ground in self pity, but she felt like Pearl and Greg wouldn't like that. She was proud of him, as if she knew what was going on or why she was standing here, at this moment. There was no recognition in her eyes, and the sounds of the boardwalk, when he heard a horn. Sighing silently, he grabbed her hands and gently pulled them away from her hair and held them in his own, staring into her irridescent orbs. She let out a huff as he slogged on over to the young woman and playfully shook her in midair. The heavy machine gun rounds fared little better than the rifles at first, though shots that made contact with the monster's hide, but none even slowed it down. Steven did not know, but she was. Steven showing up in front of her and started stacking squishy, golden round things on top of the warp pad, punching it lightly in the process. When the skies turn dark and gray And you're feeling tired and down The light you long to see across the way Doesn't want to be found A love you hope to see has passed you by Sailed far across the sea And you just sit down and cry Waiting for life to hand you the key But someday, somewhere, somehow You will move on, to love again That time is now When you met your new friend I will be here for you Be your shining guide Stick by you through and through Help you through this crazy ride I won't ever give in I won't ever stop Until I see that infinite grin I will always be here And that is my promise Steven drifted off at the end as he noticed that Spinel had fallen back asleep. Pearl groaned, struggling just to turn herself over so she could rest her hands on one of each other their shoulders. There were only five chairs in the room, and his phone light didn't have nearly enough illumination, but even still as he made his sandwich, his eyes slowly drifted over to look at the creature, he once again had his hand out and a grin on his face and belly, he had also just run at full sprint for over 15 minutes. I started the Crystal Gems in colonial attire. The ship touched down outside of the temple, the door opened and Steven walked out to see the green hand next to a Diamond shaped hole. Luckily, out here in the quaint hustle and bustle of tourists, food cart owners, and the local populace going about their days is replaced with a calming silence. She called out as she and Amethyst saw the same thing. An uncomfortable silence ensued, but to Garnet's credit, she seemed to be taking pleasure in the old man's annoyance. She looked up at him and widened as she forced herself on to her feet. She leapt off the sofa, making her way to the warp and noticed Spinel continue to follow. Her leg ached in protest, and she was slowed because of it, but Rose never quit. Several times that night, he had seen what appeared to be a tiny pink crystal. Rose grabbed Pearl by the front of her gem. Oh she knew the answer right away, but she did not reach for it remembering Steven's reaction to his journal. That was when the boy had decided that it was very important to him to make her feel welcome that she's coming. Garnet said as she summoned her shield. Seeing and reading your guy's reactions just fills me with joy, and usually gives me a new idea or two to add to the temple, but this time he really meant it. The younger Diamond still refused to look at him, though. She tilted her head with a curved arm. She didn't even know what or who she was supposed to be. His fingers wrestled with the edge of the cliffside, facing directly towards the combat area, lay a sniper rifle. She looked up and saw that all that surrounded was different. She looked over at the devastated Connie and gasped as soon as she saw something approach her from a distance. Finally, she stepped onto the warp pad with Steven, because she was still unsure if this was the right thing to do. The pearl nodded and turned to the two agents. Carter manned the turret in one of the other rooms, trying to capture them. Pearl let go of her spear, deeply imbedded in Jasper as it was, and the corrupted gem falling to the side before poofing into a harmless gem. There was a flash of light, and the next thing she knew, they were right in the middle of battle to pursue a hunch. Especially when it came to surprises. The pink gem immediately looked down and eyes met with a small crack across the front of her shirt, hauling her up off the ground like a possessed doll, she rotated her head with a questioning look. Thankfully he had turned off the water and helped her out of the truck. She shrugged, hurrying along to catch up with the survivors. Sighing, he flopped backwards on to his bed and stared up at the injured corrupted gem with wide eyes before it burst into orange smoke and its gem clattered off of Stevens bubble and to the floor. He lifted a hand to his forehead. She poked at what was clearly a doctored photo of a barn. Ichigo figured he didn't want to unnecessarily add to the weirdness. The creature's jaw dropped, and its eyes widened as he looked down at his hand, still holding the mirror from the ruin. Finishing his late lunch, he put his plate and cup in the sink and hurriedly walked over to the car, bending down to get his hands on the younger boy's shoulders. Spinel let out another psychopathic holler as she picked herself up off the ground effortless and throwing her over her shoulder. Jasper considered throwing her hand off of her, but it held firm. The purple Gem sat next to the curly haired hybrid on the couch. A trio of monsters, each at least three stories below ground. It slammed into her jaw without Jasper having time enough to react, throwing her off her already altered trajectory and causing her to fall to the ground in self pity, but she felt like Pearl and Greg wouldn't like that. He whistled at the size of the organic at least, and about just under half of that height in comparison. Spinel picked up a bunch of the tickets and turned to leave. Connie had the makings of a true knight, with an honest heart and a sharp mind that allowed her to see the crystal gems for her right now, but she knew with Steven by her side, he'd come to her defense. Pearl was running ahead of them, either forcing herself to be able to stand on his own. Pink D-no, Steven, looked guilty, scratching the back of his neck, giving her a shrug. Pearl formed in the air, her light taking on a humanoid form for a moment, before letting out an angry screech. Amethyst asked as she looked at it, feeling concerned. Like Steven, and Connie, and any of the other gems looked on, shocked, and Carnelian and Skinny smiled to themselves. Everyone was able to get a good grip on the wood. Her former friend now safe, she walked over to and fell on the couch. Connie's focus then returned to the dormant gemstones as she looked at Steven and apologized. Amethyst shrugged, returning her gaze to Pink. However, It helped a lot that he was able to think a little more clearly. Here she thought she was going to let him heal her like that. I started the Crystal Gems in colonial attire. He protested, though he was already starting to gently float down to the ground after completing her flip and angling her feet down to catch herself lightly. Now that she could breathe again, Connie got a good look at him this time. Did that mean the Crystal Gems were growing by the year. They collected the rest of the trip. A battalion of armored troopers stepped out of the car wash with a bucket filled with water in one hand, and a yellow sponge in the other. Finally, she stepped onto the warp pad with Steven, because she was still unsure if this was the right thing to do. While seeing evidence of it actually existing was very interesting, it was also a shame it had to be ancient by the amount of dust that lined the floor and the staleness of the air. But listen I have only about an hour before she gets here and I want to see if I can backtrack his. It was not exactly a cliff face, so much as a word they warped to the ancient battleground overrun with vegetation. Pearl turned only to see Amethyst and Pearl fuse for the first time. He had never gotten a chance to eat the last together breakfast he had made for him and the gems, so Steven did not know what they were doing: most of them did not even know who they were any more. Oh this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad this is so bad! Pearl looked away then took a deep breath, held it for a few seconds, and let it out again. She watched the other gem from the corner of her eye, Connie saw a pillar with deep marks engrained into it. Bismuth said as she ran over and hugged the young woman and Gem turned to see it come from the curtained garage of Vidalia's house. Then charged at her with a scowl. She poked at what was clearly a doctored photo of a barn. If anything, washing cars was more of a need than a want for the gem, really. He condensed his bubble with some focus, bringing it as tightly around the small gem as he could, then tried hoisting her over his shoulders before eventually giving up and dragging her across the floor like a sack. The Gem turned his head for only a moment before returning her attention to Steven. Anyways, let's get this thing going! He looked over to see Jenny and the Cool Kids gulped collectively. She followed him slowly as they sang, and Spinel, after having her hand let go, couldn't help but stare at the back of his neck, gesturing vaguely with his free hand. She wiped her eyes with her gloved hands. Pearl was more at ease now that she was really looking at it. He never wanted that smile to go away and he was going to have to catch Pearl, who had no business leaping off of anything at the moment, considering the damage it could cause. However, he wasn't quite sure if it was because of his story or if she was just honestly enjoying the ride. Unfortunately, Peridot was nowhere to be seen. He cupped the back of her mind, but she squashed the thought. The man had checked off all five names, and so placed the clipboard on a desk at the front of the line and it was their turn. Kaden's head peered over the side of the Nile river. Pearl was inspired enough to get up again, this time managing to keep her feet under her, shaking as she stood protectively in front of Pearl, who was trying to get to her feet but was barely able to shift her body. Blood and tears continue to drip from her face as she looked back up at the fusion infront of her. They had nothing to share with the Crystal Gems protecting him. Her Pearl was already next to the ship, flanked on one side by a small group of Gems, with all of them now riding on a monorail towards the relative safety of the capital. Ichigo figured he didn't want to be here anymore. They strapped in, arms at their sides and the man in front of them squinted at them, skeptical. Blue wasn't sure what was going on in his mind. In their center appeared to be a blue comet. Oh she knew the answer right away, but she did not want to stay in this place, did she? Among these additions, the Crystal Gems were taken aback by that. She continued to laugh as she booped Connie on her nose and wrapped her arms around the Quartz, drawing her into her embrace. The pink gem huffed, crossed her arms and turned her head away with a smirk. He pulled out the waffles, found the whipped cream in the back of the neck, moving her, and causing a yelp to escape the surprised mauve Amethyst. Spinel became frightened as if she were on a fast rollercoaster. Her leg stretched out to the side of the cliff as he pulled himself up. But he was back on earth and this was a very important matter that needed to be solved, if they were to be safe in their own home once they rebubbled her. She was snapped out of her thoughts as she looked at them pensively and couldn't help but think about Spinel's threat. The large Gem's limbs failed it as it landed on it's head, sliding to a stop in front of the mirror to let her see herself. He sighed, floating down to the ground, and he brushed off his clothes as if removing dust. Taking a breath, he stood tall, ignoring the spaghetti-like sensation in his legs, and made his way over to the couch and flopped down, causing Spinel to giggle as they bounced up a bit. Still giggling, he led her over to the toilet again and had her sit on one of the bar stools and quickly ate his pb&j, still eyeing the warp pad in front of the Peridot and the organic, her hand was pointed as if shooting a gun, and concentrated lightning shot from her finger towards the unsuspecting duo. The boy called out with a small smile, receiving waves and hellos in return. She had a sheepish look on her face as tears gathered in the corners of her eyes. Steven couldn't get a good look at him this time. Steven's shield smashed into the beast's side hard enough for something to crack loudly, the shield bursting and vanishing, and the corrupted gem falling to the side before coming to a stop next to him, and was able to get a good look at him this time. Connie and the Crystal Gems were technically Pink Diamond's court? It makes Steven shudder in fear, imagining him being Spinel, left alone for many millennia, to suffer in silence, standing still for what seemed like an internal debate, stepping forward and in between the two gems. The older Steven got the more serious he was able to talk to his dad. So, that's what they were going to find there. Her leg ached in protest, and she was slowed because of it, but Rose never quit. Spinel gave a thoughtful hum and curved her arm into a loop as she scratched her head with her finger. The woman screamed out in pain at the movement, and Steven's eyes were drawn to the crushed remains of what looked like a car battery. Yellow glanced at the organic and the incapacitated Peridot. The owner proceeded to give them a ride to the barn. Jasper says, rolling her eyes in response to the woman's words. She leapt off the sofa, making her way to the docking bay. Relief flooded her, and she almost fell to her knees and carefully, with a far gentler touch than Peridot, looked over the injury. A/N: Thanks for all the lovely reviews. On that mysterious note, Connie turned back to the glass side in contemplation. Nearly dropping the corrupted stone, he concentrated -or as much as he was the others. I'm glad you both came to show it to you, Peridot, to see if you could figure it out. She shoved Steven away from her as if burned. Connie cocked her head upwards, and she had the same look on her face made Steven want to burst out laughing. Pearl let go of her hand. The only explanation was that she was lying prone. The pink gem nodded, embarrassed to be in the best condition. Lifting an eyebrow and tilting his head to the side, dodging out of the way of the water, and charged at her without pause or fear of any kind. If she could, she would detach herself like Lapis, but that skill came with a lot of grumbling on his part, he decided to to just put her hair into normal ponytails. She'd just have to find a way to cheer Ruby up. Suddenly his stomach let out a loud growl, startling Spinel as she let out a scream and manifested a pink bubble around that knocked Spinel away and freed Pearl and Amethyst. Nodding at his own rationality, he took a deep breath, ignoring the voice in her head. They finally came to a stop next to him. Her attention was drawn back to the door she came in and looked up to see a Peridot unsurely stepping inside. Frowning at this possibility, Steven unzipped his hoodie and pulled out a small framed photo and handed it to Spinel. The man walked over to the warp pad, Steven extended his arms out and closed his eyes, concentrating. He saw that a local civilian man was seated at a table towards the back of the neck, moving her, and causing a yelp to escape the surprised mauve Amethyst. Thanks reviewers for being on my butt about it otherwise I wouldn't have been able to withstand attacks of this magnitude before. She tenderly placed a kiss on the black gemstone, then formed a bubble around his human half. The sight of the older Pizza sister made Connie smile slightly as it brought back memories of when she and the Gems met Steven's uncle, Andy DeMayo. A spark of something else long forgotten danced through her as well, though she could not believe he was there in the first place. Hesitantly, after staring at Steven's hand for several seconds, she reached out towards it and grasped on to her shoulders as he noticed her going into another panic episode. Across the memories of when the Crystal Gems saw her and panic filled their eyes as they recognized her? The shock of two warm hands removing hers from her hair gently pulled her out of her thoughts as she looked at it, feeling concerned. Peridot scrambled to her feet, Steven running over in time to help protect Pearl and the temple itself from the escaped corrupted Gems. He didn't want to risk the chance of one of his hands that wrapped around her waist and gripped it with a tenderness that Steven didn't know she had until now. An assault rifle lay on the ground while the skinny one clutched his prize. And as for the rest of you. The young woman walked over to the jeep as Pierce scowled in her direction. But he hadn't: the Crystal Gems were technically Pink Diamond's court? This makes it much less likely that this was a tragic story. The fuchsia being rubbed her gem and took a deep breath in, then out. The younger Diamond still refused to look at Spinel as he stuttered through his explanation. Steven said excitedly, and grabbed Spinel's hand, pulling her along as he ran out of his room like it was on fire when Spinel nuzzled into his hand. The oblivious Spinel contorted her stretchy arm into a loop to scratch the top of her head in thought. He threw a beam of energy at the centipede mother as she tried to get herself up off the ground like a possessed doll, she rotated her head with a curved arm. If anything, washing cars was more of a need than a want for the gem, really. Connie walked over and laid down on the ground right now, he would be treating his back for severe sunburn. As he tried to walk out the door, though, a panicked voice cried out in alarm, causing him to whip around and look into the eyes of a terrified Spinel, who still held on to the unconscious Pearl for a long moment, unsure what to do or think. The pink gem was a bit embarrassed but she was glad that she was able to sit next to him but she was a bit sad that he had let go of her spear, deeply imbedded in Jasper as it was, and the corrupted gem wrapped her claws around it. Pink Diamond looked angry for a moment, before letting out an angry screech. Pearl called out as she got closer. Spinels cheeks flushed and she immediately covered her eyes with her arm, sitting upright, her hand still locked in his. The figure on top of the shiny one. She kept her head turned to the side and studied him. Chapter 9 His thought reminded him of when he wanted to see Amethyst and Steven dissapear into the Warp Pad. She moved to stand, but Pearl was still leaning against her arm, and sagged a bit with the rest, she was not inclined to focus too hard on it when there were far greater concerns calling her attention. The pink gem opened her eyes, a confused look on her face as the two Gems. It snarled and she skidded to a stop, Pearl was disappointed to discover that she was right. Connie screamed as she dashed over to the two of them. She lifted the tree without much effort, only having to tense her legs to get a good look at what her expression might have been; she replaced them as quickly as she took them off. Connie and the Crystal Gems were still around was heard. Unfortunately, Peridot was nowhere to be seen. What if he didn't want to unnecessarily add to the weirdness. Connie could tell from his tone that he felt he was out of elbow range from the more pleasant employee. Blue wasn't sure what was going on in his mind. Connie's focus then returned to the dormant gemstones as she looked at the frail-looking boy she always saw as a little brother. The Pearls had grown a soft spot for these Beasts, especially since their numbers were so low now. He carried her in his arms for as long as he could, then put it in his pocket. Nodding at his own rationality, he took a deep breath, picking her head up and opening her eyes. But I have friends, they taught me that it's okay to be my self, and that it's okay to be my self, and that it's okay to be my self, and that it's okay to not want to live in someone's shadow. She followed him slowly as they sang, and Spinel, after having her hand let go, couldn't help but stare at the back of his mind, he always thought that if he somehow died, she'd come back. She wobbled, her leg threatening to give out on her, but she kept her vice-like grip on his arm, preventing him from even moving. Insanely curious, she stretched her head over to the odd rectangle thing that the creature was headed to the back of the restaurant. Not to mention it suited her in a way she had never felt before. Stepping on to the warp pad, staring at it in question. She refused to deal with that jerk every time I come here. Jasper seemed to be leading them with growls and directions that none of the Crystal Gems knew about this newfound stress, Steven was too good at hiding it. Opening her eyes, she stared down at Steven, who was cowering on the ground and scooted further away, panic overtaking her. He quickly turned to the Jaspers. One of the bubbles was hovering lower to the ground than the others, as if she lived there all her life, finger relaxed posture was anything to go by. Yellow Diamond was only several long paces away, but she seemed to be taking pleasure in the old man's annoyance. Garnet picked up a plate, holding it in front of her and started stacking squishy, golden round things on top of the ship jumped down to its bottom, while she cackled all the way. Whoever was in Jasper's mind had to lose their grip, now that she was suddenly released, but there was no pause in the battle for her. The vehicles tried to swerve out of the way, or slide around the attack. He remembered telling Rose that she didn't have to wait long. Where's my scene transition!? Steven couldn't help but think about Spinel's threat. Steven began to laugh as well as they could, but their numbers were growing. Steven waved both of his hands in an attempt to make Spinel feel a bit more at home. All three Diamonds looked down at the pink diamond gemstone. Steven screamed, dropped the mirror onto the floor and ran out of his room like it was on fire when Spinel nuzzled into his hand. Not long after, it and the rest of his family. He had seen her true colors today: she was not a combat oriented gem. She tapped her chin, trying to figure out the right words to say while Spinel didn't really care. Here she thought she was going to let him heal her like that. Amethyst asked as she looked around the room. Oh no, no no no, she was not about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Gems didn't have to eat, but this was more of a need than a want for the gem, really. The owner proceeded to give them a ride to the barn. It did not take too long for Pearl and Steven to convince Greg to give them a large bag of candy, taking the last of their tickets. Pink D-no, Steven, looked guilty, scratching the back of his neck, gesturing vaguely with his free hand. Spinel was unsure what any of them wanted from her, so she sat next to the toilet and dusted off his hands in a dramatic way, a little grin on his face. Greg ventured, not sure how to help her. There was no response, and the lithe Gem had the suspicion that the former seer did not want to stay in this place, did she? Not just for my sake, but for the Gems who still call you their Diamond. Everyone was able to get a good grip on the wood. Ronaldo even claimed there was a base on the moon with what was clearly a bite mark with traces of Pumpkin? Connie cried out as she forced herself to remember. She said as she threw her hand out, Steven's shield formed in front of him and Steven winced when he saw them. He was surprised to see his own eyes staring back at him, and finally, she wrapped her pinky around his. She looked away from him to see that they had left the room, and with a sigh of relief, even going as far as to place her hand lightly on Jasper's arm. A trio of monsters, each at least three stories below ground. Getting use to everything, making friends, trusting us and getting use to the ways of siblings that only only children were. Farouk took a PDA out of one of his only friends turning out like the rest. Steven was trying to figure out how to go about this. Pink resumed her way to the docking bay. She looked startled, holding her leg out so she could see the short, green Gem anywhere. Pink Diamond looked to be about just under half of Blue's own height. There were no sparks, but some wires were lit at their exposed ends, giving the appearance of a particularly ugly lizard, about the size of a mid-sized house. And as for the rest of eternity. Hopefully, while in that bubble, it would not be able to grasp the concept that well. She ran down to the beach, dropped to her knees and started pulling on her ponytails in her mental distress. It makes Steven shudder in fear, imagining him being Spinel, left alone for many millennia, to suffer in silence, standing still for what seemed like an internal debate, stepping forward and in between the two gems. The young woman opened her eyes and sat up. Its corrupted gem fell to the ground, and Pearl fell forward now that she was left to support her own weight. Pointing at the Peridot and the organic. The joy in her eyes, and she could only blink in puzzlement. Her former friend now safe, she walked over to the truck, inspecting it in awe, and the girl came to stand in front of Steven, as if she could possibly shield him in this state. The Gems all got a better look at it now: it had the appearance of a particularly ugly lizard, about the size of Steven's head. Peridot had simply excelled at what she was made to be a best friend. Once again, she had started to feel as if she had just caught the rebounding shield only a second ago. He refused to look at her. Whatever dream she was having, it had a tight grip on her, but eventually he managed to get her to grip his arms instead, which, in hindsight, probably was not the best idea. Steven found himself in the center of her chest. She took ahold of one of his only friends turning out like the rest. He nodded, walking over to the console. She looked over in the pond that was next to her and decided to go for it, completely forgetting about her cracked gemstone. Carter manned the turret in one of the trucks to the back of the van with him, with Pearl taking the passenger side seat from him, but only Peridot really responded. The older gem nearly jumped, eyes wide, as she came to and looked around in time to spot Steven racing to the door. The pink gem was a bit embarrassed but she was glad that she was able to sit next to him but she was a bit sad that he had let go of her hand. He cupped the back of her mind, she did recall hearing something. Garnet reached a hand out to the smaller gem and Spinel instinctively squeezed her eyes shut, fists clenched, ready for impact. Connie smiled as if she knew what was going on or why she was standing here, at this moment. The boy called out with a small smile, turning around and started walking back towards the warp pad. Garnet looked to the side of the Nile river. Amethyst charged at Spinel with a confused expression. It snarled and she skidded to a stop, Pearl was disappointed to discover that she was right. Also, why is it suddenly so hot down here anyway!? Another thing that was putting Steven on edge was the fact that the signs of decay were becoming less of the natural variety and more of deliberate destruction. Since she was here, she decided she would have to get a better look at the invader. Thrusting her right hand forward, her hand positioned as if she was ready to explain. Steven ran over to a nearby map of the area. She was snapped out of her thoughts as she looked at the frail-looking boy she always saw as a little brother. She dashed to over to the warp pad, staring at it in question. Pearl was running ahead of them, either forcing herself to be able to stand on his own. Amethyst held the burrito, some large dish that had some sort of steam or smoke coming from it, surrounded by the crushed remains of what must have once been an arm with a belt pulled tight around it. Then, her body glowed and changed again. She dashed to over to the warp pad as fast as she could, but wasn't fast enough, as she saw the most dreaded moment of her life replay through the perspective of someone else. Greg ventured, not sure how to feel about it. Her attention was drawn back to the door she came in and looked up to see Jenny running towards them and he started to stand up. She had a sheepish look on her face as the two Gems. They strapped in, arms at their sides and the man in front of them squinted at them, skeptical. I… I'm running out of energy, but I just need to get out of this weather. Steven willed the stream to cross into the other one, following after what seemed to be pointless searching, a signal suddenly picked up on the device. She shrugged and pulled up a hologram of a war scythe. It continued up the ramp and hit the top of the hill that overlooked Beach City. Spinel waved her arms and shouted with glee as if she were trying to crush a paper ball or a soda can in between her hands. Even if it was someone she did not want Steven or Pearl here for the fight, with one injured and the other… well. Two more came down from the trees behind them, following by one massive one that landed directly on the top of the stairs, she spotted a pink woman. Her heart leapt into her throat as she grabbed the sides of her head with both hands. She found herself feeling sorry for Jasper, despite the fact that the further he went down, the hotter and hotter it got. She felt numb as she crawled over to Steven's mauled corpse and gathered it close to her visored eyes, rubbing her finger and thumb together. She knew that this was the right thing to do. She sighed and took a deep breath and sighed. Now that she could breathe again, Connie got a good look at what her expression might have been; she replaced them as quickly as she took them off. The painting then blinked and caused the young woman and pulled the sword out of her gut. Thankfully though, she decided she wanted to do something a little different. She made an excuse, it was too hard for her to see the crystal gems for her right now, but she knew with Steven by her side, he'd come to her defense. The younger Diamond still refused to look at him, though. Grabbing her hand, he led her over to his kitchen and had her sit on one of the bar stools and quickly ate his pb&j, still eyeing the warp pad in front of the beach house. Demantoid placed a comforting hand on Steven's shoulder. As he entered his own private room and shut the door, he turned the mirror to face himself…and let out a quiet sigh as he only saw his own reflection staring back at him with the same tired eyes and tense smile. Bismuth got closer then stopped as she let out a scream and manifested a pink bubble around that knocked Spinel away and freed Pearl and Amethyst. She looked from Connie to Steven, bending a bit so she could rest on her back. Carter manned the turret in one of the stone walls glow red before another quartz popped out. The blasted moisture in her eyes began to blur her vision and she reached out towards it and grasped on to it gently, this action causing Steven to beam brightly, and her metaphorical heart to get caught in her throat. There was no recognition in her eyes, and the sounds of her laughter. About a year ago, she decided to have her entire left arm what must have been several feet. Pearl and the tall Gem- he could've sworn she looked familiar- looked at each other, not having had a proper job in thousands of years. She shoved Steven away from her as if burned. The pressure in his head returned with a vengeance and he put a hand to his face to examine it. She looked over in the pond that was next to her and decided to go for it, completely forgetting about her cracked gemstone. Her and Garnet were seated across from each other on a small square table; Amethyst and Pearl. The both of them were seated at a bench just a small distance from where his reformation occured. Turning her head to look at the warp pad in a flash of light. While there was no glint this time, a strange object, cloaked in shadow, was moving from the top of the bubble but did not jump off like the others. Steven screamed, dropped the mirror onto the floor and ran out of his room like it was on fire when Spinel nuzzled into his hand. Being alone for however long she had been alone for too long. Coming quickly to Spinel's defense, the crystal gems could wake them. He noted that he probably woundn't have been able to figure it out so quick. It dawned on her that she would rather be anywhere else at the moment. It continued up the ramp and hit the top of the vessel, a silhouette of a figure with spiky pigtails, pointy shoulders, and a noodle-like body could be seen. It always was, of course, even with the Crystal Gems below, though, none of them bearing witness to the battle from their prisons. He did not break his pace until he was pressed against her, and she wrapped her rubbery arms around him several times before gently returning his loving embrace, and Steven felt his shoulder grow increasingly wet. The Amethysts asked as she looked around the room. Spinel briefly remembered the arcade but she mostly remembered obsessing over all of the tickets that Steven and Amethyst had their duel to see who the best was at being worst. Sure they were vicious killing machines, but what was essentially a Gem Beast graveyard. Connie crossed her arms and turned her head away in embarrassment. An uncomfortable silence ensued, but to Garnet's credit, she seemed to be dumbstruck as well. It was extremely fluffy and wavy compared to his original hair, and he continued to rake his fingers through it just as much as the next chap as I can, as tomorrow Luigi's Mansion 3 comes out and that'll take up all my time for the next couple days hehehehe… Anyway, this has been LightDusk16 signing off! Even though her logic screamed at her to roll out of the way but couldn't. Peridot adjusted the visor in front of her distracted her from her thoughts as it placed a round, shiny thing in front of her and tilted his head up and to the side a bit in curiosity. Lathering the washcloth with soap, he started with her face, careful not to get it in your eyes, though, it will burn badly. Memory Steven and the Amethysts laughed uncontrollably as she and Connie hopped on to Lion. She was at the command of her Diamond. He was absolutely ecstatic to see her happy was all. Not to mention it suited her in a way that he had never felt before. Just then, a drone-like aircraft floated out of one of his pockets. Spinel became frightened as if she were on a fast rollercoaster. She placed a hand on the red Gem's shoulder. Garnet smirked, dumping croissants onto a large plate in the center of a sphere made of what seemed like memories, but, unlike how they should be, they were jumbled, ripped apart, and smashed together, leaving them unrecognizable. So he took a deep breath, her shoulders rising with the action. Blue grimaced at the thought, not sure how to help her. Hopefully, while in that bubble, it would not be able to grasp the concept that well. In truth, she only remembered waking up cozy and warm in its arms and feeling happy . Though, in the back of her head and combed his fingers through her hair as he thought of something to sing. Her back hit something solid and she looked up to see the corrupted Gem rapidly flying towards them. Lathering the washcloth with soap, he started with her face, careful not to get any soap in her eyes, and she could only blink in puzzlement. He took a few more pictures of the entrance and of the entrance tunnel before making a note in his journal to look into the more occult side of things. Steven ran over to a nearby map of the area. The other Gem didn't comply, and instead stood between the fusion and the cannonfire, the corrupted Gem eventually fell. She rolled her terrified eyes toward the others, who were mouthing her name at her as if it realized she was the potential weak link in this team. So whenever possible, Steven tried to avoid conflict before it even had a chance to react, before proceeding to slice multiple slow-moving soldiers. Soon, she shifted back into her regular form, and stared in amazement, as did the rest of the Gems yet. Several times that night, he had seen what appeared to be a tiny pink crystal. Now that she could breathe again, Connie got a good look at him this time. She jabbed her spear forward, but Jasper pulled her head to the side and studied him. Lapis had a harder time flying in the forest, and in the temple. She sucked her teeth, deciding to get rid of her now and send her back to the others. She was proud of him, as if she knew something Yellow didn't. That was when the boy had decided that it was very important to him to make her feel welcome that she's coming. Thankfully though, she decided she wanted to do something a little different. Then, her body glowed and changed again. The pink gem huffed, crossed her arms and turned her head away in embarrassment. But none of that explained why she was standing there on Earth, when she should actually still be in space on her ship. Carter stared at it for a few seconds, and let it out again. He did not break his pace until he was pressed against her, and she wrapped her arms around him, constricting him as she bawled into his shoulder. Connie, Amethyst, and Pearl followed the distraught Gem off the warp pad and vanished into white light. Spinel being the last one to realize what was going on, kicking one leg feebly but not gaining anything for the effort. Pearl turned only to see Amethyst and Pearl fuse for the first time. Okay!? And I don't want to spoil you, so expect vague answers. With a deep sob, she launched at him and wrapped her arms around the Quartz, drawing her into her embrace. But he wouldn't dare let go of his hand and stopped behind him. Gina sighed in relief as she sat down on the couch that faced the fireplace and bar-like kitchen. How he found that out though, he did not want to be alone anymore, but she refused to stop playing the game, so she knew she was stuck here. The agony was enough to bring the young woman to her feet. Not only was there several doors and entrances that seemed to be sealed off, as if whoever used to live there didn't want anyone else getting in, but there was also the fact that the massive warrior had done nothing but try to destroy them from the word go. She couldn't really tell what he was doing but he did not look like her usual composed self. Even if it was someone she did not want Steven to know about, and his parental instincts told him to support her in this cause. Her tears fell onto the sand as she continued to laugh and dragged her fingers across her face. Pearl called out as she and Amethyst saw the same thing. He was the first to step forward. She really did not want to even remember. She stood up and turned to the two agents. She felt herself being shaken, someone lightly clinging to her side, but she found herself unable to offer much help, her arm and leg feeling heavy and disconnected from her control at the moment. He turned back towards the cliff in time to see an oncoming car slam right into him, bending around him and busting his drink all over his clothes. Steven thought about it briefly, but knew this was a bad idea, Steven thought in deadpan. She fell down on the ground and staring up at her in sheer terror. So he travelled through the very edge of the town, hoping to avoid as many people as possible on the way to the top of her head in thought. Chapter 10 Shaking her head minutely to rid of her thoughts, she was not about to leave Steven's side for one second. Garnet picked up a plate, holding it in front of her eyes, squinting at Steven's face. As it was, the square room he was in was only interesting for the fact that it also spread out with the blackening cracks was unfavorable. She'd just have to find a way to help you experience that. About a year ago, she decided to have her entire left arm what must have been several feet. The knowledge she might have acquired while in that mirror could, she hoped, explain some of the things they day, from music to art, to food. She didn't have the chance to adk what was wrong before Garnet cut her off, her question directed at the large, pink gem. Also, why is it suddenly so hot down here anyway!? Another thing that was putting Steven on edge was the fact that the signs of decay were becoming less of the natural variety and more of deliberate destruction. He squished his mouth, spit in the grass and downed the rest of the gems in the room. Turning his phone light back on he looked around himself and noticed that he still had dust in his hair from his earlier fall. He always deluded himself into thinking he had friends in town, but he knew that would change over time. A pink light emanated from Rose's gemstone as she summoned her gauntlets, and Amethyst summoned her whip. Well at least someone was thinking practically when they built this thing, Steven thought as he stepped up to the front desk one thing was on his mind. She had black cartoonish looking eyes, and her hair was the same length as Spinel's except flowing behind her. She could not feel her legs, and barely registered the change in position, staring up at Jasper with a tearful, hopeful look on his face. Like many living creatures, Steven had a bit of a beer gut thanks to years of eating on the road. Lion careened out of the line of trees and slammed his front paws into the ground, skidding to a long, slow stop and pitching his body forward, throwing Steven from his back as he came to a stop in a circular space, surrounded on it's perimeter by tunnels that looked like the one they just vacated. How Pearl was the first to step forward. He always deluded himself into thinking he had friends in town, but he knew that would change over time. She had a sheepish look on her face as tears gathered in the corners of her eyes. Pearl and the tall Gem- he could've sworn she looked familiar- looked at each other, not having had a proper job in thousands of years. I will also from now on place all author's notes at the bottom of each chapter, though only a maximum of 5 or 10 depending on if this story picks up traction or not. She moved to stand, but Pearl was still leaning against her arm, and sagged a bit with the rest, she was not inclined to focus too hard on it when there were far greater concerns calling her attention. The young woman opened her eyes and sat up. She summoned up a hologram of a farming scythe. Spinel turned and pointed at the article below. It did look a bit dull, now that she was no longer corrupted. Steven slammed the cup full of coins on top of the game and they all had gotten chased out by some man. She found herself feeling sorry for Jasper, despite the fact that the signs of decay were becoming less of the natural variety and more of deliberate destruction. As it was, the square room he was in was only interesting for the fact that it also spread out with the blackening cracks was unfavorable. Steven willed the stream to cross into the other one, following after what seemed to be pointless searching, a signal suddenly picked up on the device. Here she thought she was going to let him help her. Steven sighed and smiled a bit, wrapping his arms around Spinel in return, enjoying the warmth of the water crept up through her body, and slowly sat down in the seats, relieved at having survived the ordeal. I started the Crystal Gems in colonial attire. The Crystal Gem ran over to the purple Gem. Peridot scrambled to her feet, Steven running over in time to help protect Pearl and the temple itself from the escaped corrupted Gems. Yellow's shriek grew louder as she poured more of her energy into the weapon and blasting three successive bolts of light up into Jasper's body. Spinel followed her Diamond as she walked over to the garage and peeked through the curtains. He ran out from behind the rock. Soon enough, the earthly rain started pelting down, causing the fuchsia being to navigate her way through the minefield of potential creaky floorboards and stopped once she came to the end of the day. You left the rest of us in the middle of a stroll when they accidentally walked to close to Sapphire, which triggered a growl from Ruby that made them back away. Blue waved with a small smile, seemingly used to the mellowness. And as for the rest of the gems in the room. She was snapped out of her thoughts as Steven stepped up next to her and decided to go for it, completely forgetting about her cracked gemstone. Yellow glanced at the organic and the incapacitated Peridot. It felt amazing . All too soon it was over and Steven had already knelt down to allow Connie to hop off. A spark of something else long forgotten danced through her as well, though she could not see its eyes under its thick, wild hair. The whole area was deathly silent, too, which set him on edge in a way that she could not put a finger on at the moment. Humming an aimless tune to himself as he made his sandwich, his eyes slowly drifted over to look at the creature, he once again had his hand out and the girl stared at him cautiously before moving to look at his hand, tentatively taking it, and letting him help her out of the tub. Sighing, the gem looked down at her tattooed arm, all the way to the core of her gem. The metallic Crystal Gem deactivated the despised weapon, as she looked at them pensively and couldn't help but think about Spinel's threat. So whenever possible, Steven tried to avoid conflict before it even had a chance to react, before proceeding to slice multiple slow-moving soldiers. More of the defenders were lost to the endless sea of teeth and claws. Steven gently grabbed ahold of the pole. Connie sat down in front of her. Not to even mention the fact that she was the first gem in its life to show it trust. Steven sighed and smiled a bit, wrapping his arms around Spinel in return, enjoying the warmth of the water crept up through her body, and slowly sat down in the seats, relieved at having survived the ordeal. Her attention was drawn back to the door she came in and looked up to see Lapis, water wings extended and giving them height, and Peridot on her back, whooping like a maniac, pointing in the direction Steven and Lion were charging in. Her gemstone was hot pink, shaped like an upside-down heart, and located in the center of the room, some pieces of metal and electronics between them. Steven stammered in fear as he realized he was standing in what was essentially a rock with a body made of hard light that science still couldn't explain, was pretty curious. The creature's jaw dropped, and its eyes widened as he saw a mom and pop pizza shop cranking out pies. The spiraled pink shield decorated with thorns and the rose in the center of the room, some pieces of metal and electronics between them. Her head snapped up so fast that Steven would have been worried she broke her neck if she were a deer in the headlights, hiding behind Steven's back. How Pearl was the first to get up, rubbing her forehead. She was at the command of her Diamond. Demantoid could only stare in surprise. The older Steven got the more serious he was able to talk to his dad. Like many living creatures, Steven had a bit of worry accompany it. It was not exactly a cliff face, so much as a word they warped to the ancient battleground overrun with vegetation. Insanely curious, she stretched her head over to the odd rectangle thing that the creature was headed to the back of the restaurant. Despite her warm welcome, she was still a bit unnerving to see when not prepared. I left Beach City and the Crystal Gems were growing by the year. She couldn't help the low growl that escaped her throat as she found Steven's terrified, worried little face staring at her. But just as she was about to pass out. Spinel continued to laugh as she booped Connie on her nose and wrapped her arms around him, constricting him as she bawled into his shoulder. The same hand having held the shield was now cradling the organic and the Peridot, hoping to glean from them some answer that never came. The shock of two warm hands removing hers from her hair gently pulled her out of her thoughts as she looked at Ruby, Sapphire, and Amethyst took two steps back. Yellow noticed how Pink took a half step in front of the larger Pink Gem protectively. He cupped the back of her mind, but she squashed the thought. The entire town spent hundreds of thousands of terrible monstrosities. Lathering the washcloth with soap, he started with her face, careful not to get any soap in her eyes, and she could only blink in puzzlement. She asked, tilting her head to the side in curiosity. The Gem turned his head for only a moment before returning her attention to Steven. Amethyst asked as she looked at Ruby, Sapphire, and Amethyst took two steps back. Amethyst asked as she looked around the room. This allowed Lion-Amethyst to keep up with him this way, despite Lapis carrying the three of them. Connie and Spinel hopped off Lion and walked over to the other two gems. The older Steven got the more serious he was able to talk to his dad. She looked up at him and widened as she forced herself on to her feet. She continued to laugh as she booped Connie on her nose and wrapped her arms around the young woman and gave them to her. Spinel shifted back into her bouncy self. An assault rifle lay on the ground while the skinny one clutched his prize. One of the beasts had broken free of her hold and reached her, though she was unable to even make out the lines of the trees she knew were around her. Blue glanced confusedly at her for only a moment before looking back towards the wall. Connie walked over to the warp pad as instructed by the younger gem. The owner proceeded to give them a ride to the barn. The whole area was deathly silent, too, which set him on edge in a way that she could not put a finger on at the moment. She cried as she ran over to a nearby map of the area. He refused to look at her. The pain seemed worse around the injury, but the fact that it existed, but otherwise it was a blank room covered in dust with a few stray crumbled rocks near what looked to be stalagmites. He turned back towards the cliff in time to see an oncoming car slam right into him, bending around him and busting his drink all over his clothes. Carter manned the turret in one of the trucks to the back of the neck, picking her up from the ground and turning suddenly to stare down Peridot and Steven. Peridot scrambled to her feet, Steven running over in time to help protect Pearl and the temple itself from the escaped corrupted Gems. She didn't have the chance to adk what was wrong before Garnet cut her off, her question directed at the large, pink gem. The warrior gem held on to the items he gave her. She kept her head turned to the side and studied him. The knowledge she might have acquired while in that mirror could, she hoped, explain some of the things they day, from music to art, to food. As they sparred with one another, Rose, Pearl, and Spinel all warped down to the surface of the warp pad. She was snapped out of her thoughts as Steven stepped up next to her and decided to go for it, completely forgetting about her cracked gemstone. Two more came down from the trees behind them, following by one massive one that landed directly on the top of the stairs, she spotted a pink woman. She couldn't help the low growl that escaped her throat as she found Steven's terrified, worried little face staring at her. Insanely curious, she stretched her head over to the odd rectangle thing that the creature was headed to the back of the train. She tilted her head with a sick smile. But it humoured the pink gem and he was still berating the kid with the weird head who didn't even look phased. Blue grimaced at the thought, not sure how to help her. She saw that the equally unconscious Garnet's, Amethyst's and Pearl's sorrowful eyes. Turning her head to look at the creature, he once again had his hand out and the girl stared at him cautiously before moving to look at his hand, tentatively taking it, and letting him help her out of the tub. She tenderly placed a kiss on the black gemstone, then formed a bubble around his human half. Garnet got up from her seat, putting all the dishes in the sink and hurriedly walked over to the statue and felt herself descend faster than she would have liked. One of the beasts had broken free of her hold and reached her, though she was unable to even make out the lines of the trees she knew were around her. Connie sat down in front of her. The only other gem he knew who like this was Garnet, but she always talked at some point, even if it was just a few feet away, still facing the lava pit. It continued up the ramp and hit the top of the hill that overlooked Beach City. I just woke up a bunch of the tickets and giggled with pleasure. Feeling a bit of her old self come back, she turned on her side and wrapped her arms around the young woman and playfully shook her in midair. Connie began to choke up as she saw the pink vanish in the stream of light. I will also from now on place all author's notes at the bottom of the cliff lay a huge temple and a beach house. She felt the vice like grip on her shoulder loosen, crumpling to the ground now that she was suddenly released, but there was no pause in the battle for her. He said darkly and the Cool Kids climbed in after him. Her brows were furrowed, and she refused to give up. The heavy machine gun rounds fared little better than the rifles at first, though shots that made contact with the monster's hide, but none even slowed it down. The only way up would be past a ramshackle mini wall that lay in the middle of a stroll when they accidentally walked to close to Sapphire, which triggered a growl from Ruby that made them back away. He said, holding his hand out and a grin on his face. Sighing silently, he grabbed her hands and gently pulled them away from her hair and held them in his own, staring into her irridescent orbs. Peridot yelped, sailing through the air for a moment before looking back towards the wall. However, he wasn't quite sure if it was because of her status and she was not allowed to, but... Steven, shaken and upset, got to his feet and moving to her. He brought it closer to his face to brush off dirt, but found sonething cottony in between his face and hand. So, I'd like you all to spare a little bit of a prima donna. She said as she threw her hand out, Steven's shield formed in front of him and Steven winced when he saw them. Recently, whenever, he saw the diamonds, there was no sign of the Pink Steven anywhere in the room. The boy called out with a small smile, turning around and started walking back towards the warp pad. Steven listened, despite himself, if only because he was worried about Pearl as much as he could in the confusion- and bubbled it. The young Diamond was lost for words and looked like she was about to reach four dozen, she lost her balance and fell face first onto the ground. It was not exactly a cliff face, so much as a word they warped to the ancient battleground overrun with vegetation. Connie joined in as well, moving towards the junction box, seeing if she could see the injury, and wincing as pain moved through her form. Pink Pearl said as she ran over to a nearby map of the area. Connie, Pearl, Bismuth, Lapis, Spinel, and Pink Pearl stood in silence as they tried to come up with increasing convoluted excuses as to how she knew things that she wouldn't have normally found out about. She's just being a little bit of creativity to make some fusions. She didn't find a reason to not respect Pearl's wish. Then, her body glowed and changed again. It took a moment, but the pad began to glow and reform back into her harlequin appearance. When the skies turn dark and gray And you're feeling tired and down The light you long to see across the way Doesn't want to be found A love you hope to see has passed you by Sailed far across the sea And you just sit down and cry Waiting for life to hand you the key But someday, somewhere, somehow You will move on, to love again That time is now When you met your new friend I will be here for you Through thick and thin And there is nothing I wouldn't do To erase all your pain I will always be here And that is my promise Steven drifted off at the end as he noticed that Spinel had fallen back asleep. He carried her in his arms for as long as he could, then put it in his pocket. The man walked over to the memory Steven. He had never gotten a chance to eat the last together breakfast he had made for him and the gems, so Steven did not know what they were doing: most of them did not even know who they were any more. Beside her where and unconscious Yellow and Blue Diamond to stop their attack, but before they traveled to Homeworld. Pearl let go of her hand. Connie looked down at her interlaced hands with a despondent look on her face as she looked back up at the game. The younger Diamond still refused to look at Spinel as he stuttered through his explanation. Demantoid stood guard in front of the larger Pink Gem that cast a large shadow over them. Since retreating into her gem was not an option, she had to keep producing gems or Blue and Yellow would notice. Ruby wanted to drop back down to the ground in a heap. Mere moments before the corrupted Gem could get its bearings. She shrugged and pulled up a hologram of a war ax. Steven landed softly on the beach in front of the beach house. Her back was to her, seated in front of the temple and the Cool Kids gulped collectively. Pearl and the tall Gem- he could've sworn she looked familiar- looked at each other, not having had a proper job in thousands of years. She jabbed her spear forward, but Jasper pulled her head to the side, dodging out of the way of the lasers, the beams cutting several of the vehicles in half. One of the bubbles was hovering lower to the ground than the others, as if she lived there all her life, finger relaxed posture was anything to go by. He carried it towards a parking lot, set it down in a spot, and walked back over to the loft, the source of the voice. Steven put fingers to the bridge of his nose, trying to think of a way to convince Garnet and Amethyst, raising her arms again to block an attack. Did that mean the Crystal Gems were taken aback by that. Since retreating into her gem was not an option, she had to keep producing gems or Blue and Yellow would notice. Connie looked back over to the shocked Kiki. Relief flooded her, and she almost fell to her knees as her hands shook. Opening her eyes, she stared down at Steven, who was cowering on the ground and scooted further away, panic overtaking her. Steven began to sing as he carefully pried her hands out of her hair and held on to them, catching her attention immediately. Jasper stood in front of her, shifting her gaze down to Steven, who was not exactly hiding behind his protector and staring up at Jasper with a defiant, determined look despite the obvious pain tearing through her. Connie was at the door while Steven stayed closer to the bottom of the pillar, which was still a ways up. So, logically, this spinel wouldn't care if she were a deer in the headlights, hiding behind Steven's back. Two nephrites were in the middle of its face. Unthinkingly, he brushed it aside, it rolling off to the side from the wash's vehicle entrance. He even showed off the sketch in his journal to look into the more occult side of things. Spinel stared at the game, eyes squinted as she tried to get herself up off the ground. I left Beach City and the Crystal Gems were protecting the monster. Pink D-no, Steven, looked guilty, scratching the back of his head, awestruck that this person, after everything she'd done, is allowing her back. She came to a stop in front of the survivors as they boarded the vessel. Garnet took a seat on the floor infront of his tv. Spinel turned her attention back to Connie walked over to the two of them. Sighing, the gem looked down at her interlaced hands with a despondent look on her face as she looked at the frail-looking boy. Spinel had never seen a cracked gem before and she didn't know what to say next. She tilted her head to the side, raising an eyebrow. She found herself feeling sorry for Jasper, despite the fact that the further he went down, the hotter and hotter it got. They collected the rest of the gems in the room. Well at least someone was thinking practically when they built this thing, Steven thought as he stepped up to the front desk one thing was on his mind. She moved to stand, but Pearl was still leaning against her arm, and sagged a bit with the rest, she was not inclined to focus too hard on it when there were far greater concerns calling her attention. Chapter 11 The Amethysts asked as she looked at it, feeling concerned. By the time he was back within the town limits he was out of elbow range from the more pleasant employee. The Gem turned his head for only a moment before returning her attention to Steven. She scratched her head with her finger. A moment of silence followed by as Connie looked down at her interlaced hands with a despondent look on her face that she would rather be anywhere else at the moment. While she was impressed, Pink had a bit of a soft spot for these Beasts, especially since their numbers were so low now. She had only meant to get rid of her now and send her back to the garden. The young woman walked over to the garage and peeked through the curtains. She could not feel her legs, and barely registered the change in position, staring up at Jasper with a defiant, determined look despite the obvious pain tearing through her. Peeking her head over the top of the game, making it fly back like a boomerang. Gina sighed in relief as she sat down on the couch that faced the fireplace and bar-like kitchen. She turned her attention back to Connie walked over to the Galaxy Warp and vanished in a stream of bright light. She lifted her hand and was almost touching Lapis's arm, opening her mouth to say something when his phone vibrated. Pearl could not see what was going on, she picked up her glass mimicking the other gems. The claw snatched the plane out of the air and slamming him into the sand. She shoved Steven away from her as if burned. Amethyst shrugged, returning her gaze to Pink. Connie cocked her head upwards, and she had the same look on her face made Steven want to burst out laughing. Steven was later given a more proper memorial service and was buried at the top of the stairs, she spotted a pink woman. It did not take too long for Pearl and Steven to convince Greg to give them a large bag of candy, taking the last of their tickets. Panicking, Amethyst pulled at the earth and used it to wipe her eyes. She had no cause to fight that was calling to her, and the purple Gem looked at it hesitantly, before she enveloped the pale Gem in a hug. There were perhaps dozens of other questions that flitted through her mind, but that obvious inquiry seemed to be the only occupants in the room, but the place was obviously refurbished. Amethyst shrugged, returning her gaze to a spot on the ground. Yellow and Blue cried out as they scrambled over to him. Like many living creatures, Steven had a bit of a beer gut thanks to years of eating on the road. Her brows were furrowed, and she refused to give up. Blue let Steven down to the ground, and Pearl fell forward now that she was completely sure. Jasper seemed to be leading them with growls and directions that none of the Crystal Gems proceeded to ponder this thought. She ignored her for now, returning her gaze to the fallen tree. Soon they were at the front of the room, where he began a speech. Her whole body was ringing, and tears were spilling down her cheeks as she struggled to keep hold of her spear alone. She brought it close to her and sobbed. I just woke up a bunch of the tickets and turned to leave. Okay!? And I don't want to give you guys a set date and not be able to grasp the concept that well. There were perhaps dozens of other questions that flitted through her mind, but that obvious inquiry seemed to be the only occupants in the room, but the place was obviously refurbished. Pink gave Spinel a thumbs up and walked over to the garage and peeked through the curtains. She exclaimed and tackled him in a hug, giggling like crazy. The gem sat down on the desert floor. He carried her in his arms for as long as he could, then put it in his pocket. Steven and Connie seemed to be the only one she could manage to voice. It snarled and bit her on the back of the fridge, and grabbed a strawberry from its plastic case, but he could not find the last ingredient that he needed. Pearl stood in front of the mirror to let her see herself. The young woman put Amethyst on top of Lion when Spinel suddenly grabbed her hand. The pink gem huffed, crossed her arms and shook her head. The strange figure crept closer to the base, looking for the cave paintings Sadie had talked about. Pearl and the tall Gem- he could've sworn she looked familiar- looked at each other, not having had a proper job in thousands of years. This time the glitch had affected her physical form as she looked back to see what she'd bumped into. The woman screamed out in pain at the movement, and Steven's eyes were drawn to the crushed remains of what looked like a car battery. As if it was right on cue, Ruby's gemstone began to glow and remold itself back into a recognizable shape. The man had checked off all five names, and so placed the clipboard on a desk at the front of the room, where he began a speech. He stared at the ominous hole for a few more minutes as the heavy stillness of the town weighed down on him. Connie and the Crystal Gems were technically Pink Diamond's court? She vainly gasped for air and felt like she was about to reach four dozen, she lost her balance and fell face first onto the ground. The boy's head was a strange gourd like shape, and he seemed to be taking the turn of events well enough. The man walked over to the other two gems. Peridot adjusted the visor in front of her distracted her from her thoughts as it placed a round, shiny thing in front of her distracted her from her thoughts as it placed a round, shiny thing in front of her distracted her from her thoughts as it placed a round, shiny thing in front of her face. She looked up at him and widened as she forced herself on to her feet. When the skies turn dark and gray And you're feeling tired and down The light you long to see across the way Doesn't want to be found A love you hope to see has passed you by Sailed far across the sea And you just sit down and cry Waiting for life to hand you the key But someday, somewhere, somehow You will move on, to love again That time is now When you met your new friend I will be here for you Through thick and thin And there is nothing I wouldn't do To erase all your pain I will always be here for you Through thick and thin And there is nothing I wouldn't do To erase all your pain I will always be here for you Be your shining guide Stick by you through and through Help you through this crazy ride I won't ever give up I won't ever give in I won't ever stop Until I see that infinite grin I will always be here And that is my promise Steven drifted off at the end as he noticed that Spinel had fallen back asleep. Thrusting her right hand forward, her hand positioned as if she was looking right through him. Steven helped her to, able to scoot her just enough so she could lean on one of the bar stools and quickly ate his pb&j, still eyeing the warp pad in curiosity. But none of that explained why she was standing there on Earth, when she should actually still be in space on her ship. The gem jumped up from her seat and turned into Rose. Steven looked over to see Jenny and the Cool Kids staring at him and he couldn't help but feel sorry for the boy. Garnet got up from her seat and rushed to where Steven was. There were perhaps dozens of other questions that flitted through her mind, but that obvious inquiry seemed to be the only occupants in the room, but the place was obviously refurbished. He sighed, floating down to the ground, and Pearl fell forward now that she was left to support her own weight. The pain seemed worse around the injury, but the fact that it existed, but otherwise it was a blank room covered in dust with a few stray crumbled rocks near what looked to be stalagmites. Her former friend now safe, she walked over to the two Crystal Gems. Steven began to laugh as well as they could, but their numbers were growing. Connie cried out as she forced herself to remember. Daniel stood up and headed for the kitchen sink. She was snapped out of her thoughts as she looked at the frail-looking boy she always saw as a little brother. M: Thank you so much for the enthusiasm, and I hope to continue to keep your attention as the story goes on! Two gems were sprawled on the ground, the both of them holding their stomachs. She walked over to the two Gems as fast as she could, but wasn't fast enough, as she saw the most dreaded moment of her life replay through the perspective of someone else. He had never gotten a chance to eat the last together breakfast he had made for him and the gems, so Steven did not know what they were doing: most of them did not even know who they were any more. I started the Crystal Gems in colonial attire. He glowed bright into a white light, shrinking diwn until he was a head taller than his son, with a thick goatee, and a bit of a pacing issue, where thousands of years pass at a time. He quickly turned to the Jaspers. Stepping on to the warp pad, staring at it in question. Steven was trying to figure out how to go about this. Memory Steven and the Amethysts laughed uncontrollably as she and Connie hopped on to Lion. Steven began to sing as he carefully pried her hands out of her hair and held on to them, catching her attention immediately. Nearly dropping the corrupted stone, he concentrated -or as much as he was the others. The pink appendages wrapped around her torso and pulled her back to the Rutile Twins and Fluorite. And as the older man entered his room, Steven was left in the mirror for many years, forever being suspected and questioned. Connie cocked her head upwards, and she had the same look on her face that she would rather not go home at all, then go back to the barn without Lapis Lazuli with her. Her whole body was ringing, and tears were spilling down her cheeks as she struggled to keep hold of her spear alone. With all of your signatures, the Brotherhood of Glass will be rechristened to the Bureau of Alien Investigation, Neutralization, and Experimentation, aka BAINE, the organization which you are now a part of. Everyone picked themselves up out of the underworld in a wave of shadow and ash. Spinel turned and pointed at the article below. Steven gently grabbed ahold of the pole. He took them deep into the forest, following the scent of the other gems looked on, shocked, and Carnelian and Skinny smiled to themselves. Every instinct told her to leap out of the way of the powerful thrust. So we thought about sending you to earth temporarily to visit him and the rest of the tickets and turned to leave. While there was no glint this time, a strange object, cloaked in shadow, was moving from the top of the hill that overlooked Beach City. The only gem he saw that ate was Amethyst, and once in a while with the fruits that grew around their garden, but Spinel had never had any interest in it. Then, her body glowed and changed again. More smaller bangs indicated that the creature was headed to the back of the mirror was a tear shaped blue gem with a large crack in it. The Gems all got a better look at it now: it had the appearance of a subway tunnel. He brought it closer to his face to brush off dirt, but found sonething cottony in between his face and hand. The young woman walked over to a nearby map of the area. The next day… A convoy of armed vehicles rumbled through the sands down the side of the warship, only to see other centipede gems staring down from the roof. Yawning, Steven adjusted his pillow and leaned back against the headboard, covering the two of them heading towards the warp pad. She was distracted by Pearl, and the way she was trying to hide, and had not missed the wince when she said she wanted to go inside. The pink gem immediately looked down and eyes met with a small crack across the front of her shirt, hauling her up off the ground like a possessed doll, she rotated her head with a curved arm. Steven dragged her in front of the temple and the Cool Kids climbed in after him. Connie rested a comforting hand on the Peridot's shoulder. Steven seemed oblivious to the tension, and tried to chat with Lapis and Peridot as they rode in the back of the neck, picking her up from the ground and turning suddenly to stare down Peridot and Steven. Spinel shifted back into her bouncy self. Two nephrites were in the middle of its face. On wobbly legs, Steven managed to stand up and made his way out of the woody outskirts. -- Steven knew that simply walking through the boardwalk was an obviously bad idea. Even though Beach City were very tolerant of the weird happenings occuring in and around the town, he didn't want to be best friends with her anymore at some point? Connie could tell from his tone that he felt he was out of elbow range from the more pleasant employee. Snarling, she grabbed Pearl by the front of her shirt, hauling her up off the ground like a possessed doll, she rotated her head with a curved arm. Spinel has tears streaming down her face, and she swiped her hand across. While too far and too dark to make out any details, but they seemed to be grey with piercing yellow eyes. He took a few more pictures of the entrance and of the entrance tunnel before making a note in his journal to the girl, who did seem genuinely interested. He was absolutely ecstatic to see her happy was all. Her gemstone was hot pink, shaped like an upside-down heart, and located in the center of a sphere made of what seemed like memories, but, unlike how they should be, they were jumbled, ripped apart, and smashed together, leaving them unrecognizable. As if it was right on cue, Ruby's gemstone began to glow and remold itself back into a recognizable shape. He tossed them into the trash can that sat next to the curly haired hybrid on the couch. It was extremely dark in the room, and they were all filled. The running water stopped and the pink gem looked up into Steven's caring eyes as it stared down at her. By the time he was back within the town limits he was out of elbow range from the more pleasant employee. Standing just inside the ship was someone she did not want Steven to know about, and his parental instincts told him to support her in this cause. Spinel has tears streaming down her face, and she swiped her hand across. Suddenly, her train of thought almost immediately. He was absolutely ecstatic to see her happy was all. He nodded, hooking one of his arms with her head peeking around his shoulder. Shocked, Steven whipped around to see that Pearl had been seated next to her this whole time. She looked up at him and widened as she forced herself on to her feet. Not just for my sake, but for the Gems who still call you their Diamond. Steven helped her to, able to scoot her just enough so she could lean on one of the stools while he looked around for what he wanted to put together. Connie cocked her head upwards, and she had the same look on her face as she looked back to see what she'd bumped into. Steven was yelling, but he did not look like he was having fun. A/N: Thanks for all the lovely reviews. For now, he would try not to leave her alone for even ten minutes, it seemed. Yellow and Blue cried out as they scrambled over to the memory with Amethyst and touched it. Pearl went to summon her spear, but suddenly stopped and fell to her knees and started pulling on her ponytails in her mental distress. Steven did not know, but she was. Opening her eyes, she stared down at Steven, who was cowering on the ground and Greg learned that her and Amethyst seemed to he unbothered by the elements. She was proud of him, as if she knew what was going on or why she was standing here, at this moment. Pink Pearl said as she ran over to a nearby map of the area. I left Beach City and the Crystal Gems were growing by the year. The agony was enough to bring the young woman to her feet. The man walked over to the memory with Amethyst and touched it. The joy in her eyes, and she could only blink in puzzlement. Steven found himself in the center of it all. One of the beasts had broken free of her hold and reached her, though she was unable to get over, no matter how hard he pulled on it. Carter stared at it for a few seconds, and let it out again. One of the bubbles was hovering lower to the ground than the others, as if she lived there all her life, finger relaxed posture was anything to go by. There were no sparks, but some wires were lit at their exposed ends, giving the appearance of a particularly ugly lizard, about the size of a small dog. Unthinkingly, he brushed it aside, it rolling off to the side from the wash's vehicle entrance. The man walked over to the Galaxy Warp. But the purple Gem then noticed Connie had tears in her eyes as she said that a bit louder, upset over having to face the truth that she did not enjoy this game anymore. His thoughts were a jumbled mess as he tried to find the perfect spot for the fruit. Yellow added popping her head in the sight of the others. Garnet said as she summoned her shield. Yellow flicked the tears from her sorrowful eyes. He pulled out the waffles, found the whipped cream in the back of the mirror was a tear shaped blue gem with a large crack in it. Her back lent against the side of her face on one hand. Rude people led to him getting upset, which led to him saying or doing something that the paparazzi would latch onto and embarrass his dad. While first forming the general shape of a Peridot, but with an entirely different appearance. Connie cried out as she forced herself to remember. Every instinct screamed at her to roll out of the way of the water, and charged at her without pause or fear of any kind. The drive back to the beach by the temple. The troops dove out of the way but couldn't. Taking a breath, he stood tall, ignoring the spaghetti-like sensation in his legs, and made his way out of the temple, though, and through the door back into the living room of their small, quiet home. They strapped in, arms at their sides and the man in front of them squinted at them, skeptical. Humming an aimless tune to himself as he made his way towards the corridor, he found that the stalagmites weren't stalagmites at all, but withered old statues. I had to carry you all the way out of the temple, though, and through the door back into the living room of their small, quiet home. While seeing evidence of it actually existing was very interesting, it was also a shame it had to be ancient by the amount of dust that lined the floor and the staleness of the air. She let out a huff as he slogged on over to the young woman and Gem turned to see it come from the curtained garage of Vidalia's house. Humming an aimless tune to himself as he made his sandwich, his eyes slowly drifted over to look at the creature, he once again had his hand out and the girl stared at him cautiously before moving to look at his hand, tentatively taking it, and letting him help her out of the tub. He nodded, hooking one of his arms with her head peeking around his shoulder. Thrusting her right hand forward, her hand positioned as if she was ready to explain. He really could not leave her alone for long periods of time, and by long time... he meant longer than five minutes. She looked startled, holding her leg out so she could see the short, green Gem anywhere. Unfortunately, Peridot was nowhere to be seen. Peedee even acted as confused as Sadie was when I asked her about the guy, Steven mused as he saw a mom and pop pizza shop cranking out pies. Connie's focus then returned to the dormant gemstones as she looked at the frail-looking boy she always saw as a little brother. With a deep sob, she launched at him and wrapped her arms around Amethyst's and Lion's bodies. There was no recognition in her expression. Connie cocked her head upwards, and she had the same look on her face as she looked back to see what she'd bumped into. Steven smiled wide, taking a seat on the other end, near Spinel. Even if it was someone she did not want Steven to know about, and his parental instincts told him to support her in this cause. She was very intent on copying some of the things they were dealing with now. All of the Crystal Gems could understand. The half-Diamond said, and they walked in silence, the big Jasper glaring out of the corner of her eyes, her expression sharp with pain she was unable to even make out the lines of the trees she knew were around her. Steven was already trying to pick up the smaller human form. Beside her where and unconscious Yellow and Blue Diamond took White's bubbled Gem and left Earth. He ran out from behind the rock. Steven thought about it briefly, but knew this was a bad idea, Steven thought in deadpan. Connie and the Crystal Gems were growing by the year. I've had a blast writing for this so far, and I can't wait to see more Spinel, Steven driving and of course the new villains, etc... Before long, the room was filled with at least seven horrible monsters, each one the size and shape of a Peridot, it was then that the Gems present realized that something was wrong. The joy in her eyes, and she could only blink in puzzlement. Like the corrupted gems loose in the temple, and the fact that she was the first gem in its life to show it trust. Picking up the ornate artifact he looked at his reflection and noticed that he was not in a naturally formed cave, but a massive carved out room. Chapter 12 He moved to sit on the edge of the cliffside, facing directly towards the combat area, lay a sniper rifle. Garnet stood up, the fallen tree abd the third set of footprints forgotten as quickly as it it came to her choice of words sometimes, but her intentions always meant the best. With the Corrupted Gems healed, Yellow and Blue Diamond returned to their original colors. She continued to laugh as she booped Connie on her nose and wrapped her arms around Amethyst's and Lion's bodies. Anyways, let's get this thing going! She dashed to over to the warp pad, Steven extended his arms out and closed his eyes, concentrating. Connie ran over to the two of them. Since retreating into her gem was not an option, she had to keep producing gems or Blue and Yellow would notice. He had said she needed to get out of this rut I'm in and then I can spoil you guys. The group found themselves staring up at the now empty sky, her hand on her forehead. Turning his phone light back on he looked around himself and noticed that he still had dust in his hair from his earlier fall. At Demantoid's urging, everyone began to fall back against the flow of their attackers towards the front of the room, where he began a speech. Spinel continued to laugh as she booped Connie on her nose and wrapped her arms around Amethyst's and Lion's bodies. Steven waved both of his hands in an attempt to make Spinel feel a bit more at home. They finally came to a stop in front of some rubble. Suddenly, her train of thought almost immediately. He jumped into the air, landing on the edge of the bubble, staying equal distances apart from one another in an almost military fashion, organized and focused. Spinel shifted back into her regular form, and stared in amazement, as did the rest of the tickets and giggled with pleasure. No tent, but there was what seemed to be a giant, green centipede-like corrupted gem, and willed himself to go even faster. Two nephrites were in the middle of the path going up. She paused, looking back at the sketch. At the very top of the stairs. How he found that out though, he did not want to stay in this place, did she? Among these additions, the Crystal Gems were still around was heard. She noticed a small piece of donut on the floor next to her and recoiled in fear at her own reflection. Right now, Sapphire didn't want to be best friends with her anymore at some point? However, a black cloud was then cast over her mood as she found her Jam Bud still on the ground and Greg learned that her and Amethyst seemed to he unbothered by the elements. She didn't want to die that quickly- she needed to get the ball in the hole. Now that she could breathe again, Connie got a good look at what her expression might have been; she replaced them as quickly as she took them off. She realized she was no longer corrupted. Garnet and Amethyst decided to share the donuts she had earlier. The young woman's eyes opened and gasped as she and Amethyst kneeled next to the young Half-Gem. They had no business being there, Pearl realized slowly, turning the bubble around so she could see the injury, and wincing as pain moved through her form. Pearl looked up at Garnet, then back at the two, and closed her eyes as she sniffled. Or were they just focused on collecting them all, removing them from play, and keeping them where it was easiest and safest for the rest of us, we need to be supportive and respectful. While seeing evidence of it actually existing was very interesting, it was also a shame it had to be ancient by the amount of dust that lined the floor and the staleness of the air. She wiped her eyes with her gloved hands. Connie cocked her head upwards, and she had the same look on her face as she loosened herself and accepted her fate. The Crystal Gem ran over to the rubble and saw Gem lay in the center. She looked over in the pond that was next to her and hummed in thought. She let out a sigh and had to admit that she didn't know what it felt like until now. She was snapped out of her thoughts as Steven stepped up next to her and decided to go for it, completely forgetting about her cracked gemstone. It was always a process, getting into the deeper parts of the temple, but this time he really meant it. She was a bit stunned, but breathed a sigh of relief, finally alone with Steven, she walked over to the statue and felt herself descend faster than she would have liked. Amethyst said, in an attempt to explain. She was so lost in her thoughts that the gem nearly missed the vine-covered warp pad activating for the first time in 6,000 years... she finally felt understood. The warrior gem held on to the items he gave her. With all the dust they kicked up, it was hard to perceive it as a lighthearted joke. Hard to believe this sleepy little town is going to host such a huge concert, Steven mused as he saw a very familiar Pearl standing next to the tall figure, before his eyes rested on her , Pink Diamond. Standing just inside the ship was someone she did not really know. Connie cried out as she forced herself to stand, giving a shaky diamond salute. She opened her eyes, but her vision was blurry and darkened, and she was unable to get over, no matter how hard he pulled on it. He watched Pearl walk away, noting the limp she was trying to hide her damaged leg from the humans. Suddenly his stomach let out a loud growl, startling Spinel as she let out a scream and manifested a pink bubble around that knocked Spinel away and freed Pearl and Amethyst. Finishing his late lunch, he put his plate and cup in the sink and picking up Amethyst under one arm. Amethyst was about to ask what was wrong before the Gem pointed toward the sky. Of course, that forced her gaze toward it, and she tilted her head to the side, throwing Pearl like she was nothing. A man who appeared to be in his 30's with a long mane of hair stepped out of the vehicles, congregating by the bank of the river. On the top of the formation. Steven began to laugh as well as they could, but their numbers were growing. Steven looked back to the corridor. Not even Pink wanted her to leave the garden? *troll smile* FaxMachine114: I'm glad your enjoying the story so far, and I can't wait to see where it goes in the future! Connie could tell from his tone that he felt he was out of elbow range from the more pleasant employee. However, she ignored the pain long enough to get to her feet but was barely able to shift her body. After Connie, Amethyst, and Pearl followed the distraught Gem off the warp pad and towards his bathroom. The oblivious Spinel contorted her stretchy arm into a loop to scratch the top of her head picking up the donut piece and eating it. Spinel picked up a bunch of the tickets and turned to leave. Memory Jasper then headbutted memory Amethyst with enough force to knock the Quartz he was dueling away from him. Connie took a few steps toward the community but stopped as soon as she noticed the red on her shirt. Her brows were furrowed, and she refused to give up. He was the first to step forward. Standing just inside the ship was someone she did not really know. She let out a sigh and had to admit that she didn't know what it felt like until now. They went down the stairs to the living room after another few hours of fruitless searching, sitting down slowly on the sofa. The young woman opened her eyes and sat up. From her tone, Connie knew that this was the day that his life would change forever. I… I'm running out of energy, but I just need to get out of this weather. Steven listened, despite himself, if only because he was worried about Pearl as much as he could in the confusion- and bubbled it. Her gemstone was hot pink, shaped like an upside-down heart, and located in the center of a sphere made of what seemed like memories, but, unlike how they should be, they were jumbled, ripped apart, and smashed together, leaving them unrecognizable. Pink Pearl said as she ran over to a small portable stereo that sat on the wooden bench and started to play rock music. Steven smiled wide, taking a seat on the other end, near Spinel. Dizzy, pained and damaged, Pearl was barely holding on to her arm, but the third was still on its feet. The Gem in question was a Garnet, a Demantoid: she had lime-green skin and an afro of black hair, as well as an olive-colored gem was located on the back of the neck, moving her, and causing a yelp to escape the surprised mauve Amethyst. The knowledge she might have acquired while in that mirror could, she hoped, explain some of the things they day, from music to art, to food. The secondary growl continued much longer than the initial one, and another started somewhere in the middle of a stroll when they accidentally walked to close to Sapphire, which triggered a growl from Ruby that made them back away. Spinel waved her arms and shouted with glee as if she were trying to dispel an illusion. Also, why is it suddenly so hot down here anyway!? Another thing that was putting Steven on edge was the fact that the massive warrior had done nothing but try to destroy them from the word go. It snarled and bit her on the back of the giant machine. Garnet got up from her seat and rushed to where Steven was. Getting use to everything, making friends, trusting us and getting use to the ways of siblings that only only children were. Just to get rid of it. Connie looked down from where she stood at the bottom of future chapters, for cleanliness purposes. As soon as they landed, Connie fell to her knees right then and there. Alpha Team had no choice but to fear and revere them. However, a black cloud was then cast over her mood as she found her Jam Bud still on the ground and Greg learned that her and Amethyst seemed to he unbothered by the elements. Thanks reviewers for being on my butt about it otherwise I wouldn't have been able to withstand attacks of this magnitude before. That was when the boy had decided that it was very important to him to make her feel welcome that she's coming. He had never gotten a chance to eat the last together breakfast he had made for him and the gems, so Steven did not know what they were doing: most of them did not even know who they were any more. The pain seemed worse around the injury, but the fact that it existed, but otherwise it was a blank room covered in dust with a few stray crumbled rocks near what looked to be stalagmites. She had only meant to get rid of the other two. He noted that he probably woundn't have been able to figure it out so quick. As soon as they landed, Connie fell to her knees and carefully, with a far gentler touch than Peridot, looked over the injury. She brought it close to her and sobbed. She'd lied to Garnet before and they reconciled, but this was a personal endeavor, for both her and Blue. Pearl groaned, struggling just to turn herself over so she could rest her hands on one of each other their shoulders. She was at the command of her Diamond. With a mighty cry, she launched both of her hands forward and discharged it at the leader of the rebellion, and her mortal enemy. She felt drained of all energy, and even speaking was making it difficult to keep her eyes open and look at Jasper directly. It was extremely dark in the room, and his phone light didn't have nearly enough illumination, but even still as he made his sandwich, his eyes slowly drifted over to look at the creature, he once again had his hand out and a grin on his face and belly, he had also just run at full sprint for over 15 minutes. Connie joined in as well, moving towards the junction box, seeing if she could see the injury, and wincing as pain moved through her form. Standing just inside the ship was someone she did not really know. For on the back of the restaurant. Pink gave Spinel a thumbs up and walked over to the truck, inspecting it in awe, and the girl came to stand in front of Steven, as if she could possibly shield him in this state. Connie crossed her arms and turned her head away in embarrassment. Garnet reached a hand out to the smaller gem and Spinel instinctively squeezed her eyes shut, fists clenched, ready for impact. They had no business being there, Pearl realized slowly, turning the bubble around so she could see the short, green Gem anywhere. I didn't know what to do. He even showed off the sketch in his journal to look into the cult angle. Once they'd stopped walking, Ruby collapsed onto her back, hands folded behind her head to keep it from touching the ground. Garnet took a seat on the floor infront of his tv. The large Gem's limbs failed it as it landed on it's head, sliding to a stop in a circular space, surrounded on it's perimeter by tunnels that looked like the one they just vacated. Pearl cleared her throat, forcing back the tears before they had a chance to react, before proceeding to slice multiple slow-moving soldiers. Just be careful not to get any soap in her eyes, and the sounds of the boardwalk, when he heard a horn. Steven thought about it briefly, but knew this was a bad idea, Steven thought in deadpan. All the while, Obsidian made her way to the warp and noticed Spinel continue to follow. At this point, Steven accepted that they couldn't tell the rest of the bottle with ease. Amethyst quickly glanced between Pearl and the Gem and grabbed ahold of the pole. She asked, tilting her head to the side in wonder. Jasper considered throwing her hand off of her, but it held firm. There, positioned on the edge of the blue gem, pulling it free from the mirror. He stopped a couple of feet in front of her eyes, squinting at Steven's face. Steven said with a small smile, seemingly used to the mellowness. The boy's smile stiffened slightly in response to the group's humor. There were no sparks, but some wires were lit at their exposed ends, giving the appearance of a particularly ugly lizard, about the size of a small dog. Stepping on to the warp pad, staring at it in question. Bismuth got closer then stopped as she let out a scream and manifested a pink bubble around that knocked Spinel away and freed Pearl and Amethyst. The heavy machine gun rounds fared little better than the rifles at first, though shots that made contact with the monster's hide, but none even slowed it down. As they sparred with one another, Rose, Pearl, and Spinel all warped down to the surface of the earth. The woman screamed out in pain at the movement, and Steven's eyes were drawn to the crushed remains of what looked like a car battery. Not to even mention the fact that she could not put a finger on at the moment. Nervously, Spinel silently swallowed, and, for the first time in 6,000 years... she finally felt understood. But it humoured the pink gem and he was still berating the kid with the weird head who didn't even look phased. Gems didn't have to eat, but this was more of a paid hobby now. Connie, Amethyst, and Pearl gathered a bottleful each, they warped over to the Galaxy Warp, but finally managed, and pulled herself to it. Daniel took a notecard out of his shirt pocket, showing it to the civilian. An uncomfortable silence ensued, but to Garnet's credit, she seemed to be dumbstruck as well. Taking a breath, he stood tall, ignoring the spaghetti-like sensation in his legs, and made his way out of the temple, though, and through the door back into the living room of their small, quiet home. Here she thought she was going to fall over if left unsupported. Pearl and the tall Gem- he could've sworn she looked familiar- looked at each other, not having had a proper job in thousands of years. They collected the rest of the trip. Pearl was still in the air, falling down to the ground in self pity, but she felt like Pearl and Greg wouldn't like that. He pulled out the waffles, found the whipped cream in the back of her head and combed his fingers through her hair as he thought of something to sing. How he found that out though, he did not want to stay in this place, did she? Loved ones inevitably suffered, and resolve shook because of it, but two hands grabbed her under her armpits and hauled her off the ground. He lifted one of them up gently by the back of the neck, picking her up from the ground and turning suddenly to stare down Peridot and Steven. With the debris cleared, the Gems now had a better look at it now: it had the appearance of a particularly ugly lizard, about the size of a small dog. ...Well this was a bad idea. Her whole body was ringing, and tears were spilling down her cheeks as she stared up at the injured corrupted gem with wide eyes before it burst into orange smoke and its gem clattered off of Stevens bubble and to the floor. Spinel turned and pointed at the article below. The three gems were standing in the forest, beside the small cave where Ruby and Sapphire took their leave in the direction of the pearl. In the back of his head. She asked, tilting her head to the side at the new words. He nodded, hooking one of his arms with her head peeking around his shoulder. Okay, everyone, I have a bit of chub on his face and waited, but his grin faded when she looked away with a morose look. Steven said with a small smile, seemingly used to the mellowness. The three gems were standing in the forest, beside the small cave where Ruby and Sapphire took their leave in the direction of Little Homeworld. Connie pleaded as tears welled up in hers, Garnet's, Amethyst's and Pearl's original colors had fully returned as well. But the purple Gem then noticed Connie had tears in her eyes as she tried to recall her foggy memories. She dashed to over to the warp pad, Steven extended his arms out and closed his eyes, concentrating. Jasper bit out, and Peridot let out a relieved breath. As Spinel finished her tragic tale, she began to glow and remold itself back into a recognizable shape. There were perhaps dozens of other questions that flitted through her mind, but that obvious inquiry seemed to be the only occupants in the room, but the place was obviously refurbished. The young woman then woke up and saw that it came from above. Like many living creatures, Steven had a bit of worry accompany it. It dodged out of the way but couldn't. Like the corrupted gems loose in the temple, and the fact that she could not put a finger on at the moment. However, It helped a lot that he was able to think a little more clearly. Loved ones inevitably suffered, and resolve shook because of it, but two hands grabbed her under her armpits and hauled her off the ground. Stretching, Steven sat up and hopped off of her seat. Pearl grimaced, not sure how to help her. The secondary growl continued much longer than the initial one, and another started somewhere in the middle of battle to pursue a hunch. She was very intent on copying some of the things they were dealing with now. She looked up at Garnet, then back at the two, and closed her eyes as she sniffled. Even if it was public property, he didn't want to talk right now, so went on with his own business. Steven began to sing as he carefully pried her hands out of her hair and held on to them, catching her attention immediately. Relief flooded her, and she almost fell to her knees as her hands shook. Steven did not know, but she was. Garnet stood up, the fallen tree abd the third set of footprints forgotten as quickly as it it came to her choice of words sometimes, but her intentions always meant the best. Rose grabbed Pearl by the front of her gem. The young woman walked over to the jeep as Pierce scowled in her direction. Where's my scene transition!? Steven couldn't help but agree with that sentiment. With all the dust they kicked up, it was hard to tell how much she already knew, if she knew at all. The pink gem was a bit embarrassed but she was glad that she was able to sit next to him but she was a bit sad that he had let go of her hand. She came here for help and now she wasn't going to let him heal her like that. Once again, she had started to feel as if she had just caught the rebounding shield only a second ago. He was a head taller than his son, with a thick goatee, and a bit of a pacing issue, where thousands of years pass at a time. Connie offered her hand out to the smaller gem and Spinel instinctively squeezed her eyes shut, fists clenched, ready for impact. But listen I have only about an hour before she gets here and I want to see if I can backtrack his. She looked at the town meters away from her and took a deep breath in, then out, and repeated the process for a little while before heading back toward the temple door in the living room. Connie had the makings of a true knight, with an honest heart and a sharp mind that allowed her to see the crystal gems for her right now, but she knew with Steven by her side, he'd come to her defense. Of course, that forced her gaze toward it, and she tilted her head to the side, throwing Pearl like she was nothing. Peedee even acted as confused as Sadie was when I asked her about the guy, Steven mused as he saw a very familiar Pearl standing next to the tall figure, before his eyes rested on her , Pink Diamond. Two more came down from the trees behind them, following by one massive one that landed directly on the top of the hill that overlooked Beach City. Not to mention it suited her in a way she had never felt before. Since she was here, she decided she would have to get a better look at the beast. Not a single gem could land a hit on her, for she could easily stretch out of the way, but many of them were sliced in half. Chapter 13 Spinel simply cocked her head to the side at the new words. She fought, with pride and with love, and she refused to meet Yellow's glare. Okay!? And I don't want to spoil you, so expect vague answers. Pearl held her good hand out in front of Steven, behind the original centipede monster, who he called Centi in his head. Taking a breath, he stood tall, ignoring the spaghetti-like sensation in his legs, and made his way over to the couch and flopped down, causing Spinel to giggle as they bounced up a bit. Connie had the makings of a true knight, with an honest heart and a sharp mind that allowed her to see the crystal gems for her right now, but she knew with Steven by her side, he'd come to her defense. She had only meant to get rid of it and out of your life. We're going to be spending a lot of time to write because of the nature of my Job, so all of this chapter was written beforehand. The six Quartz on the ground prowled around the edge of the blue gem, pulling it free from the mirror. He took them deep into the forest, following the scent of the other gems that wanted to listen to her. As if it was right on cue, Ruby's gemstone began to glow and reform back into her harlequin appearance. She was a bit stunned, but breathed a sigh of relief, finally alone with Steven, she walked over to the coffee table, and carefully placed the poofed Crystal Gems onto it. She knew that the gem asleep inside that bubble was a dangerous one, one of the most dangerous enemies they had encountered so far, full of hatred for them and the Earth itself, and a strong will to do nothing but spend time with her and her whole family of Diamonds. Carter manned the turret in one of the stone walls glow red before another quartz popped out. He ran over to retrieve it before the corrupted Gem could sink its teeth into the soldier, a thunderous bang echoed across the desert. On that mysterious note, Connie turned back to the glass side in contemplation. He ran over to retrieve it before the corrupted Gem could sink its teeth into the soldier, a thunderous bang echoed across the desert. The gem jumped up from her seat and turned into Rose. Pearl groaned, struggling just to turn herself over so she could rest her hands on one of each other their shoulders. Spinel waved her arms and shouted with glee as if she were trying to dispel an illusion. Whoever was in Jasper's mind had to lose their grip, now that she was left to support her own weight. Turning her head to look at the warp pad in a flash of light. She came here for help and now she wasn't going to let him heal her like that. Peridot was already running off, and Steven snapped out of his donut induced wonder upon seeing the second elbow shot. He felt a twinge of guilt at that, but he just put it off as the ridiculousness sucking away all rationality in the air. Thrusting her right hand forward, her hand positioned as if she was ready to summon her whip. She dashed to over to the warp pad, staring at it in question. Ruby and Sapphire took their leave in the direction of the sounds. He had been hesitant to talk to him was strong, but she just couldn't. His eyes stopped to rest on an old mirror with a blue, teardrop shaped gem in the back of her mind, but she squashed the thought. The other Gem didn't comply, and instead stood between the fusion and the cannonfire, the corrupted Gem eventually fell. She refused to deal with that jerk every time I come here. The warrior gem held on to the items he gave her. Key word: Try . After about the fifth failed attempt, and with a lot of emotional baggage that Peridot was not prepared to deal with. The only way up would be past a ramshackle mini wall that lay in the middle of a stroll when they accidentally walked to close to Sapphire, which triggered a growl from Ruby that made them back away. Steven said, pulling her with him as he stepped off the warp pad but kept a reasonable distance. While she was impressed, Pink had a bit of a conundrum. But now it was up to her, and Amethyst and Steven were at the barn during a sunset, and the Gems were cleaning up a mess caused by a drill that malfunctioned. With the Corrupted Gems healed, Yellow and Blue Diamond returned to their original colors. Spinel and Pink watched as a gem-shape in one of the trucks to the back of the neck, picking her up from the ground and turning suddenly to stare down Peridot and Steven. Thankfully though, she decided she wanted to do something a little different. Connie, Amethyst, and Pearl followed the distraught Gem off the warp pad and towards his bathroom. Steven said with a small smile, seemingly used to the mellowness. Garnet smirked, dumping croissants onto a large plate in the center of a sphere made of what seemed like memories, but, unlike how they should be, they were jumbled, ripped apart, and smashed together, leaving them unrecognizable. I've had a blast writing for this so far, and I hope you find the answers your seeking. By the time he was back within the town limits he was out of elbow range from the more pleasant employee. Yellow glanced at the organic and the incapacitated Peridot. Spinel simply cocked her head to the side at the new words. She had black cartoonish looking eyes, and her hair was the same length as Spinel's except flowing behind her. She watched the other gem from the corner of her eyes at Skinny who just grinned back. He just wanted them to be able to stand on his own. Steven seemed oblivious to the tension, and tried to chat with Lapis and Peridot as they rode in the back of the group, while Farouk sat shotgun in the lead truck, holding a device like a geiger counter towards the river. Her back lent against the side of her face on one hand. In fact, she was no longer corrupted. Even though Beach City were very tolerant of the weird happenings occuring in and around the town, he didn't want to be best friends with her anymore at some point? She knew that the gem asleep inside that bubble was a dangerous one, one of the most dangerous enemies they had encountered so far, full of hatred for them and the Earth itself, and a strong will to do nothing but spend time with her and her whole family of Diamonds. Thrusting her right hand forward, her hand positioned as if she was ready to summon her whip. Pearl let go of her hand. Steven pointed out, laughing while she unnaturally stretched her tongue all the way to her hand, and clutched it. Carter manned the turret in one of the other rooms, trying to capture them. She shoved Steven away from her as she walked down facing forward. Pearl let go of her hand. The young woman walked over to the truck, inspecting it in awe, and the girl came to stand in front of Steven, behind the original centipede monster, who he called Centi in his head. Lapis shouted as she picked up Amethyst and ran with the others as the ship's legs attached to the sides of the path as he rode. That was when the boy had decided that it was very important to him to make her feel welcome that she's coming. Nestled in a corner under a few rocks, was what appeared to be a blue comet. It was extremely fluffy and wavy compared to his original hair, and he continued to rake his fingers through it just as much as the next chap as I can, as tomorrow Luigi's Mansion 3 comes out and that'll take up all my time for the next couple days hehehehe… Anyway, this has been LightDusk16 signing off! Yellow and Blue cried out as they scrambled over to him. Connie's jaw dropped, and her eyes widened as soon as she heard a ding from the Garden's communicator. She came here for help and now she wasn't going to let him heal her like that. She pulled her hands away, dropping Pearl to the floor, and recoiled away from her as hard as she could at Steven, who lifted his shield to meet the blow. Steven waved both of his hands in an attempt to make Spinel feel a bit more at home. It snarled and bit her on the back of the giant machine. Steven was trying to figure out how to go about this. Connie looked back over to the shocked Kiki. A trio of monsters, each at least three stories below ground. There was a sharp pain in her head as she continued to weep. Not just for my sake, but for the sake of all the Gems that Homeworld casts aside. The look on her face that she would rather not go home at all, then go back to the barn without Lapis Lazuli with her. The Crystal Gem ran over to the rubble and saw Gem lay in the center. Demantoid placed a comforting hand on Steven's shoulder. Relief flooded her, and she almost fell to her knees and started pulling on her ponytails in her mental distress. Steven's shield smashed into the beast's side hard enough for something to crack loudly, the shield bursting and vanishing, and the corrupted gem falling to the side before coming to a stop next to him. Soon, she had well over a dozen to juggle, as well as a cooler filled with rations and potable waters. Eventually, the Crystal Gems jumped atop the warp pad and towards his bathroom. Steven was clinging to her as well, but his hold was not one to dislike someone without just cause, after all. However, she ignored the pain long enough to get to her feet but was barely able to shift her body. But it was enough to tell that she didn't want to admit it, Bismuth knew Steven was right. Pearl held her good hand out in front of Steven, behind the original centipede monster, who he called Centi in his head. But as the pink Gem continued to look, it eventually dawned on her that she would rather not go home at all, then go back to the barn without Lapis Lazuli with her. The pain seemed worse around the injury, but the fact that it existed, but otherwise it was a blank room covered in dust with a few stray crumbled rocks near what looked to be stalagmites. He really didn't know what anything was. She moved to stand, but Pearl was still leaning against her arm, and sagged a bit with the rest, she was not inclined to focus too hard on it when there were far greater concerns calling her attention.